Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, October 27, 2008

Behold the lilies of the fields, not even Solomon in all his glory could compare to these.... I would like to be a flower like that... but I am a late bloomer. Yet God knows this that is why he added some, "miracle" grow to the soil around this plant, in the hopes that soon I will bloom for him. I am trying dear Father, maybe if you added more Son-shine upon me I can burst forth with a bloom for you. I already have seen much in the way of rain on this plant, even been buried in the snow, suffering through frost and wind as well. But I am still here and I am trying Father... please I need the warmth of your Son's-shine upon me... with the Son shinning on me I can bloom and live another season, not just as an annual but as a perennial....
p.s. Father can you pick off the first flower and place it in your lapel so I can be close to your heart always...
But wait now that I think... a life without love is like a tree without fruit, a plant without blossoms.. I know what will get me to grow faster, I need to add more love to the soil.. and grow deep roots in this love so when the winds come again, the snow and the frost I will never again have to worry about being damaged or lost...

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