Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Get out and disturb the conscience...
No one stands alone, no one achieves alone, all is through God and by his mercy others are sent to help you. So is the case with me and us all. I have a a blanket of people around me. They provide for me, in all manners, they are the manifestation of God to me in real time. These people are of all ages, faiths, sex, nationality and background. They are examples of God. I can do nothing. The above title was recently given to me and I prayed about it and this quote is heavy in personal responsibility and it was given to "youth" by John Paul II... the phrase was spoke to the youth in Boston... "get out and disturb the conscience, the sleeping giant"... Although this was spoken to the youth it should apply to us all. There are many who are uncomfortable around me, actually avoid me, there are even religious, who are uncomfortable around me. There was a Pastor who told me once this cannot be from God, you write to much, there is to much information coming from you, it must be your own willfulness doing this. Now as a cheap and shallow, sinful person, I thank the Pastor for this, but as one who wants to walk in truth, I give all glory and honor, to God, where it belongs. For yes there is much in the way of writings and thoughts that I have been given from God, he has trained me to think him, and abandon my will to his. So I ask, the Pastor why are you not writing more about God? If it is of the "will" then surely you should as a consecrated soul be ,"willing yourselve", to write more of God, to feed his people... yet you do not...I tend to rattle the cage of spirituality for people. Don't talk, the talk, if you cannot walk, the walk... you say you believe in God and love him, so hey, how much time do you spend with him in prayer? Do you think of him during the day, people who love each other do that you know... Do you consider God, in your decision making, people who love each other do that you know... Do you love your neighbor as yourself, (not just the ones who are like you but also the ones that test you the most in all manner and ways)... you can not say you love God and not do this... Do you love? God loves us all, you say you love God but if you cannot love others, how do you explain this to God? Are you sharing your wealth... be it money or yourselves... do you cloth the poor, shelter the homeless, feed the hungry you are doing so for God, you say you love him, then do this out of love.

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