Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I have been doing some holiday traveling to visit family and friends also to attend different social affairs. While I do not own one, those who I travel with do, that being a GPS, (global positioning satellite) ... My friend has one of these devices that is built into the car, one family member has a portable GPS. . These are very handy devices you just type in your destination and then let the GPS take over, it gives you a map plus it "speaks" to you, as where to turn, etc.

Being that I am basically a big time screw up in most things, even with the GPS on I get lost. Especially if it is dark or if there is traffic, being that I am dyslexic there have been times that I confuse my left from my right or the numbers that I am looking for I "reverse", them ... So even with this modern marvel of navigation I can still manage to get myself lost.

When you do get "lost" or make a wrong turn with a GPS... a "voice" will come on and say the following... "recalculating"... yes this lovely voice compensates for my screw ups on the road and tells me how to make it better, to get back on the right road to get to my destination.

Upon thinking about this GPS at the Chapel.... I have come to the following conclusion.... God is a GPS of sorts....

Yes, Jesus said there is no one who is without sin, his rhetoric is more lofty then mine, I using the modern vernacular, (we are all screw- ups). Even when we have a "spiritual or faith based GPS" we still can get lost on the road of life and God in his mercy "recalculates our path", if we would just listen to his voice, (that small still voice within), like we do with the "voice within the GPS". We could all arrive at our destination, which, is "home", not the white picket fence home here on earth, the "real home" with God.

So dear God, please keep that GPS of yours charged and guide me with it, and recalculate my path when I go astray.... and for me GPS...stands for GOD PLEASE SAVE me, I am a screw up... I am always getting lost...
One last thing, there are times a GPS in the car can lose the satellite connection, such as when you are under a bridge...The "voice in the GPS" will then say, "lost satellite connection".. This is never so with God's "GPS" he never loses track of you and your position in life. So do not worry if you find yourself within a dark tunnel as you travel through life, God knows where you are and he will get you out of it...

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