Maybe There's A Loving God

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sandy He adores you

This entry is dedicated to Sandy, a true friend and sister in Christ. She once wrote in an email to me that she felt Jesus adored her... I post my answer to her now..
I remember the first time Jesus said to me "I adore you".. well that threw me for a loop thinking, okay, now I really lost it. This can not be true Jesus saying such words to me...Wow! What would the church say? They would say I am a heretic. They would kick me out of the church for sure... we are the ones to "adore" Jesus, not the other way around. I was afraid of what I was hearing.. thinking, okay this is from Satan..and I prayed to take this away.. then I "saw" Jesus and he said, "It is true. I adore you, I cannot live without you"...and he said it again and again until I understood that he truly does adore his people, he truly does love them to that extent. Of course he does, he died for them... That is pretty deep love. That is adoration of the subject matter for which he died.
When you really think about that fact, it totally blows your mind. This God/man adores his people, cannot live without them, seeks them out, wants to hang out with them. There was one locution I had years ago. Jesus spoke the following to me, "I am like a beggar seeking the company of my people" ..if that statement does not break the heart of those who hear it, I submit that person does not have a heart.

So dear Sandy, Jesus does adore you. He seeks you out and will never leave you. When you think he is the furthest from you, he is actually the closest to you. On some level our God is a God of enigmas. With him, "what you see is not what you get"...You see the struggle and pain; he sees the faith within and the growth of your soul. We see the trial; he sees the reward. We see the doubt; he sees the strength in you to carry on.... You see the failure; he sees the hero within you.

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