Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, October 18, 2008

On some level every one has them, aspirations, even if in the form of a daydream they are there. We dream how to make it, how to be rich and famous, or maybe be a doctor, lawyer, or a Hollywood star. I know a test pilot and a dolphin doctor on the side (the dolphin doctor was always part of what I wanted to do as a child, I have a nephew who wanted to be a dinosaur doctor).
I never heard anyone say they have aspirations of being homeless and poor, a drunk, a drug addict, a rape victim, a mentally ill person, a felony yet those are also among us... So what happened to these people, why them and not us do these awful things happen too? Did they somehow do this to themselves, you know those rotten SOB's who should have stayed on the straight and narrow, dumb drunks, stupid asocial drug addicts, your homeless go out and get a job... It is all their fault right??
I especially love these comments when they come from a ,"God fearing person", and they quote things from Scripture like ,"If you do not work you do not eat", or saying God helps those who help themselves ,(which, by the way is not from the Bible but a quote from Ben Franklin). Jesus, would not have said such a thing he knows we are all helpless so he helps us all.
But hey, are we not our brother's keeper? But wait that is a quote from the Bible..Old can be read... it goes something like this. After Cain killed his brother Abel, God spoke to Cain and asked, where is your brother? Cain answered,"am I my brother's keeper"? One day, God is going to do the same with us... speak to us in such a fashion it will be at the final judgement. God is going to ask us as well about our brothers and sisters. They are not named Abel, but Dis-Able... you know those among us who are disabled through drugs, alochol, poverty, illness or other disabilities in life. To be homeless, to be sick, to be down and out is to be Dis-Able. Are you killing these brothers and sisters of yours, through neglect, disrespect of them because of their circumstances, instead of remembering that they are children of God... they are your brothers and sisters, are you Cain??
Do you think, God will treat you any different then the way he did the original Cain after he killed his sibling? Do you think that the souls of these poor brothers and sisters of yours are not crying out to God, the way Abel's blood did after his death? We serve a God of truth and justice, what was true to him in the time of Cain is true to him now, as Justice was demanded upon Cain, it will be demanded upon us as well... So are you, your brother's keeper?

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