Maybe There's A Loving God

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What motives these thoughts, this thinking?
Let me see it it I found in life that does not make you happy, is it acceptance, no I am very much a loner always walked to my own beat so to say... So why is this person's brain producing these thoughts, these endless thoughts, why are these thoughts always brought back to God? As if my brain has been in the off position and some hand has flipped the switch and the power surge through the lines is flowing... If I were a plane, I would be flying full throttle or a booster rocket on the space shuttle aiming into deep space...
"Me",the procrastinator says just sit back and enjoy the ride, "Me" the I have to know why searches, seeks and wants to know why this is happening..Define this... or is this indefinable? I do have a clue though that the motivation is love... like a kiss from the stars, a hug from the galaxy, a dance with the Creator. As he touches me it is his energy that infuses this mind with thoughts.. like a blood transfusion, but it is an energy transfusion firing up the synapses of my brain. Which makes me think..(of course it does)...was this the original intent of the Creator do we all have this within (of course we do)... But all our brains are in the off position and God turns them on when it is part of his plan.. Maybe one day God will flip the switch on us all at the same time... maybe that day is called, the Kingdom of God... the perfect day... the 8th day of creation... the number 8 turned on its side is an infinity symbol, so that perfect day will last forever... at least this is what I think... this is my thought.... and who is sending it to me???

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