Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do not be afraid

I think of my father on this day, it would have been his birthday. He celebrates not years anymore but eternity. I also think of his father my grandfather. I never knew my grandfather he died prior to my birth, yet I know stories of him and most not flattering. My grandfather was a "god fearing man", or so they say. He was a "strict" catholic so much so that many of his children left the faith and hate to even speak of God. Yes, my grandfather taught about the wrath of God and how people will be thrown into the fires of hell. My grandfather used God as a "weapon" so to say, threatening his children if they did not do this, or that, God would punish them and cause them harm. Some of the punishments I heard my grandfather leveled on his family was to make his children kneel for hours, forcing them to do so while they "prayed". My grandfather also refused to let my grandmother have her teeth fixed, giving the money to a church instead. Hence my father, spoke or taught his children nothing of God, (it is clear my grandfather knew nothing of God). As St. Paul said, (I paraphrase here), you can pray all the days of your life and "do" things in the "name of God", but if you do not love you have done nothing. Or when Jesus said there will be those who come to him and say I did this in "your name" and Jesus will reply to them, get away from me, for I/you, never knew, you/me. I understand now why my father did not teach his children about God, in essence his father the "strict, good Catholic" stole the spirituality of his children from God. A sad story to say the least, and this sad story I heard before from many people who had, "strict, good religious" when they were in school, the ones that would rap their knuckles if they misbehaved or told them God was "displeased with them", or they were going to go to hell, if they did not change...Many of these people left the faith, some not even believing in God anymore. When a child is traumatized this experience usually carries over into adulthood. So many of these people who were told of a wrathful God, who hits them (such as the religious) or punishes such as my grandfather did, want nothing to do with God. So these "good Christians" due harm to God by taking away his children from him.
..... To all of these people of all faiths I say to you, that is not God, never was, those actions and thoughts were of misguided people, who did not know God themselves. I say to all who have left their faiths, come back, come back to God.... he loves you and misses you... rise above the pain given you and go to the one who can heal you. Do not blame God for the actions of man and do not become like them by thinking like them; that God is hateful and vengeful, he is not, he seeks to restore you, not destroy you.....
As a parent what would really tick me off was when someone told me how to raise my kids, my thought was back off my kids and me, pal, worry about yourself and your own household and I will take care of my own kids! I can only imagine what God must think when these "good Christians" or any faith/religion, does such things to his children, and tells them how he will punish them. It is not their business and they should never tell another that God will hurt them or punish them. Nor should they under any circumstance cause anyone pain, hurt or suffering at their hands, that is not only UN-Godly, it is criminal.
Why do I think of these things now, for this still goes on with many "good, strict" Christians and other religions. I had one such encounter with one this evening while at prayer, while in a church sitting before the Tabernacle, someone actually disturbed me in prayer to tell me I do not pray correctly. I have been told such things before that I am either to strict, or to liberal. I have been told I will burn in hell, or I am a agent of Satan, some have told me that I am a Saint an angel on earth.
We all need to stop judging each other be it in the positive or the negative, and forcing our "ways" on others. No one knows the heart of an individual or their intentions... Do not label anyone a sinner, since we all are, do not label anyone a saint here on earth, since no one is. Try to act in a saintly way and love without condition or expectation. If someone is not like you, still love them, if you only love those who are like you and act like you, I would dare to say that shows you love, yourself more for you are responding to them being like you. God likes personality and he is inclusive, we are all his children. So stop trying to be a parent to God's children, and see them as your brothers and sisters and love them as such, least you become the subject of the wrath you scare others with.
We live in a time of love, another word for salvation, Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save it. So step back from judging others and get with the program, the Divine program and get out there and save people through your love. You want to be like God, you'll have to die loving others then, not judging them and telling them about the wrath of God or hitting them and abusing them...
There is a side to God, that deals with wrath and justice, but that is not the side you can take a role in, you can not judge, least you be judge, you can not inflict wrath upon another in any way or you shall receive it. You are called to love, be charitable, be merciful and forgiving... so these things can be given to you.
By the nature of God he knows all things, sees all things, he does not need you to define him and who can do so; who can understand the mysteries that are God. He is working in every one on this planet in some way, respect their personal dignity and where they are. God has a plan an agenda for everyone, do not place your personal one on someone else. For we all think as man does not as God, we are finite in our thoughts, prone to ego. Truly let go , let God...
And be not afraid...

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