Maybe There's A Loving God

Friday, October 31, 2008

Energy flows where thought goes
Thought is energy is it not a nothing.. God created by thought... then speaking so it was ..everything, every invention, every action first starts with thought... look around nothing you see did not first have its origin in thought.
Didn't Jesus say if you thought it you have done it.. in those words Jesus was high- lightening the power of thought... A thought.. is also an intention, if you are thinking it you are on some level intending it to be.. be it good.. or be it bad. Your thought has an intention that walks with it. I was with a dear friend today and he said well I just thought of it I did not act on it. Now on a human level that is correct, that is "social correct". It is said on a human level thoughts are harmless; it is the acting upon them that makes for socially acceptable behavior or asocial behavior. But that is thinking like man thinks. I remember Jesus saying to Peter in the Gospel, you think like man thinks.. not like God thinks...
God holds thought on a higher level then we do, and if he is holding it on a higher level, we should be trying to control thoughts and intentions. Such as the next time someone really annoys you and you think in your mind mind ..drop dead creep.. or this one is a real pain, they just need to get lost. With hostility of intent... remember in the mind of God, in his thoughts, your thoughts and intent have already hurt this person, even though in our world we did not act on thought (so we think it is acceptable, in so doing we think like man, not God) God's world you did the harm and you are accountable.
You ever go into a room and you feel "bad energy there" hostility though there is no fighting, arguing, etc.. yet there is something not right there.. such are thoughts that damage. Indeed mob mentality is driven by the energy of thought and intent... I once heard that Satan's playground is your mind. Control your thoughts get the bad guys out of the playground. Use your mind to learn to form thoughts of love, compassion and mercy. Do not be at the mercy of your thoughts grab a hold of them.. think love, think happy, think peace, think restoration... Then you will be love, then you will be happy, then you will be peaceful, then you will be restored and so will the world.
It is true that it takes less energy to co-operate then it takes to oppose, you were made to love, so stop opposing the truth within you. Go with your internal flow of love be that channel of grace and peace you were created to be.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I was told yesterday that I was "willful"... and the thought did not leave my mind the entire day, even took it to the Chapel last night. I prayed that I would be less willful, even got teary eyed saying I am sorry I am willful.

I decided to take a survey of friends and family... flat out asked you think I am willful? After they were finished laughing the majority said... you willful.. you... that is your middle name... Now I thought wow... who knew I was throwing out such an impression to everyone...

So I decide to think back on being willful... had to first start with definition of willful... so I went to an online definition.... it stated this : Willful...1) to be headstrong... okay I think that is me...2) to be forward... okay that is really not me, I live in the woods, and am basically shy... only animated when it comes to God.... 3) self-willed... definitely not me, I will give you flak in the beginning.. I will think about it and give in...4) disobedient..??? If one means to rightful authority no I am not disobedient... if one means to do something that is wrong (such as following orders, when it means destruction, to another or yourself)... yes I can and will be disobedient...
Willful....???... are we meant to be willful on some level and is it to the glory of God that we are such... is our lives a constant struggle of will??... I think so... I do not think one can say ...I have given my will to God and that is it... I think it is a moment to moment thing.. every decision made is done within the will/ the ego... the struggle between the soul and the body... To "be of the will of God" is very hard, it takes a lot of work and time... you have to literally think God always... one has to analysis their own actions, what motivates one's personal behavior...
I do not think one can say in truth ... that they have completely given themselves over to the will of God... for that would be perfection here on earth, and we are fallen by nature, our humanity is always going to trip us up. To think we are "bullet proof" spiritual, is to have an issue with why Jesus came to earth in the first place, to save us. It was Jesus who said we are all fallen, all sinners...
So yes I am willfully... working on it though, in every action, word and deed trying to submit to the will of the Father... not always successful... But that is okay, then I go to the Savior of the World, tell him once again I messed up, can you help me out...
Jesus, always helps you out, especially with us willful folks in the world... come on I know you are out there, it is okay... just try to do better... Listen to that ,"small- still- voice", within, it is the gentle urge of the Holy Spirit to lay down your will and pick up God's...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

