Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, October 19, 2008

These thoughts came as a direct result of thinking about what was said, to me by one of my spiritual advisers. Fr., told me in regards to souls, we are all made to communicate with God. Fr., used an example; that souls are different sizes, some like glasses, some like buckets, some puddles, some ponds, some seas, some oceans, that God fills each soul to what it was created to be. Fr., mentioned that maybe, I am like a sea and that is why these things are being given to me.
I thought about this and I remembered a "locution", that I received from Jesus sometime ago, on one of the many occasions I asked him, why does he speak to me? Jesus, responded in this manner..."you are like a small drop of dew on the smallest flower in the field at sunrise"... Which, prompted me to ask another question it was... Okay, I do not get that answer, what do you mean by this?... Jesus, did respond to me saying..."I am refreshed by you, I am quenched by you"... at this I thought, wow, it does not take much for you to be refreshed, just a drop of dew? Jesus answered this thought with the following... "I am in no need of greatness, yet in smallness, you are great"..
So thinking back on Fr.'s, comment about me being a sea.. Jesus told me I was a small drop of dew.. and I think about Fr., he is the sea... he is a sea of grace within his priesthood for through that gift he brings souls to God.. no, maybe Fr., and all priests are greater than a sea they are a living water a constant flow of grace stemming from the source itself, Jesus.
No, I am not a sea, I am dew... in so many ways for dew is subject to the rays of the sun, it will evaporate as the morning progresses. Dew, like me is subject to the sun but my sun is spelled Son. I, am subjected to the rays of the Son, at his mercy, I am small, noticed by those who are awake in the early morning to see me, the late risers will not even know of my existence for I will have evaporated by the time they awake; not even a memory of theirs, but for one brief moment, I was dew, upon the smallest flower in a field at sunrise...

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