Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, November 30, 2008

So many people in the United States are really ticked off at the government for the bail outs that were given to big corporations and more are planned. It always seems that the "little guy" , the man in the streets never gets cut a break, where is their bail out? Who is going to help them in all their concerns, sorrows and losses? Where are they going to find the money to get out of their personal debt?..... Well don't worry today is the first day of Advent.... Advent being God's bail out plan for us all.... in 25 days, the God/man will arrive with every one's bail out, he will pay off every one's debt, no need to stress or worry this God/man has you covered... Pray, hope and don't worry... worry is useless what is needed is faith and trust... Those being the deposit slips for the bail out.. you can meet your benefactor, on Christmas Day, he is located in a stable, you can find it by the star shinning above it...

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