When Angels cry
I never heard any account of an angel crying... I have been thinking about this for sometime... I wonder do they have tear ducts... or even emotions? Wait they have emotions they love God... well some do. But is their love an emotion or stronger then that such as an attribute, something that does not wavier as the emotional kind of love does.
So I think what would make an angel cry? The crucifixion of Jesus and I for some reason I think, no. I think the angels knew on a level we do not know what was going on there and they understood it, as we can not... If anything at the time of the Crucifixion, they were happy to see evil defeated on a grand scale and they knew the power and the glory of God would win in the end... It probably did not look like a sorrowful event to them, but a very Powerful event... POWER, like they never saw before; never had God done anything so out of the ordinary and extreme ...maybe the angels felt fear... For in the world at the time of the passion and Cross, Jesus looked like a loser to us, but he was really kicking some serious butt, in the ethereal realm.
Maybe all the angels said step back, Jesus, is going to do some damage here , he is correcting time and eternity for the people of God, he is going hand to hand with evil...
Yes, if I were an angel I would have waited it out, not wanting to get anywhere near a God that is reclaiming his people... no way man! I would have waited this one out on a cloud.
So, what makes an angel cry???
The angels witnessed first hand what Jesus did to reclaim his people on a level we did not see, nor could we; they know on a level we do not know just how much God loves us..
So I think for the most part angels must be happy... Except when they see and they have to deal with human conflict, hostility, anger, rage and especially war.... That is what makes an Angel cry... For they know how much every person is loved by, God. They know that every angel assigned to protect a person is suppose to protect them, and they are never to hurt another human being. So what does an angel do when we are killing each other, fighting each other...hostile and angry at each other... These beautiful guardians of ours trying to protect us always, yet never doing so at the expense of another human, how could they, their doing so would say one human is more important then another which, is not true... These angels witnessed first hand the God/ man dying for all humanity, not just their charges. These angels know, they really know that the end does not justify the means. The angels who watched the God/ man fight so hard to get these people back now watching these same people hurt each other what does an angel do.... they cry...
Love Him with all of your heart
That is all Jesus is asking of you as the song goes... Love him with all your heart... that's all he wants dear, love him with all your heart, don't give him an hour or a moment, love him always with every beat of your heart... When he is far away and you do not feel him. Love with all of your heart, as he does you. Just promise him this that you will love him, you will cherish him with every beat of your heart.
The above is my answer to when people ask me how do I pray, just love him with all your heart. Think love... be love... and that is prayer from the heart. That is an undivided heart for God alone. Do not put your thoughts on power, money or position within your heart keep your God there, and this God should be the one true God. Not the gods of the world that is fleeting and temporal, prone to illusion; created to take you away from the truth within you. You are God's one true love made just for him, his heart is not divided when it comes to you, you are in total possession of his heart. I know the world is filled with pain and sorrow and defeat.. Go to the One who has defeated the world through his own pain and sorrow to claim you... that's all He asks of you...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Could you have said good-bye..
Call it what you like..locutions, Divine inspiration, encounters with the ethereal realm of God... Whatever you call it, a rose is a rose is a rose....This "flower" hears the Mighty one speak and is allowed to speak to him. On one such occasion late at night in the Chapel, my voice lifted to him...saying why, oh why, did you create me now in this generation, I so long for you. Why didn't you create me during your time in human history, so I could see and walk with you upon earth. To have held your hand, looked into your eyes everyday, laughed with you and cried with you. Why do I exist now and not then...
This merciful Savior and friend responded to me with the following words..."Could have said good-bye to me... could you have watched me die"...
With those words I cried and said no...I would have begged you to stay and not to go through that which, you did... I would have begged the Father, please find another way.. I would have offered myself in stay of you... In desperation I would even have tried to make a deal with Satan himself to save you....
Jesus responded to these words of mine with his own.... "This is why you were not there you would not have been able to say good-bye to me, nor I to you"....
If you have a high priced item you usually will have it monogrammed, a fur coat on the inside will have the monogram of the owner's initials inside, as will a custom made tailored suit or shirt. And other personal items that are near and dear to you, it is likely to display your monogram. This says to the world this item is mine and I value it, see I have my initials on it. So, dear Jesus please monogram this soul of mine with your initials for I am a very high priced item... purchased at a very high cost to you. As a matter of fact you gave it all you had to buy this item, this soul. So could you kindly place J.C. on my soul, this way when someone comes to disturb me they will see those initials and back off me not wanting to mess with the owner of this item, who is you.
Energy Tip
I have a great enegy tip ...ever feel drained...worn you are carrying excess baggage? Did you know that most of our energy goes into upholding our self importance. It really does, man oh man, it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain your self importance. So to increase your energy free up your time and make things easier on yourself....lose the self importance... I have a great way to do this, help someone else forget about yourself. Stop using your personal energy on yourself, it will weigh you down, so just lighten up, get out there and help someone...
2 dance
Locutions can come in several ways, interior voice, interior knowledge, interior visions all of which, needs a great deal of discernment. Many times these "visions" are metaphors or allegories of a message given. So you have to pray, ask for other people to help you who are familiar with such things. One such "vision" I had, well actually had this several times. I see myself dancing with Jesus. This I did not understand and did not think was accurate. Until I thought of the Bible passage where it states, God danced the day you were born. There are also other references to dance in the Bible. But the most startling thing I came across was a description a pregnant woman gave of a vision she had of Jesus, in it she stated that she danced with Jesus. This woman described the dance and it was very similar to mine..... Which, started me thinking... which, started me praying about dancing with Jesus...which, led to thinking about dance and science... why I thought this I do not know...
Here is what flooded my mind... everything when reduced is an atom. Condensed particles of pure energy with neutrons and protons with a nucleus and other unknowns within, they are spinning... they are "speaking" as they spin through vibration.
Then I thought of Einstein and his abilities as a scientist but he also had some pretty profound thoughts on God... Einstein worked on the atom bomb... I wonder what causes a atom to get excited, move faster and then what happens to the energy.... then I thought vibrations will cause the atoms to move faster and speed up.. get them going enough that they can explode and turn into a blast of heat, a ball of fire.... then I thought of Jesus and his Sacred Heart... Jesus said to mystics in the past that his heart is on fire with love. I think now that he meant that literally not just metaphorically for he as God is so full of Divine energy that he is literally on fire... His "atoms", his energy is vibrating so fast that they are aflame and since his root, his essence is love, it is a flame of Divine love. And this flame consumes us, it attracts us, it is a force unlike any other in Creation.
Curious when scientist speak of atoms they will use the phrase that within the atom the protons and neutrons are dancing around the nucleus.... are we as souls doing the same with the atoms of God, we are the neutrons and protons dancing around him who is the nucleus (the center of the atom, the center of our existence)... and the higher we "vibrate" the more it delights God... higher vibrations in science are brought about by exciting the atom... what does music and dance do to us, it excites and lifts us, it gets us going on a higher plane.... it brings joy, it brings hope, it brings us renewed energy. What did Jesus say in the Bible be of joy... do not worry... have faith... was he really saying .."speed up your energy, vibrate high and dance with me.... don't drag me down with doubt, with fear, don't stop the flow of energy I wish to share with you....
Is this why children are symbolic of the kingdom for they are happy, full of energy and goodness, nothing within them to drag down the flow of grace from God....... I don't know but it makes me think... thoughts that would never have entered my mind, yet they are there.... dancing around in my head....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hooked and rolling
First I want to give a "shout out to Jesus", this God/ Man so totally rocks! Do you know he is monitoring your every thought, your everything. I want to give you an example; my thoughts were about being homeless and with out anyone ...actually I was kind of feeling sorry for myself.

