Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today being the feast day of All Saints.. it made me think of of an earlier thought I had in regards to "rewards"....

These thoughts came to me after I received my current staples "rewards card"...
I thought about all the rewards cards we get, you know grocery shopping, drug cards, shoe cards, wherever you shop it seems now a days you get a "rewards card". Now this is a "hook" to get you to shop at their store, it is an enticement to get you there.
I admit there are times when I shop at these stores because of the reward offered.... All of this made me think of God... yes, I thought of God when thinking of these rewards cards.
Did Jesus not say, "your reward in heaven is great"... was Jesus saying, heaven is like a "rewards card" for good behavior here on earth???... I thought about this further, I even took it to prayer... thinking, man oh man, am I that cheap and shallow... so much so that the Savior of the World, has to offer me a "rewards card", just to do good here on earth! Dang, I do not want to do good because of a reward... I want to do good because it is the right thing to do, and because that is the only way I can show our God that I get it....
So you know how you have to sign up for a rewards card... fill out an application, or in some stores you have to sign off on one as not to be part of their program... so I decided to do the same for my heavenly "rewards card"... and I now put it on paper as an affidavit..
Heaven rewards card refusal waiver:
I, hereby, state that I am refusing any and all compensation, or "rewards" that may be due me in heaven... These rewards, as per the King of Heaven's statement, within the Gospel... are awarded to those who are faithful to him and his spoken word. Please be advised that I being of sound mind, (?), state that I unconditionally do not want to be rewarded for any good deed, work of charity, compassion or work of mercy and/or any act of love that I may perform here on earth.
In doing so I release, any and all words spoken by the King of Heaven, in regards to this soul and its doing good for the sake of said rewards. Please be advised, that this soul will continue to do such acts of love, mercy, compassion, etc... As per their being the correct thing to do and in so recognizing this fact, this soul refuses to take any and all compensation for said.... whereas, in doing so, would be to undermine the intent of this soul, as per doing these deeds in the first place..
Signed, .................... ....................Witnessed by,
______________............ ............ _____________
My Soul ...................... .................My Guardian angel
Dated for all eternity_________
I want to do the right thing, because they are the right things to do... I take a pass on the reward... I do not need a palace in heaven to motivate me to do good, I seek to so because I want to, I would rather be an act of love for loves sake, then to get a gift... I never wanted a gift giver in my life, I always just wanted to love...
Anyway I do not like big places... fancy houses... I am more of a stable and straw type person...

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