Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Black Friday"
Word usage and the way God thinks as compared to man. In the US today it is called "Black Friday". On first blush this brings to mind a picture of despair, black denoting suffering or sorrow of some sort. Yet black Friday as it is used on this day in the US, should maybe be called, greed Friday, for today is the day that all merchants wish to change the "color" of their "books" (sales of their products), from "red ink" not making money, to "black ink"... being in the money. The day is used to sell products for "Christmas"... interesting concept, that I can not appreciate as having anything to do with Christmas. As Christmas is the birth of Christ, the birth of salvation I do not see how mankind has progressed, or (digressed), to seeing this day or any day, when one thinks of the birth of Christ as a day to sell products.

"Black Friday", in the life of a merchant, (I use this term broadly for usually it is a large corporation, not an individual), is the day that they seek to clear the books, make their year end quota, the real meaning of Christmas being the furthest thing from their mind. Christmas is a money maker for them and they seize the day, so to say.
Christmas has turned into a money making machine so many cottage industries have sprung up throughout modern history, using the theme of "Christmas giving", decorations and cheer... This is a "high pressure Holiday' for many, actually for all, for who can measure up to the expectation of gifts, entertaining, etc... Depression is rampant during this time of year as is suicide... One can hardly find a "true meaning for Christmas" anymore... Christmas is suppose to be simple and small, like the simple place Christ was born in and his smallness as a baby...
My hat is off though for many minds are turned to the homeless and less fortunate this time of year... but in many it is usually a one shot deal and forgetting about these people for the rest of the year...
So please give the gift that lasts, that does not have to be returned for "size"... give the gift of love, for that was the gift that was given to us all on December 25th... budget your time and money throughout the year on giving the gift of love to others.
Remember December 25 is not your birthday, it is his, gift him not yourselves, he already did that by his birth... start a new tradition with you and yours pick another day to gift each other, try it everyday in small ways... And give the gift of love for that special day called Christmas Day, give it everyday.
One last thought how would you like if someone "hijacked" your birthday!
Maybe you can celebrate "Santa Claus" on his feast day which, is December 6th or gift each other on January 6th the feast of the Three Kings and give the "newborn King" his due, keep his birthday "commercial free"... look to him, not the gifts under the tree on December 25th.

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