Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, November 22, 2008

John F. Kennedy
Forty five years ago today the United States of American changed forever, as they watched on live TV their president be shot and killed . He was a young man, with new ideas, some felt he was a radical, some thought he was a saint. I think he was a man, with real human frailties yet he tried to do his best in many ways. There was much in the way of criticising his faith he was a Roman Catholic, his opponents said that he would allow the Pope to run the country. There were other slanders that came his way as well, some may have had truth within them, but that is true of us all. He was so different, so young, so dynamic, so much of a change from what the Country had dealt with in the past... JFK was a war hero..yet one of his quotes that I like the most is the following ... "society will have advanced when the conscientious objector is given the same glory as the warrior"... bravo Mr. President upon those words of yours. Yes, this man called to become President was a mark in the history of the United States. Yet some one's hatred caused JFK's light to be blown out, throwing the country into deep darkness. Someone who chose to hate instead of love, and pray.
The United States of America once again elected a new President, he also is a mark on history being the first black man to become president, he also is young with new ideas. Some also consider him to be a saint or the devil. I think he is a human with human frailties and what he needs is prayer, everyone should be praying for this man and his family, everyday praying for him. Great is his mission on earth and he needs the guidance of God so please pray for him, fast for him and do not hate him, love him and ask God to help him always. Touch God's heart with your love for this new President so God may always touch this new President-elect thoughts, words and deeds. Remember if you only love those who are like you there is no merit in that for even the most evil do that. Show yourselves to be a true child of God, lay down your dislikes and love.
Love and pray so no one ever takes it upon themselves to hate so much, that they do that which, happened 45 years ago. Never foster hatred, never allow anyone to foster slander or rumors about anyone. Remember in the United States of America, laws are made on three levels. They start within the Congress and Senate, they are written and worked out there, they are voted upon, when this is done, only then is a bill sent to the desk of a President. So the "burden" or decision making within the US is not just with the office of the President but also within your US Senator and Congressmen... so it is up to you, who you vote into office locally within your State... usually these Senators and Congressmen have a local office in your State... go there talk to them if you have concerns about what may happen... there is power in numbers, let these "local" politicians know that they will need your numbers to get reelected if they mess up ....
In the end.... pray.... hope... have faith ... and know that God is in control... do not hate for the hate will come back to you... it will come back to us all.

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