Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, October 20, 2008

Private versus Public
The above refers to "revelation", said word can be used in many venues for the purposes of this writing I apply it to scripture and religion. I will use it in the fashion in which, I believe, my personal religion. So I will speak to the, "Public Revelation", of Jesus Christ. Within the institute of the church there are many intelligent people, who have spent a lifetime learning and researching the topic of public revelation, they also have an extensive data base upon which, they draw information and conclusion on matters of faith. To these people I always defer; I am not a scholar never claimed to be, nor would I want the job these people have. They stand before God in a most unique way, they will be called to a higher standard when judged, their opinions and decisions on faith and tradition literally mean the salvation of souls, not something to be taken lightly.
Please understand that the church must be hesitant in regards to the nature of private revelation, (that which, is given to a soul on a private bases), the thoughts, views, and "messages", must ring true on some level to that which, is already established within the church. The church does not want the faithful misguided in any manner or fashion. The church also believes that at the end of the day no private revelation is needed, all that is needed is, Jesus Christ and that which, he brought to earth, His salvation to all... to this I say...yes, yes, yes... it is true at the end of the day you do not need me nor any other "private revelation".. you need the Savior and his message.
All that being said, we serve a merciful God, he sees our struggles in the here and now and he does seek to comfort and console us, in the here and now. May I use a metaphor here, we are "sick" in this world on so many levels, emotionally, spiritually, health wise, economically and in many other areas. When someone you love is struggling and hurting you will reach out for them, (do you think God would do any less for all of us?) This is what I believe private revelation to be a merciful God reaching out to his people to say, he is here, he has it under control, just love, trust and have faith.
What is happening to me I believe, using another metaphor, is I was struggling, God came to me, put me into spiritual rehab so to say, now I am to be a counselor to others that are struggling.
The way a former alcohol will stand up at an AA meeting and say, I am, a alcoholic. So I, "stand" up before you now in this writing and say, I am, a sinner, I am trying my best not to be, yet, I fall. When I do so I seek forgiveness upon me, and know that I will give you help when you fall and my forgiveness will be upon you. I will love you , and I will try to show you that which, was shown to me the mercy of God and the love of God.
I ask with these writings, that in addition to thinking about them you pray about them, you pray about all things. I also ask that you speak to someone smarter then me if you have questions about these things, your Pastor or spiritual adviser, for I do not want to misguide you in anyway...

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