Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Hanukkah
I celebrate many of the Jewish holidays in my home and today being the start of Hanukkah, I wish all a Happy Hanukkah... the festival of lights... as I light the first candle on the menorah...
A Christmas song's true meaning
Many of the songs sung at Christmas time have nothing to do with Christ they are very secular as not to offend anyone... A strange concept to me since the word Christmas means, Christ Mass. But here is one I share, that seems to be very secular but is not. The song was written by someone with deep faith, yet they had to hide it for they were being persecuted in their native country being Catholic. I will share the meaning behind it:
The Twelve Days of Christmas:
The partridge in the pear tree is Jesus Christ
The Two turtle doves are the Old and New Testaments
The three French hens stand for faith, hope and love
The four calling birds are the four gospels
The five golden rings are the Torah, the first five books of the Bible
The six geese a laying are the six days of creation
The seven swans a swimming are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
The eight maids a milking are the eight beatitudes
The nine ladies dancing are the fruits of the Holy Spirit
The ten lords a leading are the 10 commandments
The eleven pipers stand for the eleven faithful apostles
The twelve drummers drumming are the twelve points of belief in the Apostles Creed...
I bet this song takes on a whole new meaning for you and now when you sing it remember this "new meaning"....

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