Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, December 26, 2008

A Song for Siggy

I spoke with Siggy's mom and she was going to remember Siggy in a very special way on this the 1st anniversary of her death. Laurence is going to start a tradition for Siggy and I think it is beautiful so I ask all who may read this blog to join us. This being a "song for Siggy" to be sung every year on the anniversary of her death, the song her mom picked is Silent Night... Siggy was blessed to have a mom with deep faith and her faith allows her now to sing on the anniversary of her daughter's death. A song that embraces the God/man come to earth to save us all. Laurence knows because of this event in history, her daughter was saved and resides now in heaven. Siggy was not saved from the horrible events that happened here on earth to her last year, but she was saved in the only way that matters in the end, for she will live eternally now, not subject to drunk drivers, disease, or any other pain and suffering here on earth. No Siggy is in a place that is safe and free from sorrow... and truly this is a reason to sing... for we must love each other enough ... so when we lose a loved one to death, we too will sing for them... that they are finally safe... they are home where no pain can touch them ever again...
I am posting a link so you can hear Silent Night and sing along... the rendition is by Sarah McLachlan.... if you cannot pick up the link.. do a google search...type in youtube...Sarah McLachlan, Silent Night... then open link, listen and sing !!! Sing for Siggy and sing for us all!!!
In closing I do ask for your prayers... for the man who killed Siggy, his first name is Timothy. He died as well at the scene, I am sure he did not start off his day thinking that he was going to kill himself and our beloved Siggy, yet even if he did, he is still a child of God. Even the most wretched, the most misguided among us here on earth are still children of God. They would not exist if God did not allow it... we are called to love... even when it is the hardest thing to do... and the Siggy I knew and loved would ask for forgiveness for Timothy... As I do now and ask you to join me, not only for Timothy, but for all who have harmed you and your loved ones.... pray as such ..."Father forgive them for they know not what they do"...

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