We are here on earth to learn to love, first God and through him each other then all creation. Yet yesterday as they say, I wasn't feeling the love.

Yesterday, my car broke down for the third time in two weeks. I think the car club that does the towing on my car, knows my ID number by heart. Yesterday I was a bit ticked off at the car, my housing situation, etc. As I was waiting for the tow truck this time, I skimmed through a book of miracles a Jewish friend of mine sent to me, all these miracles involved Jesus... Soon I heard the tow truck next to me.

Once the car was hooked to the tow truck, I got into the cab of the truck for my ride to the garage. The driver of the truck was very friendly and as it happens to me many times, this man opened up to me his personal and private thoughts on many things. (I asked him if I could share these stories on the blog and he said yes)... This man, (I will call him "David"), said that he was a former drug addict, and at age 13 he and his friends stole a car. They were arrested in NYC and "David" was taken to a juvenile detention center. There he stayed for nearly a year for his parents refused to come and get him. When "David", was finally released from the center by a friend coming to get him, "David" was sent back to his home, because of his age. The home and the parents that did not care enough to even come to pick him up at the detention center. To say that "David" was ticked off at his parents is to small a statement. "David" hated his parents for what they did, for not coming to help him, so he ran away, he was 14 at the time. For the next 3 years he was homeless, lived in an abandoned train station by himself for three years. During this time he went to high school and at night had a part time job so he could feed himself.

I asked "David", if he was scared being so young and alone, he said no. He went on to tell me how he "hot wired" the electricity and heat to work in the area of the building he was staying in. After three years of doing this and getting his high school diploma he was able to rent a small place.

