Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Okay, I am going to give up something of myself here as a kid I had a few nicknames given me one being, P.P.. I now think of these initials and I think of our planet as being P.P. (the perfect place)... It is perfect in every manner to maintain life as we know it. To think that this could have been done randomly, is truly "magical thinking". One would have to believe that every single thing on the planet down to its molecular structure was by random coincidence without any outside influence upon it. Yet these same people who believe this say that those who have a belief system in God are closed minded because they refuse to believe in the nature of science. Such people call the "religious" individual ignorant in the ways of science and knowledge... to these people I say okay if you have the answers to creation, then please while I wait can you make a tree for me out of nothing, or maybe can you create a solar system.... How about calling light out of darkness as God did in the 33 psalm, he doing so not by work, or his hands, but just by the power of his word. So please prove your theory, for is it not true to have a scientific theory you have to be able to duplicate the theory again and again... so please duplicate the universe or at least one star, or even just a blade of grass, but do it from nothing just your spoken word....

I have been really thinking of the greatest of God and how he is truly beyond our ability to understand or even wrap our mind around the smallest detail of him, he is so much more then that which, we think or even can imagine. We think Lord and Savior, Creator... HE IS MORE, MORE, MORE... endlessly more.
I think back on September 10th of this year, that was the day the CERN collider was fired up for the first time.... this was not the first one to do so there was one in Long Island I believe...a secret project for a while or maybe just one that was not given any attention... but the CERN collider was given much in the way of press...
There was a lot of negative press and fears that this collider when started would create a black hole and destroy the world... that did not happen..
But there was a black hole created on that day, not in the manner expected but within the hearts of men that cheered this project on. The reason this project is going on is to find how the Universe was started, with statements such as how did the big bang occur and hence the creation of the universe. They even have a name for it, they are looking for the "God particle"... they have equations and theoretical physics to back up their belief system, assured that they are going to find this God particle and unlock the mysteries of God. And then they will be just like God...knowing his secrets... So where have I heard this before, oh yes the Bible... First in the garden of Eden when the serpent told Eve, eat this and you will be like God... Then this story in the Bible, called the Tower of Babel when man attempted to reach to heaven and capture some of God's power.

Foolish man never takes the lessons of the past to heart, that is why he is destined to repeat them... The smartest among you is nothing to the intelligence that created the universe you seek to unravel...

We want to have God's knowledge and power but not his love, and law. We chase the miracles of life not the Creator of life, himself. We strut our stuff for all to see how brilliant we are... but are we? Just what would we do with the knowledge they seek , go out and create our own universe, just to show God we know the answer and take this God we can do it as well...

The experiment done on that day set me back into the world in which, I was spawned so to say, (a pun for Darwin believers). These comments come from one who knows now that, they are not from primordial slime, a random act of nature but from a Creative design, set in place by the Creator.

I was raised to hold high knowledge and education, but these knees will not kneel before the altar of science anymore, nor will I genuflect before knowledge, (or the lack thereof) ,of man. These knees are kneeling before truth now an altar of absolute, not an art form created by man for their own amusement. If science is truth why is it always changing, why does it need to evolve? Truth stands in a place without beginning and without end, it just is, no need to adjust it, fine tune it or add to it... that is the nature of truth. If you are calling something a "truth" it does not need defense of your argument, it does not need proof, it is all of that within itself, if indeed it is truth... Which, makes me think, when people say they have to defend their faith, I ask why? If it is truth; true faith, it has legs of its own to stand on it does not need you to stabilize it in any manner...

I am very weary of "elitists" be they academic or religious; academics or pseudo-intellectuals that spend their lives inside an equation or classroom trying to figure out their egos for the most part. I understand self discovery but this is not what they do, ... and here I will be blunt... they academically masturbate over us all... they are so insecure on some level knowing they do not have the answers, they attempted to kick down the structure of God to make up for their own inadequacy... such is a fool's game... (as the saying goes your arms are too short to box with God)... I add so why do you even enter the ring? In doing so you soil us all, you defeat us all, because of your status among men, they look up to you for their answers instead of lifting their minds and eyes to God. You create false idols, you make, yourselves to be gods for the weak, the struggling, and the unsophisticated. Yours is a game of smoke and mirrors, not truth. Truth is simple, truth is for the masses not just the learner... behold the little child, behold the truth... Such is the structure of God, such is the, "God Particle"...

It seems to me that there are two "Adams" in the world, the "original one" who was kicked out of the Garden and the new one (Our Savior)...

The old one, this Adam still wants to mess with Eden, still thinks he knows better then God, still wants to be his own creator. This Adam has even abandon his wife wanting not to be married to Eve any more but he wants to wed Evil. He wants this woman who offers him the mysteries of God if he will only lay with her and take on her agenda (not God's). She is a beautiful woman Evil, offering the man pleasure and delights unknown to him, be careful Adam, she is a Dominatrix. She is in your life not to add to it but to shame you, which, is what a Dominatrix does, she is the one with the whip in her hand, and the chains that bind you.

If she should talk you into marrying her Adam, at your wedding, I will stand up and say I object to this marriage for I am in this world and this marriage is not of God. No this marriage does not represent me and what we were created to be...stop the wedding... For they will be honeymooning on my God given planet... they will exposing their error to mankind, masking it as truth...stop the wedding... there is another bridegroom, another Adam, who is worthy and he will marry Eve (his church, his people), not Evil...

I think we as a people have been sent two wedding invitations, one is to attend the first Adam's wedding, when he weds Evil and the second being the one to attend the new Adam's wedding when he marries his Bride (us).

Please, RSVP, the wedding you wish to attend, do so through your heart. Wedding gifts are already being accepted, here are some of the gifts on the "gift registry" 1) love...2) mercy...3) works of charity...4) forgiveness to others and yourself...5) trust...6) kindness....

See you at the wedding...

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