Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 31, 2008

Energy flows where thought goes
Thought is energy is it not a nothing.. God created by thought... then speaking so it was ..everything, every invention, every action first starts with thought... look around nothing you see did not first have its origin in thought.
Didn't Jesus say if you thought it you have done it.. in those words Jesus was high- lightening the power of thought... A thought.. is also an intention, if you are thinking it you are on some level intending it to be.. be it good.. or be it bad. Your thought has an intention that walks with it. I was with a dear friend today and he said well I just thought of it I did not act on it. Now on a human level that is correct, that is "social correct". It is said on a human level thoughts are harmless; it is the acting upon them that makes for socially acceptable behavior or asocial behavior. But that is thinking like man thinks. I remember Jesus saying to Peter in the Gospel, you think like man thinks.. not like God thinks...
God holds thought on a higher level then we do, and if he is holding it on a higher level, we should be trying to control thoughts and intentions. Such as the next time someone really annoys you and you think in your mind mind ..drop dead creep.. or this one is a real pain, they just need to get lost. With hostility of intent... remember in the mind of God, in his thoughts, your thoughts and intent have already hurt this person, even though in our world we did not act on thought (so we think it is acceptable, in so doing we think like man, not God) God's world you did the harm and you are accountable.
You ever go into a room and you feel "bad energy there" hostility though there is no fighting, arguing, etc.. yet there is something not right there.. such are thoughts that damage. Indeed mob mentality is driven by the energy of thought and intent... I once heard that Satan's playground is your mind. Control your thoughts get the bad guys out of the playground. Use your mind to learn to form thoughts of love, compassion and mercy. Do not be at the mercy of your thoughts grab a hold of them.. think love, think happy, think peace, think restoration... Then you will be love, then you will be happy, then you will be peaceful, then you will be restored and so will the world.
It is true that it takes less energy to co-operate then it takes to oppose, you were made to love, so stop opposing the truth within you. Go with your internal flow of love be that channel of grace and peace you were created to be.

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