"David" went on to say, he married and it did not work out. Upon the failure of the marriage "David" gave his wife and son their house and once again became homeless. Sleeping this time in abandoned cars for nearly 3 months, until once again he could afford a place to live.

"David" told me on one very cold night he broke into a Catholic church just to get warm. The next day he replaced the window he broke at the church and apologized to the priest. The priest asked, why he did this and he told the priest his whole life story as he told me on this day. The priest asked him, "do you think God helped you all these years".... "David", answered... of course he did, going on to tell this priest, hey didn't you ever hear.... you got a friend in Jesus...

Now my new friend, "David", the tow trucker driver was telling me about what he experienced being homeless. Apparently if it rained to hard, "David", as a homeless person would look up into the sky and say... hey can you stop the rain I am getting wet and it stopped. "David" always "found" a place to sleep indoors when it was cold and "David" always felt someone was watching over him even when he was so alone for so many years....

I spent about 30 minutes of my day today with "David" and I probably will never see him again, yet I will always remember him. When I said good-bye to "David" I hugged him and thanked him for sharing his story with me... with that he looked up to the sky and said "remember you have a friend in Jesus".... so I am going to pass on my new friend's advice to you... remember you have a friend in Jesus....
"David", the tow truck driver...a simple man, of great faith... now he is a mystic!!! He knows God.....

The title to this writing is Hooked and Rolling... that is expression "David", used when he hooked my car to his truck and we were on the road. I think this man is also hooked and rolling with God.
We all need to be hooked and rolling with God.....
Face Lift
I am at the age where both men and women are starting to use face creams in the evening, trying to fight back the hands of time and gravity... my mind wanders... what would it be like to have a face lift? Then I think you look a little bit weird after not better, your skin looks so tight and fake on your face. Then your hands expose you for they are old looking, as do your arms and legs and please let us not get into the chest and butt areas. No when one has a face lift they think they look better but it only draws attention to the areas of the body that clearly has aged and not been lifted... face lift for me. I am calling the perfect doctor in the morning though and I am scheduling an appointment for a ... faith lift... I have had many of these in the past and I notice afterwards I always look and feel so much better. People have even come up to me and said wow you look good so much younger did you have something done? I always refer them to the good doctor that I go to his name is Jesus... This guy is really good, he can remove those worry lines in a flash, he also does spirit lifts in case you are sagging in hope and he also tightens faith...
Your recover time is zero... no bandages needed.. people will never know what you had done but they will notice it on your face it will glow. Don't be surprised if you are asked "did you have something done you look so good"
Oh here is his number...1-in-3-pray2him... he answers the phone himself so just tell him what you need done... He will advise you from there...and don't forget to follow doctor's orders he will never lead you astray.
In the end don't worry about the way you look, you'll be getting a new body one day, a bright and shiny new resurrected one.
Holy Spirit who am I suppose to be?
Every person is born into the world to give a gift, the gift of themselves. The problem is that we don't remember the gift or know where it is located within ourselves. Children should be taught a simple prayer..."Holy Spirit show me who I am suppose to be"...... kids do not like to pray for the most part, they find it goofy. So you have to keep prayers short and to the point when you teach them. But wait is that not what Jesus said; when you pray do not ramble on and on your Father in heaven already knows what you need before you ask... so keep it short with kids and yourself... but always keep God in your mind and heart... the best thing to do is to be "a prayer", a prayer of deep faith and trust in God.
I think Jesus, without a doubt I think Jesus... on one of my "thinking" of him... I think compatibility. All relationships that I know of or have experienced here on earth, there has been something within them that on some level registered compatibility with me. Be it a friend who I have some type of common ground with or share a like or dislike with. A relative that I share a blood line with. Every single relationship even if just for the moment there was "compatibility" there. Even paying a parking ticket, the clerk at the municipality is compatible to me paying the ticket, every thing on some level has common ground that is compatible, even the bad, it teaches me lessons compatible to growth.
So I think, Jesus and me... okay what is compatible there... nothing!.... He is the Creator... me the creature... he the the sin...he is the the darkness...he the all the clueless...he the calm... me the storm...he the power and the glory... me the weak and despicable... It can go on and on and it did on this day in my mind.
I searched and searched where is the common ground? Where is the compatibility? Then thinking this can never work! Never be a long term thing, we have nothing in common! I actually started to panic to some degree, thinking oh no a relationship cannot work, longtime work if there is nothing to hang your hat on, no common ground!!
Then I "heard"... "we have desire for each other, deep desire that consumes us both"...
With those words, I thought, yes I do have deep desire that every other relationship in my life takes second to this desire and I am indeed consumed with this desire to know Jesus.
I add to this by saying, God has deep desire for all of you as well, he longs for you to come to him and whether you believe it now or not, you are compatible to your God. The reason being that he chose to create you, he chose to save you, and he chooses to love you...
Behold the lilies of the fields, not even Solomon in all his glory could compare to these.... I would like to be a flower like that... but I am a late bloomer. Yet God knows this that is why he added some, "miracle" grow to the soil around this plant, in the hopes that soon I will bloom for him. I am trying dear Father, maybe if you added more Son-shine upon me I can burst forth with a bloom for you. I already have seen much in the way of rain on this plant, even been buried in the snow, suffering through frost and wind as well. But I am still here and I am trying Father... please I need the warmth of your Son's-shine upon me... with the Son shinning on me I can bloom and live another season, not just as an annual but as a perennial....
p.s. Father can you pick off the first flower and place it in your lapel so I can be close to your heart always...
But wait now that I think... a life without love is like a tree without fruit, a plant without blossoms.. I know what will get me to grow faster, I need to add more love to the soil.. and grow deep roots in this love so when the winds come again, the snow and the frost I will never again have to worry about being damaged or lost...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My soul magnifies the Lord
We call it the "Magnificat", the words of the Virgin Mary praising God for his mighty works upon her. It is a cop out to think that those words are only for her, although she was the first to say them, she is not the owner of said. No that certificate of ownership is in the possession of God, he who created her. We are all called to magnify the Lord to the capacity that our souls were created, we are all called to blessed among generations in our own way.
I usually do not quote others, mainly because I do not read much. Yet once and a while something comes across my path and I think, wow... those are the words of a "mystic". Especially now since the church has taught me that we are all called to be in communication with God, we are all called to be mystics in our own way. Think about this the next time you hear a beautiful song, or a poem that touches you, or you read a story that makes you think outside yourself... all of those things were written by a "mystic" glorying God in what they do, lifting up humanity in song and word. Those songs and words will live for generations as well..
I will give you an example of everyday, Mysticism, in a speech given by Nelson Mandel in 1994... Now I have "heard" Jesus and the words I write now from Mr. Mandel's speech are inspired without a doubt... please read them and think about them, for they are for each and every one of you.. for they are words of truth..
......... It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And when we let out light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from fear our presences automatically liberates others....
......... Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate... out deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....
To the above I say you are powerful all of you, within, so let your soul magnify the Lord...

