Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not a Crowd "Pleaser"
Although, Jesus did draw many large crowds in his time, he was not, a crowd "pleaser". No, Jesus told it like it was and let the chips fall where they may. I am sure many were attracted to his candor, his style, yet I am sure that many were attracted to miracles that accompanied him, possibly some came for the free food (as in the multiplying of the fishes and loaves)... Yet no matter why they came... the important thing is they were never turned away, they were all welcomed with this man called ,Jesus. Oh course he knew as God, what was in the hearts of the people, yet still no matter the intent, Jesus had an open door policy. Which at the time really ticked other people off ... with such things as how can he be the son of God and sit with tax collectors, whores and drunks... no way he is a fake, a phony, as a matter a fact he must be from the devil... Jesus did not care about the words thrown his way, he cared about the people. Thinking back upon Jesus at that time in history, I think he must have been the topic of conversation in households, as the way political candidates are now...
There were the supports and the detractors of this "candidate for bringing salvation"... this candidate called, Jesus Christ... Now at the time there were other candidates in the running... there were other people, who claimed to be the Messiah, at the time as well. They had some pretty strong platforms as well... Some were preforming "miracles", as they knew them to be back then and doing other amazing is not as if Jesus was a lone candidate at the time, there were others trying to be elected to the position...
Jesus knew all this of course he did...and here is where he starts to distinguish himself... you know how politicians now a days, (maybe always), will say anything to get elected. They will waffle on issues, change midstream, if polls show their strategy not to be working, they will play to their audience at hand. Not so with Jesus he was firm in his position never waffled, never played to the crowd. In doing so Jesus showed himself to be a man of truth, not circumstance or situation. His truth was placed into the arena, into the crowd each and every time. If it were for nothing else, this man called Jesus Christ is distinguishable in human history for that fact alone, that he was honorable, and unique in his ability to stand firm in truth, even unto death. All he had to do at the time of his trial was to know what I changed my position (as many politicians do) and he would have been saved..but he did not he stood in truth. Jesus knew and knows something about truth you cannot kill it, you cannot wish it away, it lives separate and distinct. Jesus came, to deliver truth upon earth it did not die, on that day called Good Friday, it lives forever, it always has, it always will...
As for me, there is still a candidate out there for me, he is called Jesus Christ, I see him in every face no matter what they call themselves or are called. I see in them the honorable man called Jesus Christ, who came to deliver truth to each and everyone on this planet...
This position of mine I am sure will cause people to call me names as well as it caused people to call Jesus names... but that is okay I have never been a crowd "pleaser" either...

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