Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

There is nothing new under the sun....Ecclesiastes 1:9
We are so impressed with ourselves when something new is discovered in the world, or is at least new to us. But what is new to God? And what can mankind do to impress God? Or what does mankind possess that wasn't first created by God?
The ultimate truth of our reality is fleeting in this world. We are all a flash in the pan, a footnote in history on the pages of humanity. Yet how carried away we can get with ourselves and our accomplishments. We look upon ourselves as marks in history, and maybe some are to mankind, but I don't think any are to God. God doesn't show favoritism. The poorest of the poor and those whose names we will never know are probably the ones who will be sitting in the best places at the wedding feast of the Lamb. Human accomplishments don't carry the same weight in heaven as they do on earth. I believe it is the intent that weighs more than the accomplishment and accompanying glory attached to it.
Throughout history, there were big names of people of their time, the movers and shakers of their era. But, unless you are a history buff or have an interest in knowing about them, they go unnoticed. I wonder how they are looked upon in eternity, where it really counts and where they will be forever. No, earthly goods are allowed in eternity. There we can only bring our intentions and not our accomplishments; the whats and the whys that really motivated us to accomplish that which, we did in this world. And who did we give the glory to for our accomplishments while on earth.
Most of us are on some kind of power trip at least at some point in our lives. We always need to ask ourselves what is my intention for doing this, is it corrupted. Did we turn from being the oppressed to being the oppressor to get even or our turn at bat? Did we seek to change the injustice that was once ours or did we just seek exchange, by giving it to someone else?
No, nothing is new. Our level of knowledge may have grown in leaps and bounds, but enlightenment is the same or less than the ancients of history. The ancient people carved wooden idols to worship or made golden calves. We made ourselves the object of our worship.... It is no longer ..."here I am Lord, I have come to do your will"... It is now... "here I am Lord, what can you do for me"...

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