Maybe There's A Loving God

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I hear about many "signs" from God, in all faiths. The church that I attend though, believes that signs are not important or necessary. Only the revelation of Jesus Christ is, in the incarnation and the Gospels, (this I totally believe). Many people of my church do not know this or at least they do not "appear" to know this, for they go from one apparition site to another. Or worse many feel the need to go back to the same "apparition sites" over and over again. Is it not the same God in every place, in every church? Is there a lesser or greater God, only manifesting power in one area or geographic location? I learned in school if you need to repeat the same message again and again you are not learning it, once learned you do not have to go back and repeat the process. Sure there are refresher courses when learning, but to go back four or more times to hear the same message, there is something wrong there. Once you learn something you are to assimilate it into your environment. The truth being that even if the church approves an "apparition" or messages from God via private revelation, the faithful do not have to believe it to be true. It does not become a doctrine of faith, mandatory of belief in it. No, one only needs to believe in the Savior to be saved, not private revelation. Actually it could be harmful to you, if you get fixated upon it and not go to the Savior. In regards to signs, everyone is waiting for that one big sign to be sent by God. Well he already sent that sign, and we will soon be celebrating the birthday of the one who was that big sign to us all. Yet that does not seem good enough for many for they follow "signs" of people, be they a "visionary" or a "mystic" such as myself... You need neither, in fact be weary of such, such people should constantly be pointing you to your Savior no one else, especially not themselves. Yet still at the end of the day you do not need them.

And let the truth be told, God is giving everyone, "signs", in the everyday, take time to see them all around you. See them in the opportunities to serve others, to love. See them in the smiles given to you and those you give to others. See them in the eyes and hearts of those you love. See them in every thing on the planet, if it is not going well or looking good, see it as a "sign" of how you can do something to make it better.

I think it is good for people to share with others their touches of God in their lives it helps all of us, it lifts our faith and hope for the future. But do not hold anyone or anything higher then God. Do not wait for a "sign" from God... try something new; why not try being a "sign"... so when people look at your life they, I see God on that one, what a sign of love and mercy they are... NOW that is a SIGN... Don't wait for the "signs" that are predicated to come in the future, don't look to those who have "received" these messages or visions as "rock stars" of sorts, they are not.

So why do I blog and speak of my encounters with God, because I like talking about my best friend. Just the way I speak about my family and "other friends", I like to talk about my best friend who happens to be God. I also like hearing about this best friend of mine, so I encourage others to tell me their stories and encounters with God. This is with all faiths not just the one I am walking with on earth, God is not limited in any manner, he loves us all. Also to let those who might not have a best friend know that they do in God. He just loves us all and wants to relate to us all. So avoid the rush, do not delay that "sign" in your life... listen, believe, trust, love and have faith and you will, "hear and see" God too.

When you take a drivers test you need to learn what all the signs on the road mean in order to pass the test. Some of these signs are actually warnings; not to take this route for there is danger ahead. Yet when you do "real time" driving on the road, you can come across road signs that have been vandalized, spray painted over and you can not read the sign or it is saying something untrue. So it is best to commit to memory basic driving rules. This is true with some of the "signs, allegedly coming from God" they might have been vandalized trying to confuse you as you drive through this life. So commit to memory the only one you need, God; not someone else telling you about a sign to come.... And the biggest sign ever is, God loves you.... for you are a marvel of love, you move, you breath, you laugh, you cry... who else could do that for you except God?... a clear sign if ever I saw one...

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