Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thoughts About Travel to a Foreign Land

Thought... Where is thought? Why do I think such things as well?...Yet I do think, where is thought, is it in science, is it in religion or is it in philosophy?
Who commands thought? Is the command outside the mind or does it live within? Is thought a template for substance, does thought morph into reality--personal reality? If it does then every one's thoughts produce their own reality and that is chaotic...Everyone in their own world choosing their own standards and precepts to live by. This cannot by definition produce harmony or peace...But is that the purpose of thought, or is it to produce difference between everything? Is everything supposed to be separate and distinct?

Is thought like a musical instrument in a great orchestra of God, each person playing a different instrument and when played together it is a symphony? Or is thought one note played on a music sheet with the same instrument for all? Now that would be boring and dull and maybe even annoying. Yet in musical training you do focus note to note. To harmonize the group you will sing one note to make sure everyone is on key.

When I get into deep prayer and meditation I am called to still my thought, then to walk away from it. To go to a place of utter blankness..and in this sphere I find influence.. the influence of God, the language of God. It is in this place that I am a foreigner leaving behind my world of thoughts and solutions. I am a traveler here without luggage to take with me, for in my personal baggage there is clothing (that which I define myself by) that is not wearable in this new land. I am truly naked here...I can see why Adam and Eve hide behind a bush here... you are totally exposed... the only thing that stands beside you here is love, and everything stems from love. Either its abundance that manifests in all things good or its lack that manifests in all things evil...I see the nature of sin here, the lack of love or the refusal to love...such things as vanity, pride, greed and all the deadly sins, they are just sub categories of the main issue--the lack of love. For if you have love, the former could not survive the environment. It would die off within you. I see the definition of love here. It is neither a noun or a verb yet to be used in those ways, it is neither a feeling or lack thereof, a virtue not even an has to be so complete, so consuming, so intimate that it actually produces another being.. such as the love between the father and the son producing the holy spirit ..

I see in this foreign land that this can be done and how to do it.. the plan is so simple very simple that "I" creep back into the equation and start to think..."this can not be so easy"...Then at that moment I find myself back into my world as if I were deported from the foreign land that I was visiting...But the memory of this foreign land lingers in my world now and my wanting to go back increases.

A world traveler starts to think globally instead of locally; I am traveling into this foreign land, the one I got to through utter blankness. I am finding that I am starting to think the language that is there....These are the things that I have brought back from my travels there.

1) We struggle in our own realities that have nothing to do with truth.. truth lives whether or not it is individual reality .. truth is not subject to our definition or belief in it..
2) We live in a land of smoke and mirrors defining ourselves in a manner that cannot survive in this foreign land I visited..such as the super educated here on earth will see in this foreign land they know nothing, they being equal to a baby in a cradle in true knowledge.
3) The wealthy here on earth will see they are poor, for this foreign land's currency is not gold or silver but love.
4) The poor have wealth there... but there is a condition to this... The poor are the ones tested the most in our world. As much pain and sorrow is theirs, they can never allow themselves to become oppressors in any manner... There is a tendency in human nature when we are oppressed or poor. Our prayers and thoughts are, "Save me Lord", and as you are doing that smash my enemies! Let them feel what I am going through! Let them taste this bitterness. What such prayers are asking is to flip the roles here, let me become the oppressor so I can watch my former oppressor suffer. Let them become the oppressed one.. That type of prayer will never be answered, nor will that poor soul make it into the foreign land... The Passport or visa into this foreign land has to be has to read, "Save me Lord", forgive me Lord, help and save those who hurt me...let them not taste that which they force feed me, for it is bitter and I seek no lips to be so assaulted.

I do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. We are separate and unique, made in the likeness of God.. but I do believe that I am evolving, morphing into another creature on some level. Said being formed by a means greater than I; this greater means is finding resistance in me. I feel the barrier. I feel the gentle urge to move along, keep progressing forward. Urging me, get to the "not-self" of myself...Leave behind the consciousness and intelligence, for such is of no value in this foreign land. It cannot be used..herein lies the rub. These are my tools here in this world that I live in. How does one walk on this planet and lift their minds, hearts and souls to the foreign land and survive the existence here?

Control your thoughts. You are controlling your behavior.. thoughts will enter your mind. Grab a hold of them, or let them float by. Thoughts start off with a concept within the mind. You empower the force. After that, you can give it life or let it float on by. These thoughts are neutral. We apply the good or bad to them, the love or lack thereof to them. Even the most evil concept can be destroyed or rendered neutral by love. When opposites oppose each other they by nature cancel each other out. Once cancelled out, fill the void created with love.. you must fill the void within yourselves. If you do not, a greater evil can claim the area...nature hates voids. They will be filled one way or another.... please choose love.

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