Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You got to have a plan
I have done many things in my life in the 1980's I designed T-shirts, I have written children's stories and I have design toys, having a toy agent. So I am familiar with copyrights, patents and trademarks.
What is done with the above is one files these things with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. This is so you have the power of the United States of America behind you if someone tries to rip off your product. The US government is suppose to step in, (the FBI), in the States and close down any bootlegging of your product. This works kind of well in the States...
Not so with International products I learned this the hard way...
Much of our products are produced outside the country, such as my toy designs and once they leave this country they are in the hands of other governments. I have learned that the US does not protect you outside its borders. So I have seen three of my toy designs ripped off through another country and millions were produced. I saw none of the money, in order to do anything lawyers, both local and international would have to be hired. Way to expensive a deal to go through and these companies and countries know this. There are many inventors that this has happened to, no matter if you hold a patent or a copyright, a design just needs to be changed ever so slightly and it is gone.
Why do I tell you all of this?.... Because in heaven....
God had a plan...
One day the "Trinity" a family owned business decided they were going to develop a race of people like unto themselves and create a world to support this venture.
The "Trinity" held group had great capital behind them actually it was limitless, they could actually reach for the stars and beyond. This group first sat down and formulated a business plan and then they went about executing it. The plan that they used is on file you can refer to it in any Bible under the section, Genesis:
The Trinity Group:
Started with a great void and called everything into being from nothing.. they placed their trademark on these things as well... unlike other trademarks that have time limits upon them the Trinity Group's trademarks are for all eternity without beginning and without end...
On the last day of their business plan called creation, they created their greatest design, man... prior to his creation, and that of all Creation, patents were taken out as well as the trademarks by the Trinity Group.. this to doubly protect that which, they have created.
Back to my former business plan... when one produces a product, one first designs a prototype (a model or mold of what you want your product to look and act like)..This is the first of what you hope will be "your line of products". Now in the making of a prototype, that is where you spend a lot of money, it is big bucks to make a prototype. So your "first" is very important to you and how it is made is the way every one of your other products will look like, because they will be cut from the same mold. So as an inventor you spend a lot of time on your prototype, it is your baby..
Now back to the Trinity Group...
And their prototype for man (Adam) and to give him an partner the Trinity group threw in another prototype (Eve)...
Now I am sure the Trinity Group spend considerable thought and talent on these two prototypes prior to production. Once the design was decided, like any other creative endeavor production began. The Trinity Group must have been so excited to see those first two come off the line and they must have anticipated the future production of their product wanting to see their design inhabit the world they had just created....(if I were there I would have opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate)..
Then something awful happened (similar to what happened to me).. someone came into the design and changed it a bit, this someone came into the Garden where Adam and Eve were and changed their design, ripped off the Trinity patent on these two and changed it just a bit where they could make a claim on it.
When the Trinity Group came back to the factory to check on their prototypes they were horrified at what they saw, they were enraged could not believe their perfect product was messed with and destroyed not looking like they did anymore but something ugly and offensive to them. So tick off was the Trinity group that they decided to throw these two away, kicked them out of the factory..(the Garden)
But here is where the story changes from mine, the Trinity Group thought about what occurred and they said we will not let this happen these are ours and we are not going to be ripped off.. and the Trinity Group had and has the power behind them to go after this industrial thief that stole the grand design of the Trinity...
Enter in the next business plan of God:
It is called the plan of salvation:
This plan is outlined very well within the New Testament and within the God/man called Jesus Christ, I refer you to this document and this God/man for further details.
Every story should have a moral to it, this one being don't mess with the Trinity Group or any of the patents, trademarks or copyrights they hold. They are very a powerful group, not much in the way of tolerance when it comes to changing their designs, especially their Grand Design.
This group is slow to anger, but once critical mass of anger is met they will take you to Court you will stand trial and you will risk being thrown into prison for all eternity.
All products that this Trinity Group holds patents, trademarks and copyrights on, are free you need not pay for them, just take good care of them that is all and thank the inventors for all was made just for you.

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