Maybe There's A Loving God

Monday, December 8, 2008

I never had the "facility" to learn a foreign language, a trait most in my family have, they picking up languages easily and completely. For me, English seems my one and only means of verbal communication and with this I struggle.
Several months ago I pondered language and its variations throughout the world, I did this pondering in church and I "heard", Jesus speak to me... My first reaction to this "voice"was in "real time", when Jesus walked upon earth he spoke Aramaic...yet I "hear" him not in that language... then I thought what language am I hearing him in? And then I realized that I am not "hearing" him in a language per say... I am translating the "language Jesus speaks to me", in my mind into English and this is what I understand... now I know that sounds confusing.... But when Jesus, "speaks" to me I am not hearing with my ears I am hearing in my whole being... Then my mind in a split second translates this "bodily communication" into thought; words that I speak and that is English. I once asked Jesus what language are you speaking to me in? For I do not hear with my ears, yet I am perceiving a voice , words, hence I am understanding your communication to me in my native language... As if I were listening to a foreign language and I had the instant capacity to translate what was said to me within in my mind. That I actually was "thinking" that foreign language, even though I did not know it.
Yet the communication from Jesus is so rapid, there really is no time in the mind to translate, it just is and I understand it... So again I asked Jesus what language are you speaking to me in?
Jesus responded to this question with the following... "I am speaking to you in the language of love".... That made me even more curious, for I thought that love was or is a feeling not a language a communication.... Then I thought of the locutions there is joy, there is quickening of spirit, happiness, and overwhelming feeling of lightness and taking all of that into consideration, I would call that love. There is also a stillness in the mind, where you blank out everything around you, yet your are aware of the nosies around you, like background music during the main event, which, is the locution, yet you are totally focused on the locution. There have been times though that no sound other then the locution can be heard, nothing as if the locution originated within a vacuum.
On one occasion Jesus, asked if I wanted to learn the language of love. I said yes and he taught me on a very small scale for a brief time. The language of love is spoken from the heart and the mind, the "feeling" is from the heart, the "unconditional" comes from the mind, (thoughts), that no matter what I am going to love from the heart... No matter what I am thinking about with a certain situation or event I am going to love from the heart and not place negative or harmful thoughts on anyone or anything I am going to rise above "me" and lay down my personal opinions/will and choose to love...Choose to extend mercy instead of judgement... The language of love is very hard to master... To master it you have to think in the language, you can not translate it first, it has to be fluent and natural. Even if you do not speak the native tongue of someone, they will understand if you speak to them in the language of love. Jesus comes to people in love, we live in the time of salvation, salvation being the highest form of the language of love.
This past weekend I was gifted to be able to speak the language of love... I spoke for three nights during a nine day novena honoring, Our Lady Of Guadalupe. There were only Spanish speaking people there, I do not speak Spanish. Yet on each night with the help of a translator and the love these people have for God. I was able through the works of the Holy Spirit reach the people on a level I usually cannot even do in my native tongue. There was a river of grace flowing back and forth between these beautiful people and myself... And I remembered the lessons Jesus taught me in the past, reach out to everyone in love, no matter their language, their race, their faith, their gender, speak to all in the language of love and then you will be communicating as a child of God. So I thank God, for letting me "speak" to my brothers and sisters in a manner not of the voice, but of the heart... To let them know I love them, I may not understand you , but that is okay, I love you and with love we will come to understand each other. Fear not differences, that other people have, love enough, care enough to reach out to them where ever they are in life. Fear is useless, fear causes division seek to understand, lay down your own preferences in life, extent and expand your heart. "Exercise" your heart with love, build that muscle, that virtue, by exercising it everyday, every moment with love. Pump yourself up with mercy, understanding and compassion.

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