Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Santa Claus
Santa Claus, not his "real name", did you know he was a real guy, not like the one who is envisioned now to all. His real name is Nickolas and he lived in real time. He being a very generous man with a big heart for children. I mention him today for it is his feast day. St. Nickolas' first miracle was for a family whose daughter wanted to get married but there was no dowry to pay for her to be married. St. Nickolas in his kindness and generosity, gave the money to the family so this woman could have her wedding. Doing so in secret, legend being that he saw an open window in the house and he threw a bag of coins into the house, through this opened window. So not only did St. Nickolas give from his heart to help another he did so in secret, not taking credit nor getting puffed up within himself that he helped another. No the humble, ever kind man called Nickolas, gave from the heart without wanting recognition or even a thank you, he knew that the real thank you, was for God. For although it was Nickolas throwing the bag of gold coins into the window of that house, it was God who provided the gold for Nickolas, you see all things are of God.
The lesson here if you are in the position to help another, do so with generosity and do not think, how good you are to share your wealth, it is not your wealth, it is God's grace to you. It is also God's test to you, for to whom much is given, much is expected, one day you will have to account for all you have been given in life. This world is not a place to collect and store personal wealth, power and position, this world is a place to be tested in how much you love, share and show compassion. I refer you to the story in the Bible about the three men that were given money and the one who did not invest it wisely. This is also a story of where your heart is; is where your treasure will be. Your "personal wealth" cannot get you into heaven, you cannot pay for entry there. But there is a price, a free will offering from the heart, it is called love...
Nickolas knew this, so his life was dedicated to helping others and sharing his wealth... and of course our God will never be outdone, so in Nickolas doing this for others, he was never without abundance himself all the more for him to share with others.
........Sorry... but I have to go now, I am going to see "Santa Claus" this morning with a 2 year old family member and his 3 month old brother. We are looking forward to this meeting, I am very much so for the spirit of St. Nickolas will be there, the love and laughter of children as well, which, is the presence of God...

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