Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proclaim the God, but deny the power, how does that work?

I have met many people who say they believe in God... this is a good thing... yet upon further discussion with these same people, they question God's power. If you believe in God, by the nature and the logic of belief and per the definition of the word God...he is power... he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, where ever he wants... he is without limitation, with out boundaries and without independent need, from anyone or anything to do what ever he chooses to do. He wants it done, it is done, nothing is going to stop him.

Yet throughout human history people have felt God impotent in some fashion for they felt... they needed to kill others, "In the name of God"... or they needed... to destroy civilizations ...."In the name of God"... I think...okay, the God I know, he wants someone dead..they are dead... he wants something gone ... it's gone... God does not need a "hit man"...God is not taking contracts out, hiring others to destroy in his name.

Then I think of the commandment "thou shall not take the lord's name in vain"... most think of this commandment on a very superficial level..such as, I just swore and I used the name of God in doing so I broke a commandment, which, is true. Did you ever consider this... maybe using the name of God in vain also points to when God's name is used, to kill someone in his name, to hurt or destroy someone or something in his name, to do anything outside of love in God's name...
Anyone who does anyone harm in the name of God is taking his name in vain, is taking God's name and defiling it... God is a very powerful... so please remember he does not need you as a hit man, he does not need you as an instrument of hate and war, he needs you as an instrument of peace and love....

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