Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Even if he weren't God, I still would want to know him
I am speaking of Jesus Christ, and I speak of him now as the person he was and still is. People were drawn to his humanity, his caring and love, for his undivided attention given to each individual who encounters him. He is like a magnet, attracting others to himself by his own person.
Warmth of personality and tenderness of heart, the best traits of humanity are his. Never showing favoritism as he speaks to the sinner as well as the saint with the same level of love and concern. Here is a man who looked at people with eyes that searched for goodness in the person and overlooked the sin. Here is a man who could see the person apart from their actions and know that they were more than that which, they projected. In Jesus there is also the man whose hand always reached out to others and touched only to heal never to harm.
From Jesus we can learn to be meek and humble of heart, yet he was not weak of character. His meekness was a product of his awesome strength and love, his humility did not cause him to become "wimpy" in any manner. To the contrary, he is the strongest of all men and at the very same time, the gentlest, having the capacity to bring out the best in people while showing them their faults with kindness and love. He directs them without judging them. We want to be good for him, not because that is what we're supposed to do, but because we want to do it for him by the strength of his goodness to us. Here is a man who is always concerned and attentive to every detail. When he raised a 12 year old who died, the first thing he instructed her parents to do was to feed her. Knowing that she was hungry. I am sure her parents were not that attentive to her only overwhelmed that she was alive again. Not so with Jesus he just raised her from the dead and this was not enough for him, he was also concerned that she was hungry and in need of food.
If he needed to correct some one's behavior, he did it with such style and grace, causing them to think about their actions not to be shamed by them. No, he wasn't interested in embarrassing people or condemning them, just helping them. This is what we are all called to do.
There were no strangers with him, just those who had not come to him yet. Friends and foes were all given the opportunity to know him. Kind words and actions are his trademarks. The gentle Lamb of God is always working for our good, never against us. He is not just a good Shepard, but a good friend to each one of us. We are not just lost in the flock of humanity with Jesus, but individuals who can approach him with our needs and concerns.
Yes, I would like to hang out with Jesus and learn humanity from him, real humanity, for he was prefect in it. I want to be a person like he is, to see things through his eyes and to think like he thinks and react the way he would react in any given situation. I want to be in imitation of his humanity, for the more I think and reflect upon his humanity, the more I love him and seek to be like him. Not only do I love him as the God/man, to me he is a hero of humanity in addition to being our Messiah.

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