Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, December 14, 2008

He was in no way a "wimp"

For those who think Jesus was a strict traditionalist do not know the historical Jesus. He was a God/man who was looked upon as being a rebel, breaking rules and traditions of the time. He was the first to tell the people of the "religion" that he called his own on earth, that their rules were breaking the spirit of the people they were suppose to help. Jesus was the one who healed on a day labeled "Holy" and no work should be done... I believe Jesus would be doing the same thing today, "breaking" the rules many Churches place upon people that cause them to leave their "religion" for the burdens placed upon them. Jesus spoke of those in power causing others to bend to the letter of the law, and not letting them know the heart of the law, which is love and mercy. He was totally inclusive attracting men and women, young and old.

Jesus also had no problem calling a fraud a fraud, or someone coming as a religious person, a "white washed tomb", if they used their religion for a power base and control of people. There was no hiding of sin with Jesus, no "rule or law" that said one must keep some one's sin a secret. To the contrary Jesus went out of his way to call people into the light with their sin, in the hopes that they would stop sinning and repent. So when any religion, corporation, government or person keeps sinful acts a secret or hides them under the guise that to make them public would hurt the people, it is a lie, they worry more about their own power and credibility then to hurt the people. It is worst to hide sin from others then to step up to the plate and say hey, we messed up. People have a right to know the truth, they possess dignity as people of God to be told the truth. And hey, they are going to find out one day any way when it is the general judgement when the sins of everyone are revealed. So beat the rush and tell the truth now.... for the truth will set you free... and it is what Jesus did he set everyone free and he always told the truth, no secrets with him... So tell it like it is...tell the truth...

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