Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 17, 2008

When Jesus walked on earth over 2,000 yrs ago he spoke many times in parables, they being stories using situations and examples of the times to illustrate truths Jesus was trying to get the people to learn... A parable is a powerful tool it does not give you the information right out, one has to think about it for a bit, and apply to their circumstance and then learn from it.
Many times this is how Jesus will approach me using modern day situations while he applies a truth to them.
So for the most part my writings will mimic parables taught to me by Jesus, using modern day examples, so I could relate to them on my level. Now every one's situation is different and the parables I will write about may not fit your situation but the meaning behind it will, I am sure.
I will also share on occasion, past visions and direct communications.

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