Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Barriers....There are many barriers in this we call life. Some real, some imagined. Even if they are imagined, if you believe them to be there, they will stop you...they will stop whatever you seek to do in this life. You need to develop skills to break through them. Let me share with you how I have been able to do this. I will use the example of thoughts. "Mind barriers"... the mind barrier cannot withstand persistence. The blocks will fall if you persist at it. Now let me think..everything begins in a thought. Everything is first a thought so we all need to break through mind barriers. This is what stops us..the mind thought of "We cannot do this or that"...or "I am not worthy" or "I am a loser." You will become that which you think if you do not break through that thought barrier you have created for yourself. Break through it with the thought, "I am worthy, I am loved." Maybe there is no one in the world who has said that to you, so this I say to you now: There is someone who loves you, deeply desires you, and that would be God. Not the God imagined by man, but the one who rises above all thought barriers of man into the realm of eternity. No thought barrier is above God nor confining, He who is...He is there. Keep thinking He is there, He is real, He loves me, and someday your barrier will fall before you.. it will crash down destroying those feelings of isolation and loneliness. Your thought will rise to Him who is, who was and always will be.

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