Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

2 dance
Locutions can come in several ways, interior voice, interior knowledge, interior visions all of which, needs a great deal of discernment. Many times these "visions" are metaphors or allegories of a message given. So you have to pray, ask for other people to help you who are familiar with such things. One such "vision" I had, well actually had this several times. I see myself dancing with Jesus. This I did not understand and did not think was accurate. Until I thought of the Bible passage where it states, God danced the day you were born. There are also other references to dance in the Bible. But the most startling thing I came across was a description a pregnant woman gave of a vision she had of Jesus, in it she stated that she danced with Jesus. This woman described the dance and it was very similar to mine..... Which, started me thinking... which, started me praying about dancing with Jesus...which, led to thinking about dance and science... why I thought this I do not know...
Here is what flooded my mind... everything when reduced is an atom. Condensed particles of pure energy with neutrons and protons with a nucleus and other unknowns within, they are spinning... they are "speaking" as they spin through vibration.
Then I thought of Einstein and his abilities as a scientist but he also had some pretty profound thoughts on God... Einstein worked on the atom bomb... I wonder what causes a atom to get excited, move faster and then what happens to the energy.... then I thought vibrations will cause the atoms to move faster and speed up.. get them going enough that they can explode and turn into a blast of heat, a ball of fire.... then I thought of Jesus and his Sacred Heart... Jesus said to mystics in the past that his heart is on fire with love. I think now that he meant that literally not just metaphorically for he as God is so full of Divine energy that he is literally on fire... His "atoms", his energy is vibrating so fast that they are aflame and since his root, his essence is love, it is a flame of Divine love. And this flame consumes us, it attracts us, it is a force unlike any other in Creation.
Curious when scientist speak of atoms they will use the phrase that within the atom the protons and neutrons are dancing around the nucleus.... are we as souls doing the same with the atoms of God, we are the neutrons and protons dancing around him who is the nucleus (the center of the atom, the center of our existence)... and the higher we "vibrate" the more it delights God... higher vibrations in science are brought about by exciting the atom... what does music and dance do to us, it excites and lifts us, it gets us going on a higher plane.... it brings joy, it brings hope, it brings us renewed energy. What did Jesus say in the Bible be of joy... do not worry... have faith... was he really saying .."speed up your energy, vibrate high and dance with me.... don't drag me down with doubt, with fear, don't stop the flow of energy I wish to share with you....
Is this why children are symbolic of the kingdom for they are happy, full of energy and goodness, nothing within them to drag down the flow of grace from God....... I don't know but it makes me think... thoughts that would never have entered my mind, yet they are there.... dancing around in my head....

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