Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, December 1, 2008

A willingness to be misunderstood, maybe even disliked
In all of the writings presented on this blog, there is a representation of two things, my spirituality and my personality. God is working through us all, each and every one of us has a purpose in being here on this planet or we would not be in existence. I believe that every day is a struggle for us all or at least it should be to try and determine, why are we here... The greatest among us to the smallest, within you there is a Divine plan. We see each other and the world through human eyes, so what we think the plan is, many times is not. The best plans ever created are the simplest, this I believe to be so with God, it is the simplest among us that glorify God the most. This has logic to me, when I think of God..... For, when I stand outside in the evening and stare at the sky, I see the lights of the stars, planets and moon above, I realize that within my vision is only the smallest fraction of what is "out there". That there is so much more I cannot see. I realize that one Creator did all of this and he is still creating in parts unknown to us, and those known, as in a child in the womb.
I see that I have been given a sense of awe and faith in the Creator, a relationship with him in a manner that I can relate too.
I also see that as a personality I can be a snit, I can be short tempered and lacking in tolerance on some issues.... that is the me part of who I am.... not the God part of me and who he wants me to be...
We all have a me part inside and a God part inside... these "two within" are in struggle. When we are able to control the me in us and show the God in us to others, we are loving, we are walking in the Divine design for our lives.
So I apologize to all, for all the times I showed my, me side, in these writings... you do not need to know me, you need to know God. He will never fail you, he will never hurt you, he will always love you... Rise above human thought and perceptions and just love, through all things love. As a human, love is not easy, we have been given the wrong definition of it and we get confused as to what love is. Love is a choice and it not an easy one for the most part. To love is to be a servant to the needs of others. I will use here a twist on words spoken by President John F. Kennedy... when he said.. "Ask not what your Country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your Country"... love is... "Love is not what someone can do for you, but what you can do for someone"....
So with my words I take the chance of being misunderstood or disliked... that is okay, as long as I brought it home to you that you are loved by a God who never misunderstands you and never dislikes you.

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