Maybe There's A Loving God
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
We are to be bread to each other; that is what we are called to do this I am sure. So when I received the nickname, "Pumpernickel", from my father as a child, this being his favorite bread, little did I realize he was giving me a gift, plus a true definition of who I am and who I am called to be. As a child of God called to be bread to others as a child of man I am an acquired taste. Most people like white bread, a taste that is pleasing to the pallet, no "bite" to it or assault to the taste bud. Whereas, Pumpernickel bread can have a bite to it, a strong flavor such as myself, not pleasing to many. What my spirituality has taught me though, is to put butter on this bread before it is served to others, making it more appealing and less likely to offend. Even so, I am still an acquired taste but with the butter and the grace of God, I still can feed others with this bread and help them see that we are all acquired tastes, we are the banquet of the table of God....each one being a tiny morsel of delight to the taste of He who created us.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Are you debt free?
Being without debt.... There are those among us who can still say, "I am without debt, I pay for everything cash on the line... those fools who charge everything!" But are they really debt free? Have they never sinned in their lives, have they never taken a misstep resulting in the injury of someone else? Have they never had a harsh word to say to another? Have they never cheated here or there.. or maybe just tasted a piece of fruit or a few grapes in a store without paying for them? Have they never thought bad thoughts or been angry at another? Have they never lost their temper? Or have they always shared their abundance? Have they always been compassionate, merciful and caring to others???....If not, who is going to pay that debt for them?...Don't worry, I know the guy and I will try to keep pointing you to him...
Barriers....There are many barriers in this we call life. Some real, some imagined. Even if they are imagined, if you believe them to be there, they will stop you...they will stop whatever you seek to do in this life. You need to develop skills to break through them. Let me share with you how I have been able to do this. I will use the example of thoughts. "Mind barriers"... the mind barrier cannot withstand persistence. The blocks will fall if you persist at it. Now let me think..everything begins in a thought. Everything is first a thought so we all need to break through mind barriers. This is what stops us..the mind thought of "We cannot do this or that"...or "I am not worthy" or "I am a loser." You will become that which you think if you do not break through that thought barrier you have created for yourself. Break through it with the thought, "I am worthy, I am loved." Maybe there is no one in the world who has said that to you, so this I say to you now: There is someone who loves you, deeply desires you, and that would be God. Not the God imagined by man, but the one who rises above all thought barriers of man into the realm of eternity. No thought barrier is above God nor confining, He who is...He is there. Keep thinking He is there, He is real, He loves me, and someday your barrier will fall before you.. it will crash down destroying those feelings of isolation and loneliness. Your thought will rise to Him who is, who was and always will be.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
As the old saying goes, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?...practice, practice, practice..."
Most are not born with talent to play a musical instrument, but all can sit at the piano and practice until they at least can carry a tune on it. Such is the way with prayer. Most are not born with the gift of prayer. What you need to do is practice prayer, and just like a musical instrument, in the beginning it sounds awful to you. It is a pain to sit at that piano and cannot read the music, you cannot get both hands to work at the same time with the notes and the scales.. you are very clumsy with it......and you do not want to take the time to learn. You have better things to do than to sit at the piano and frustrate yourself. It is right at this moment the musician is born... the one who says, "but I am going to stick to it until it comes to me". No matter what, I am going to stick to it...because I really want to play the piano and one day make beautiful music. Such is prayer as well; keep it up and one day you will make such beautiful music that God himself will sing along with you.
You might even get good enough that you can hold a public concert, so all can hear your music to God...Maybe then we could have a jam session or sing along and really get this planet rocking for God...And the concert tickets are free, a gift from the management..