Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bravo New York Times and reporter John Tierney
My hat is also off to the Psychological Bulletin with their soon to be released article on religion and spirituality. First for Mr. Tierney's article in the New York Times Science section, December 30, 2008, titled, Findings: For Good Self Control. Try getting Religious About It... Mr. Tierney speaks to the fact that if you want to keep your New Year's resolutions maybe you should try religion and spirituality as a means for learning self control for keeping your resolutions. Mr. Tierney article is very well written and comprehensive on the subject matter I refer you to it. I also refer you to a soon to be released study on religion that will be the Psychological Bulletin after a 8 decade study on religion and belief and the benefits.
I have a family member who is a psychiatrist and he tells me that the AMA now has protocols for incorporating spirituality into counseling, a big right on to them as well...
So if you want to stay current in the New Year ahead, get with the program, get out there and find God... he is easy to locate ... if you need assistance, email me and tell me your locale and I will forward a place you can go to, or better yet open your heart to God and he will lead you personally...

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