Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Half a man... full warrior... powerful souls
Yesterday after my power walk I stopped at the local strip mall and there I saw a man in a wheelchair. A very good looking man, I was very attracted to him. His upper body was perfect from the waist down he was disfigured as if crippled from birth, very small limbs like a child. Yet, there I stood just looking at him. Then I realized what was going on, I was being allowed to "see" his soul, there in that wheelchair I "saw" half a man...yet in that wheelchair was an amazing soul, a bright and shiny one, strong, virile, very attractive. Then I remembered lessons I have been taught in the past spiritually. God is hiding many of the most perfect souls in the bodies of the totally imperfect bodies on earth.
I go back to when I was a Eucharist Minister at hospitals and the people I would visit there. One being a man totally paralyzed from the waist down. I loved going into his room, there he was flat out on his back, could not move an inch. Yet, to me he was one of the most handsome men I have ever seen, he shined. His smile lit up the room and my heart. This man called the Blessed Mother, his "girl". With that statement of his, one day I took off the scapular I was wearing, and hung it on the bar above his head so he could always look at her. He then said, I hope she will not be jealous for when I look at her scapular, I will think of her and you. So sweet, what a nice man, I am sure he is with Jesus now. I would like to dance with him one day in heaven, and with the "half a man" I saw today, who stood taller to me then many men I have known.
So the next time an "imperfect person" passes your way, the crippled, the mental ill, the diseased, the broken and beaten, the retarded, the outcast. Or if you see a person in a coma, (you know the ones they have the audacity to reduce to the status of a vegetable), please be aware that most probably the soul within that body is highly graced. More so then many perfect bodies here on earth. So do not look at them with disdain or feel superior, for we are not. No, such hidden souls are actually our saving grace here on earth. Treat these people with respect and the dignity they have. The power within them may be the difference between your dancing in heaven, or in the fires of hell, one day. Satan has many beautiful bodies in his domain. Remember in the end we all die, we all go into the grave and that is when all bodies look alike, decayed and dust they become. I have known a few pathologists who have done autopsies on perfect bodies, after a couple of days they all look the same, pretty gross. So while you are taking care of that body of yours, remember it is dying it was born to die, so start taking care of your soul. In addition to those deep knee bends you may be doing, try doing some kneeling before God as well. The soul was created to live eternally and even though, "some like it hot", no one will like the fires of hell, so choose wisely in this life.... Choose life... choose to respect all life... so you may have eternal life...

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