Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Three Days of Darkness
Over the years, I have heard much in the way of "three days of darkness" to come, I have even heard stories that saints have "seen" these horrible days to come on earth. People have asked me many times, have I seen such dire things. I will answer you now, by not answering this question. It serves no purpose to you to know such things, all we need to worry about is what darkness may be within our hearts. People worry about the future and in doing so do not take care of the here and now. We are not guaranteed to see tomorrow, our salvation is today, here and now...
I will tell you something though about the future... it lives in you, within your ability to love and have faith, that you can make a difference... that the heart of God can be touched by you, in your turning away from sin (the negative in thoughts, words, actions and desires), and turning towards love, (compassion, mercy, forgiveness, charity and hope)... What parent whose child comes to them and says: hey, dad, I really messed up, I am so sorry, dad, I want to make it better, please help me and forgive me.... What parent would then say to this child, no I am going to punish you anyway, I am going to send you ..."three days of darkness"... even though you are sorry and asked for forgiveness I am still going to hit you.... Does that make sense? No it does not, do not focus on the future, work in the now, seek restoration of heart, mind and soul in the now... place so much light into your hearts that they shine forth brightly into the world, then any darkness will be diminished by the your light.

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