God works with personality, he knows everything there is to know about everyone, and he works with in that individual creation, that soul. My personality and tendency is that I like science. I am always asking, why... Jesus is very accommodating to me at times with these interests and explains as far as I can understand, certain things I would call science.
First many think that God is boxed into spirituality and that is all, forgetting that he knows all things and there is nothing new to him... so what we consider modern or the "latest thing" is nothing to God... people fail when they think of God as being of ancient times, he is of all time and of all knowledge....
I have "seen", Jesus as he looked prior to the Crucifixion and after... HE looks different, hair color, eye color, skin color, body type, facial structure all are different prior to death and post resurrection.
My thoughts were it can not be the same person picking up the same body upon the resurrection, DNA would not support it... Jesus the man looked different...
Jesus "answered" these thoughts with the following.... When man fell from grace, they doomed their bodies to death, don't eat the fruit, for surely you will die... this was an event that happened within the body as well as the spirit, the once perfect body which, was immune to sickness and death, was now cursed by God...In order for those "pre"-cursed bodies to have been death proof they had to have had different DNA code to them, upon the curse of the sin their DNA was changed it became like ours today..."yet still the same"... I was told that the spin/ the vibration of the DNA was changed not the DNA itself. Instead of the DNA helix turning towards God it turns against him now. The body is always in struggle against God within the DNA itself now... for lack of better words it is out of tune.. like a piano that once played beautiful music it is now completely out of tune.
When Jesus resurrected he returned humanity within the soul and the body, hence the promise of us being resurrected in body someday...Jesus was the first fruit of what we will be and such as his body changed ours will as well one day. Although, Jesus was without sin his body was still allowed to feel pain, sorrow, be ripped apart and die... in order to do that it had to have had the DNA of us on some level or it could not have died... when his body died and was resurrected its DNA (its flesh) once again glorified God with the original intent, and that is perfection. The body of Christ his manhood was offered on the Cross that was the sacrifice, the going before the Father after the resurrection with the redeemed perfect body was the glory... Jesus brought back to the Father mankind body and soul...
Now here I will state I am a Catholic, and where all this communication from God started for me was in front of the Tabernacle, as the Jews believe that God lives in the ARK, the Holy Scrolls, I am without doubt that Jesus lives and is alive in the Tabernacle ... not just figuratively but truly present there... so I add to this the following in regards to this DNA writing...
(Please note, by my writing all of this I am not hinting in any way that God does not save souls in any manner he chooses to do, he is God and can do whatever he wants, where ever he wants, whenever he wants. He also spoke in the Gospels that he has "sheep" in other pastures as to how he collects them, I do not know. Surely it will never be me who says to anyone you are not saved, no I have a, real fear of the Lord, salvation is his personal property, his domain and I ain't messing with it, I do not think at the end of the day any one should. Love all people, pray for all people show yourself to be a child of God by love not by judging them. I can only relate to you my story, what has happened to me.)
When Jesus stood before the Father upon the completion of his act of redemption this was his gift to his Father, the completion of doing the will of the Father...
This same body that was brought up to the Father in glory can be found here on earth in the Eucharist, this resurrected Christ in the Eucharist can "quantum leap a soul" from death into eternity. And that is the power of the Tabernacle for there is the perfect God/man waiting to restore us...waiting to "re" tune us all so he can play music on each and every one of us.
One last comment on a subject that I can go on and on about... when these "extra-ordinary" things are happening to me Jesus is "spinning my DNA Helix towards himself"... if he did not, "me" the person would be in to much opposition to him and he would not be able to communicate to me... For my flesh as is every ones on earth spins away from God, as its natural tendency now and I place in quotes "natural"; God works in the supernatural to restore humanity, he is outside of time and space..... but it makes me wonder what will happen to mankind with all the genetic manipulation they do now and the playing around with DNA... are we truly destroying ourselves on a most profound level by doing so? For in doing so our thoughts are so fixed upon the body, do anything and all things to save the body , the flesh... a truly spiritual person realizes that this is a temporary place for us, death is not a punishment anymore, Jesus turned that around for us all... through Jesus... death is life.... eternal life... said cannot be found here on earth, yet mankind pushes the issue, with trying to find it within the flesh here. So truly the flesh, the DNA we have now is still spinning away from God.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

