Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 17, 2008

So What is a Mystic ?
Some are impressed when they hear the word mystic... maybe much more then they should, but the truth of the matter is a mystic is no big deal. Yes, it is true in the eyes of the church a mystic is normal nothing supernatural here. You see we are created to know God and to love him, so when someone is doing that, it is not supernatural, it is what we are created to do. As to how and why a soul can do such and some cannot, now that is a mystery, yet still not supernatural or abnormal.
Let me give an example...of what I think is going on here....let us take Adam and Eve, you know them our first parents... and here I sidetrack, did you know that there is an ongoing experiment with DNA that is proving more and more that we have a common ancestry... to me that would be great-grandpa Adam and great-grandma Eve ......
Well you see our great- grandparents, Adam and Eve, prior to their fall from grace spoke with God all the time, they even walked in the garden with him... So somewhere within our original creation is the ability to speak with God, stemming from our great- grandparents Adam and Eve...
So you see somewhere inside each and everyone of us is an ability to speak to God and to listen to God... just keep trying... start with prayer and being still.. you must do this everyday, take the time to reconnect...
I bet you if you really thought about it and took stock of your life there are moments that you can look back on and say, you know what, I think I heard God... Now God, he can be tricky, he likes to hide, sometimes you really need to look deep within yourselves, or inside another or creation itself... but don't give up He is there waiting for you to find him...

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