Maybe There's A Loving God

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Humor and Faith

Humor and Faith... I am not a religious zealot. I don't take life too seriously, and this causes much confusion to those who take their religion very seriously. Maybe I define religious seriousness differently than they do. I do not think that taking one's faith seriously means to dress in black and have a black personality to match; nor do I think that preaching doom and gloom and editing out joy is a particularly holy thing to do. No I like to laugh and enjoy life, listen to music, dance and sing. I think life is a celebration of God's goodness.
Even when my humanity is crying out in pain I can still see the presence of God in where I am. Only God can create, and he creates only in beauty and love. All things have these qualities if we look hard enough for them.

I can see the richness of God in the ordinary everyday occurrences. Yes there is evil and sin in the world, but I will not give my attention to it. I will focus on the goodness of the Lord and offer him my faith and prayers that He will change the hearts and minds of others, for I cannot do so.

Why shouldn't I be happy in my faith, and why shouldn't everyone be? It is not a cause for sadness, but a cause for happiness and joy. My joy is not in the circumstance good or bad for that will surely change. My joy is in the one who never changes.

I don't think faith should be projected in a negative way, as a God who is waiting for us to make a mistake then nailing us for it. No, we have a God who is fully aware of our limitations and seeks not our destruction, but restoration.

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