"Ecce Homo"...behold the man... who he really was... as a "man"
I do not know why...I do not know how... but this God/man called Jesus Christ speaks to me and allows me to ask questions of him (most really dumb questions, yet in his kindness he answers them)... Most times though it is Him, who initiates the topics of conversation.... I will relate one such now...
Please be advised, that I do not come from a religious background, the altar that was worshipped in my home was education and academics. I being not so bright was never a star within the family... sort of the black sheep. So when these "things" started to happen I would ask "normal people" about their religion, an attempt to see what it was to be a "Christian"... For the most part the "Christians" that I spoke with told me that Jesus was a Christian, one even said that he was told that Jesus was converted on the Cross to Christianity.... Although I am very dumb this did not make sense, even to me...
So here is the conversation that I had with Jesus in regards to Him being a "Christian"...
Jesus was born a Jew, Jesus lived his whole life as a Jew and he died as a Jew.... That at the time of his living upon earth .. you were either a Jew or a gentile... Jesus was always a Jew. Jesus went on to speak about his humanity and his environment in which he lived, first he was 100% man as well as 100% God... As man you cannot separate the fact that he lived in a Jewish community, as well as Middle Eastern community, and in order to completely understand his humanity, to the best we can here on earth, you need to understand Judaism and Middle Eastern culture. You can not separate the man of Christ from who he was within his place in history and locale. Jesus came to experience humanity and to be offered as a sacrifice for sin, doing so within a specific faith and culture.
It is stated again and again in the Gospels by Jesus that he came to do his father's will... (the will of God the father)... yet that statement also mimics what a Middle Eastern man of the times (even now) and what a Jewish man would do as well... He would do what his father told him to do... Respect and honor for ones father in the Middle Eastern culture is very high... so within the humanity of Jesus, his culture, he was always doing his father's will on human level as well as on a spiritual level... that is what Middle Eastern men do, it is the honorable thing to do.
Also when Jesus was lost in the Temple, and his mother asked, why did you do this.... Jesus responded, "did you not know I would be doing my father's business"... this statement is a spiritual one but it is also a "Middle Eastern / Jewish one"... a "good son" to his father goes about doing his father's work within this culture...
Another passage within the Gospel, Jesus states that "no one can come to me unless the father invites him".... Jesus also calls himself the "bridegroom" in the Gospels.... these are spiritual statements to be sure, but they are also Middle Eastern /Jewish statements that could be applied to a man of Jesus' time in history. They are actually very beautiful statement of culture of his time.... first in reference to Jesus calling himself a "Bridegroom".... now back then, it was the Father who picked out the bride for his son and then the marriage occurred. So in Jesus saying you cannot come to him unless the Father sends you to... he speaks like a real bridegroom of the culture of his time... "dad gets to pick out my bride"...
Also Jesus speaks of preparing a "home" in heaven for all, a place in his father's house, that is a classic Middle Eastern/ Jewish statement of the time... the Bridegroom would first go and build a home for his bride to be and it would be in his father's house. The bride upon marriage leaves her home and becomes a member of her husband's household.... (his father's home)...
There are many other hints within the Gospels that actually shout Jesus' Middle Eastern /Jewish flare to his humanity... I invite you to study the culture of the Middle East and Judaism to know your Savior better, as to the "man" he was. Jesus is a really good guy, figuratively and literally, get to know him better... for you see he calls you, "friend" now and friends share things about each other and one of the best things to share with each other is our culture, our heritage... I love going to ethnic festivals of all types each one has a richness to them a celebration of life... learn more about Jesus, celebrate his life on earth as he experienced it...
? ! , : . ; and other such clue

