Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I killed a chipmunk today
I killed a chipmunk to day, I saw it in the road and beeped my horn to get it out of the way, but it turned on a dime and ran back towards the car. I heard the thud and looked in my mirror to see this poor creature on the road, I started to cry. This tiny creature was just trying to pass by, not knowing of vehicles and dangers in its way, just going about its day. Now it is gone, no longer here and it is all because of me.. I am so sorry, God, I did not mean to do this, maybe the horn frightened it, and made it turn back into the road...maybe I should have stopped and waited...
I tried to get this creature out of the way by beeping my horn, of course it didn't understand.. the beep was to help, not to destroy... I know all forms of life are precious to you; so with the death of this chipmunk I morn. I know that this creature so small and unnoticed, was never so with you... for in the Gospels, you speak of foxes who have liars and birds having nests, and before a bird falls from the sky your father knows. You even spoke of the lilies in the fields on how magnificently they are dressed. Yes, all things on earth matter to you... every blade of grass is even noticed by you. Please dear God, make me a good steward of all things large and small upon this planet, forgive me for beeping and causing you harm, in the small creature I see motionless on the road. I beg you dear Lord, pick up this little creature and give it new life, in a place where it can run and play in the sun, not having to worry about people such as me; hurrying about and not wanting to stop their car... to let a creature go by. Choosing to beep and just fly by, causing fear and harm for those on the road.
Please forgive me, for all the times I did not stop when others needed me to do so; I just blew my horn at them as well.. I look back in the mirror of time and see them on the road. I left them injured and in pain by my lack of patience, not taking the time to just stop, and wait for them to clear the road, some were on the road of loneliness, some on the road of pain and suffering, some on the road of hurt.... I did not stop to help them get across their road, I just beeped and drove by... I ran them over as well, Lord, please, please, forgive me... for I am so very sad, you see I killed a chipmunk today and he is like an instrument of awareness to me for all the others, I injured along the road of this life as well.

1 comment:

Kenneth Robinson said...

Confession: I killed Chipmunk Zee. I killed him with a ten pound weight in a plastic bag. I heard his faint, Chipmunk death rattle. I killed him because I loved him and he was in pain. The mousetrap broke his neck. I thought it might be a chipmunk getting into the garage, based on droppings I’d found. I’d meant to look up “chipmunk droppings” images on the internet to see if I were right. Twice before, the traps were triggered and nothing caught. Those were almost certainly the chipmunk. I have deactivated the other trap with a pencil. I loved him so much. I don’t understand why this is my life. I am a loser and failure, even at bird feeding, I go too far in trying to stop a pest. I should remove myself from the world. Chipmunk Zee will never come again when I call. He was paralyzed when I picked him up, but still faintly breathing. He was still beautiful, but there were three, big drops of blood. I already lied to my neighbor, saying I hadn’t seen the chipmunks today. Why do I exist?