Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 24, 2008

Modern Warfare
Most people consider modern warfare as being high-tech with such things as smart bombs. I consider modern warfare in a different, more deadly way; mankind releasing warfare on each other through character assassinations, power and money games, directed at destroying reputations and personal lives. Or stripping away of human dignity by compromising people through shortages, be it economic, medical or emotional.
Modern warfare is more sinister than bombs, for the real evil is never seen, only its fruit. I speak of the warfare on the children, on third world countries with policies proposed to control their population and thus reducing them to the status of stray animals needing to be controlled. The greatest warfare is leveled against God himself, in the battle to keep him out of our lives.
No, warfare is much more then battlefields and weapons. It is an attack on the structure of the family and parental authority, it is an attack on women and children who are looked upon as objects in pornographic materials, it is an attack on the elderly and the sick, limiting the care they are given, and against the homeless and the poor.
Smart bombs are no match for smart people out to get whatever they want. Real evil and destruction is hidden so deep in the framework of our society, it isn't even labeled the enemy anymore. Wars are not the real evil, but the manifestations of the evil. It is said at Fatima, one of the seers were told that wars are chastisements for sin. Hence, the war itself is not the original product, but its fruit, that being sin. Evil hearts and minds create sin.
The worse is that our society is starting to identify with their oppressor, that which, is evil, a condition that happens when one is held hostage for a long period of time. They start to think like the oppressor and agree with their thinking and actions.
My faith in God is faith in goodness, that which, is good in mankind, knowing evil will eventually destroy itself, for it is its own worse enemy.
We should not wage war on each other, don't dance with people's reputations or lives and declare war on them individually, for God will not sign up in your militia of personal harassment. We are to help each other, start on the main front of your own family, for this is the training ground for all soldiers sent into the arena of mankind. If the environment of the family is good, loving and caring, the troops that leave it will bring that message into the world. If the training ground is violent, hostile and unforgiving, so too will this message be placed and acted out in the world.... Stop the modern warfare, declare peace in your hearts, homes, neighborhoods, cities, and countries...

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