I have close friends, family and know others who write for a living. They know how to use words, they are expert in grammar, punctuations, let's not even get into their abilities to spell. I have none of these skills, not one... no I just sit at the keyboard and it all comes. Such things seem to freak some people out (those who are gifted in written communication that is). One of the most interesting comments was one I received last night, this I will share now.... I was told that my writing is not "normal" it is as if I am having a "steady stream of consciousness" flowing from my mind and I am writing it down. That it is just thoughts streaming out of me ... I write this now to say, I really think this is it... a perfect description of what is happening to me. I would much prefer to be outside doing something, anything then sitting at this computer and typing words, yet here I am doing just that... To be honest, there are times it freaks me out as well... I "know me" and this is not "me"... Which, makes me think do we really know who we are? Is the definition we apply to ourselves truth, or a description of that which the world has placed upon us and we have taken it on. So who are we??? I know the "thought" just came to me, we are children of God, we are royal, made so by He who is filling this mind with these thoughts, to let you know, that you are loved, you are all graced...just keep those "thoughts in your mind"....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Modern Warfare
Most people consider modern warfare as being high-tech with such things as smart bombs. I consider modern warfare in a different, more deadly way; mankind releasing warfare on each other through character assassinations, power and money games, directed at destroying reputations and personal lives. Or stripping away of human dignity by compromising people through shortages, be it economic, medical or emotional.
Modern warfare is more sinister than bombs, for the real evil is never seen, only its fruit. I speak of the warfare on the children, on third world countries with policies proposed to control their population and thus reducing them to the status of stray animals needing to be controlled. The greatest warfare is leveled against God himself, in the battle to keep him out of our lives.
No, warfare is much more then battlefields and weapons. It is an attack on the structure of the family and parental authority, it is an attack on women and children who are looked upon as objects in pornographic materials, it is an attack on the elderly and the sick, limiting the care they are given, and against the homeless and the poor.
Smart bombs are no match for smart people out to get whatever they want. Real evil and destruction is hidden so deep in the framework of our society, it isn't even labeled the enemy anymore. Wars are not the real evil, but the manifestations of the evil. It is said at Fatima, one of the seers were told that wars are chastisements for sin. Hence, the war itself is not the original product, but its fruit, that being sin. Evil hearts and minds create sin.
The worse is that our society is starting to identify with their oppressor, that which, is evil, a condition that happens when one is held hostage for a long period of time. They start to think like the oppressor and agree with their thinking and actions.
My faith in God is faith in goodness, that which, is good in mankind, knowing evil will eventually destroy itself, for it is its own worse enemy.
We should not wage war on each other, don't dance with people's reputations or lives and declare war on them individually, for God will not sign up in your militia of personal harassment. We are to help each other, start on the main front of your own family, for this is the training ground for all soldiers sent into the arena of mankind. If the environment of the family is good, loving and caring, the troops that leave it will bring that message into the world. If the training ground is violent, hostile and unforgiving, so too will this message be placed and acted out in the world.... Stop the modern warfare, declare peace in your hearts, homes, neighborhoods, cities, and countries...

