Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hooked and rolling
First I want to give a "shout out to Jesus", this God/ Man so totally rocks! Do you know he is monitoring your every thought, your everything. I want to give you an example; my thoughts were about being homeless and with out anyone ...actually I was kind of feeling sorry for myself.

We are here on earth to learn to love, first God and through him each other then all creation. Yet yesterday as they say, I wasn't feeling the love.

Yesterday, my car broke down for the third time in two weeks. I think the car club that does the towing on my car, knows my ID number by heart. Yesterday I was a bit ticked off at the car, my housing situation, etc. As I was waiting for the tow truck this time, I skimmed through a book of miracles a Jewish friend of mine sent to me, all these miracles involved Jesus... Soon I heard the tow truck next to me.

Once the car was hooked to the tow truck, I got into the cab of the truck for my ride to the garage. The driver of the truck was very friendly and as it happens to me many times, this man opened up to me his personal and private thoughts on many things. (I asked him if I could share these stories on the blog and he said yes)... This man, (I will call him "David"), said that he was a former drug addict, and at age 13 he and his friends stole a car. They were arrested in NYC and "David" was taken to a juvenile detention center. There he stayed for nearly a year for his parents refused to come and get him. When "David", was finally released from the center by a friend coming to get him, "David" was sent back to his home, because of his age. The home and the parents that did not care enough to even come to pick him up at the detention center. To say that "David" was ticked off at his parents is to small a statement. "David" hated his parents for what they did, for not coming to help him, so he ran away, he was 14 at the time. For the next 3 years he was homeless, lived in an abandoned train station by himself for three years. During this time he went to high school and at night had a part time job so he could feed himself.

I asked "David", if he was scared being so young and alone, he said no. He went on to tell me how he "hot wired" the electricity and heat to work in the area of the building he was staying in. After three years of doing this and getting his high school diploma he was able to rent a small place.

"David" went on to say, he married and it did not work out. Upon the failure of the marriage "David" gave his wife and son their house and once again became homeless. Sleeping this time in abandoned cars for nearly 3 months, until once again he could afford a place to live.

"David" told me on one very cold night he broke into a Catholic church just to get warm. The next day he replaced the window he broke at the church and apologized to the priest. The priest asked, why he did this and he told the priest his whole life story as he told me on this day. The priest asked him, "do you think God helped you all these years".... "David", answered... of course he did, going on to tell this priest, hey didn't you ever hear.... you got a friend in Jesus...

Now my new friend, "David", the tow trucker driver was telling me about what he experienced being homeless. Apparently if it rained to hard, "David", as a homeless person would look up into the sky and say... hey can you stop the rain I am getting wet and it stopped. "David" always "found" a place to sleep indoors when it was cold and "David" always felt someone was watching over him even when he was so alone for so many years....

I spent about 30 minutes of my day today with "David" and I probably will never see him again, yet I will always remember him. When I said good-bye to "David" I hugged him and thanked him for sharing his story with me... with that he looked up to the sky and said "remember you have a friend in Jesus".... so I am going to pass on my new friend's advice to you... remember you have a friend in Jesus....
"David", the tow truck driver...a simple man, of great faith... now he is a mystic!!! He knows God.....

The title to this writing is Hooked and Rolling... that is expression "David", used when he hooked my car to his truck and we were on the road. I think this man is also hooked and rolling with God.
We all need to be hooked and rolling with God.....

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