Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 24, 2008

Now that is Power:
To say that I have a unusual life is akin to saying fish like to swim... I have friends in all walks of life, most not knowing anything about the "mystic part of me"... I relate a story here from when I was in Washington, DC recently. One of these friends of mine asked me to attend a party with them, due to the nature of the job this person has, this party was a room filled with people involved with the government on a very high level. All of these people were A type personalities to say the least. As I normally do at such things, I walk around the room introduce myself to people ask how they are doing listen to their conversation a bit, and more on to the next one. I heard talk of foreign affairs and policy makers, "big names" thrown around here and there, on who spoke to who. Within this room I thought are all the movers and shakers of the government, those behind the scenes not known by the outside world.
Then as usual my mind drifted at this party to Jesus and I thought of the musical, Jesus Christ Superstar... In that play there is a song, "Jesus" sings, the lyrics are:
Neither you Simon nor the fifty thousand
Nor the Romans
Nor the Jews
Nor the priests nor the scribes
Nor doomed Jerusalem itself
Understands what Power is
Understands what Glory is
Understands at all...understands at all...
I thought of this song because there in that room, were people thinking they stood within the power of the world, which, on a pure reality level they do, yet on a level of pure truth they do not... they stand within human power, not the power of God...they stand within the power of weapons, policy, money and human control... the power of man... which, is not a power of love and mercy for the most part but one of personal agenda or governmental agenda.
And I thought what power do I want to be subject to and I knew without a doubt and said this prayer....Dear God, keep me close to you and not subjected to the power of man. At that moment I knew as I always did, yet lost track of, I am powerful through prayer, I am powerful through love, I am powerful through compassion and mercy. I am powerful enough to change policy, I am powerful enough to change governments, not in taking a hard stand as governments do but by the gentleness of a dove, not with a heavy hand but a gentle touch on the person and souls of others. With faith I am a force to be reckoned with and this I have seen with my own eyes in the past.
There will come a day when real power comes back to earth, and takes stock of those in power now, and they will see with their own eyes as well, that their power was not of God, for it will evaporate before them and they will stand naked, only clothed with their power to love, and the Power of the Creator, will judge them how they used this power to love
I am going to add to this writing with a topic that might cause me harm or at least ill will from some... but today I was asked by someone if the "Lord" spoke to me about the elections ... I have had many conversations with "Jesus" in regards to humanity, all of humanity. God is God to the universe not just a locale... So I am going to answer the question that was asked of me with the following writing..
I am going to take on the topic of deviant behavior and other "evil people", in what ever profession they may be in... People in all professions, be they doctors, politicians, teachers, priests, whatever....even future presidents.... are all called out of the community/society they were not made in a vacuum. These men and women are not magical beings somehow immune to that which is preexisting within society from hence they stem... To lay blame on God, because there have been evil people or deviant people is to misplace blame. We live in a fallen world and society itself has produced these men and women, doing so when they do not stand up themselves for what is right, good and honorable. The blame is upon the doorstep of everyone here, every single soul who instead of doing something about pornography, hatred, child abuse, family violence, mental illness and deviant behavior chooses to sit back and say.. well that is freedom of the press, who cares who hates who, or another kid was hurt or killed in a far away place who cares, family violence oh they deserve each other, mental illness deny them health care.
People of faith are not getting the fact that we are a community of saints we are linked together, we will get out of the body what we put into it... like garbage in, garbage out... If you secretly are lusting, we will be given more people of lust to lead us, (lust comes in many ways it can be sexual, it can be financial, it can be power within society, it can and is any means of control over another individual geared at taking away their worth in a lame effort to gain personal power), if you are secretly taking some sick delight in someones sorrow you will get more sorrow in the world. If you are not taking care of children we will get more children hurt and injured in society. There are no secrets before God, he knows the hearts and minds of all and his grace flows in the direction of your mind frame and ability to love. Do not expect God to send men and women of honor into any profession if the people they are to serve are not first that.
Is God to say, let me send good and honorable people...when I am kicked out of their schools, kicked out of their lives and work places... who instead of reading things to elevate the consciousness choose to read smut and pornography, who instead of honoring their mother and father's they abandon them and cause them harm, instead of helping their fellow brothers and sisters, they do what they can to hurt them, by cheating in business, denying them care or assistance... these things called social justice are formidable to God, he is really big on justice, deny it to others and you will be denied it as well in areas that will come out of no where... If you refuse to love, and deny others justice the only thing left for you to stand before with God is his wrath..
There is a guise of conservatism as well as liberalism that prevails in society, when it is really big business/consumerism that produces these people of destruction among us...anything to make a buck be it porn, higher prices so people can not eat, deny whole areas of the world food and water because of a political stance... these things are pure evil and when we do not stand up against evil be it within our own hearts, homes or around the world we are part of it... it is true the statement of St. Augustine, if you sit in the mist of sin and you do nothing you will not remain guiltless. We are a body, a mystical body, this body of believers on the planet is sick and we all need to try and heal it as a collective.
In ancient times God responded to the Jews with a King that they wanted; their thoughts and complaints went up to God and he responded to them... you want a King, you want someone to lord over you, instead of me, okay here you deal with this guy... We are saying to God now, hey we want a human gospel, we want to do our own thing, we want men of science and the world to tell us the mysteries of life, we want to have fun don't place your commandments or laws upon us we are free thinkers....we are free people...we can take care of ourselves...we are allowed our personal truth, we do not have to believe in any one personal truth or absolute truth... So God is answering us back with...okay then here you go deal with these people, you want to follow the ways of people and society here this is what you will get... you get perversion, you get chaos.... If society goes with the flow so to say of personal truths do not be surprised if one day it is washed away. Absolute truth is like a dam that holds back the destructive waters of man... You want good and holy leaders be such, you want a merciful society be such, you want justice for all be such, you want love to prevail be such, you want to experience the grace of God in the world, pray for it and be it.....

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