Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, November 14, 2008

There are those who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing...
The above being an old advertising campaign, yet it is so true. These words sadly reflect the priorities of today, as we ask, ..."how much will it cost me?" or "How much is it worth to me to have it?". This promotes a , get whatever you can society, getting things by whatever means necessary or available to us. How often do you hear, "it does not matter, I want it now", or "I'm tired of this thing and I want something else now, for I am bored with it". Wanting something is different then placing a value on it.
There seems to be no worth in the having or pride in the keeping anymore, only in the getting, using and moving on. The worth of things is not appreciated. The concept of thanking God for what we have is gone, replaced by a want for bigger and better things. Personal happiness is based on that which, we can acquire instead of that which, we already have.
There is a lot of misplaced value of things and possessions in the world. The real value exists only within the person, the value of one's being and one's life, not worldly manifestations of success and acquired things.
There is nothing of more value and importance than the life of one single person wherever they are and whoever they are.

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