Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, October 19, 2008


We are to be bread to each other; that is what we are called to do this I am sure. So when I received the nickname, "Pumpernickel", from my father as a child, this being his favorite bread, little did I realize he was giving me a gift, plus a true definition of who I am and who I am called to be. As a child of God called to be bread to others as a child of man I am an acquired taste. Most people like white bread, a taste that is pleasing to the pallet, no "bite" to it or assault to the taste bud. Whereas, Pumpernickel bread can have a bite to it, a strong flavor such as myself, not pleasing to many. What my spirituality has taught me though, is to put butter on this bread before it is served to others, making it more appealing and less likely to offend. Even so, I am still an acquired taste but with the butter and the grace of God, I still can feed others with this bread and help them see that we are all acquired tastes, we are the banquet of the table of God....each one being a tiny morsel of delight to the taste of He who created us.

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