Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, October 26, 2008

God works with personality, he knows everything there is to know about everyone, and he works with in that individual creation, that soul. My personality and tendency is that I like science. I am always asking, why... Jesus is very accommodating to me at times with these interests and explains as far as I can understand, certain things I would call science.
First many think that God is boxed into spirituality and that is all, forgetting that he knows all things and there is nothing new to him... so what we consider modern or the "latest thing" is nothing to God... people fail when they think of God as being of ancient times, he is of all time and of all knowledge....
I have "seen", Jesus as he looked prior to the Crucifixion and after... HE looks different, hair color, eye color, skin color, body type, facial structure all are different prior to death and post resurrection.
My thoughts were it can not be the same person picking up the same body upon the resurrection, DNA would not support it... Jesus the man looked different...
Jesus "answered" these thoughts with the following.... When man fell from grace, they doomed their bodies to death, don't eat the fruit, for surely you will die... this was an event that happened within the body as well as the spirit, the once perfect body which, was immune to sickness and death, was now cursed by God...In order for those "pre"-cursed bodies to have been death proof they had to have had different DNA code to them, upon the curse of the sin their DNA was changed it became like ours today..."yet still the same"... I was told that the spin/ the vibration of the DNA was changed not the DNA itself. Instead of the DNA helix turning towards God it turns against him now. The body is always in struggle against God within the DNA itself now... for lack of better words it is out of tune.. like a piano that once played beautiful music it is now completely out of tune.
When Jesus resurrected he returned humanity within the soul and the body, hence the promise of us being resurrected in body someday...Jesus was the first fruit of what we will be and such as his body changed ours will as well one day. Although, Jesus was without sin his body was still allowed to feel pain, sorrow, be ripped apart and die... in order to do that it had to have had the DNA of us on some level or it could not have died... when his body died and was resurrected its DNA (its flesh) once again glorified God with the original intent, and that is perfection. The body of Christ his manhood was offered on the Cross that was the sacrifice, the going before the Father after the resurrection with the redeemed perfect body was the glory... Jesus brought back to the Father mankind body and soul...
Now here I will state I am a Catholic, and where all this communication from God started for me was in front of the Tabernacle, as the Jews believe that God lives in the ARK, the Holy Scrolls, I am without doubt that Jesus lives and is alive in the Tabernacle ... not just figuratively but truly present there... so I add to this the following in regards to this DNA writing...
(Please note, by my writing all of this I am not hinting in any way that God does not save souls in any manner he chooses to do, he is God and can do whatever he wants, where ever he wants, whenever he wants. He also spoke in the Gospels that he has "sheep" in other pastures as to how he collects them, I do not know. Surely it will never be me who says to anyone you are not saved, no I have a, real fear of the Lord, salvation is his personal property, his domain and I ain't messing with it, I do not think at the end of the day any one should. Love all people, pray for all people show yourself to be a child of God by love not by judging them. I can only relate to you my story, what has happened to me.)
When Jesus stood before the Father upon the completion of his act of redemption this was his gift to his Father, the completion of doing the will of the Father...
This same body that was brought up to the Father in glory can be found here on earth in the Eucharist, this resurrected Christ in the Eucharist can "quantum leap a soul" from death into eternity. And that is the power of the Tabernacle for there is the perfect God/man waiting to restore us...waiting to "re" tune us all so he can play music on each and every one of us.
One last comment on a subject that I can go on and on about... when these "extra-ordinary" things are happening to me Jesus is "spinning my DNA Helix towards himself"... if he did not, "me" the person would be in to much opposition to him and he would not be able to communicate to me... For my flesh as is every ones on earth spins away from God, as its natural tendency now and I place in quotes "natural"; God works in the supernatural to restore humanity, he is outside of time and space..... but it makes me wonder what will happen to mankind with all the genetic manipulation they do now and the playing around with DNA... are we truly destroying ourselves on a most profound level by doing so? For in doing so our thoughts are so fixed upon the body, do anything and all things to save the body , the flesh... a truly spiritual person realizes that this is a temporary place for us, death is not a punishment anymore, Jesus turned that around for us all... through Jesus... death is life.... eternal life... said cannot be found here on earth, yet mankind pushes the issue, with trying to find it within the flesh here. So truly the flesh, the DNA we have now is still spinning away from God.

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