Now that is Power:
To say that I have a unusual life is akin to saying fish like to swim... I have friends in all walks of life, most not knowing anything about the "mystic part of me"... I relate a story here from when I was in Washington, DC recently. One of these friends of mine asked me to attend a party with them, due to the nature of the job this person has, this party was a room filled with people involved with the government on a very high level. All of these people were A type personalities to say the least. As I normally do at such things, I walk around the room introduce myself to people ask how they are doing listen to their conversation a bit, and more on to the next one. I heard talk of foreign affairs and policy makers, "big names" thrown around here and there, on who spoke to who. Within this room I thought are all the movers and shakers of the government, those behind the scenes not known by the outside world.
Then as usual my mind drifted at this party to Jesus and I thought of the musical, Jesus Christ Superstar... In that play there is a song, "Jesus" sings, the lyrics are:
Neither you Simon nor the fifty thousand
Nor the Romans
Nor the Jews
Nor the priests nor the scribes
Nor doomed Jerusalem itself
Understands what Power is
Understands what Glory is
Understands at all...understands at all...
I thought of this song because there in that room, were people thinking they stood within the power of the world, which, on a pure reality level they do, yet on a level of pure truth they do not... they stand within human power, not the power of God...they stand within the power of weapons, policy, money and human control... the power of man... which, is not a power of love and mercy for the most part but one of personal agenda or governmental agenda.
And I thought what power do I want to be subject to and I knew without a doubt and said this prayer....Dear God, keep me close to you and not subjected to the power of man. At that moment I knew as I always did, yet lost track of, I am powerful through prayer, I am powerful through love, I am powerful through compassion and mercy. I am powerful enough to change policy, I am powerful enough to change governments, not in taking a hard stand as governments do but by the gentleness of a dove, not with a heavy hand but a gentle touch on the person and souls of others. With faith I am a force to be reckoned with and this I have seen with my own eyes in the past.
There will come a day when real power comes back to earth, and takes stock of those in power now, and they will see with their own eyes as well, that their power was not of God, for it will evaporate before them and they will stand naked, only clothed with their power to love, and the Power of the Creator, will judge them how they used this power to love
I am going to add to this writing with a topic that might cause me harm or at least ill will from some... but today I was asked by someone if the "Lord" spoke to me about the elections ... I have had many conversations with "Jesus" in regards to humanity, all of humanity. God is God to the universe not just a locale... So I am going to answer the question that was asked of me with the following writing..
I am going to take on the topic of deviant behavior and other "evil people", in what ever profession they may be in... People in all professions, be they doctors, politicians, teachers, priests, whatever....even future presidents.... are all called out of the community/society they were not made in a vacuum. These men and women are not magical beings somehow immune to that which is preexisting within society from hence they stem... To lay blame on God, because there have been evil people or deviant people is to misplace blame. We live in a fallen world and society itself has produced these men and women, doing so when they do not stand up themselves for what is right, good and honorable. The blame is upon the doorstep of everyone here, every single soul who instead of doing something about pornography, hatred, child abuse, family violence, mental illness and deviant behavior chooses to sit back and say.. well that is freedom of the press, who cares who hates who, or another kid was hurt or killed in a far away place who cares, family violence oh they deserve each other, mental illness deny them health care.
People of faith are not getting the fact that we are a community of saints we are linked together, we will get out of the body what we put into it... like garbage in, garbage out... If you secretly are lusting, we will be given more people of lust to lead us, (lust comes in many ways it can be sexual, it can be financial, it can be power within society, it can and is any means of control over another individual geared at taking away their worth in a lame effort to gain personal power), if you are secretly taking some sick delight in someones sorrow you will get more sorrow in the world. If you are not taking care of children we will get more children hurt and injured in society. There are no secrets before God, he knows the hearts and minds of all and his grace flows in the direction of your mind frame and ability to love. Do not expect God to send men and women of honor into any profession if the people they are to serve are not first that.
Is God to say, let me send good and honorable people...when I am kicked out of their schools, kicked out of their lives and work places... who instead of reading things to elevate the consciousness choose to read smut and pornography, who instead of honoring their mother and father's they abandon them and cause them harm, instead of helping their fellow brothers and sisters, they do what they can to hurt them, by cheating in business, denying them care or assistance... these things called social justice are formidable to God, he is really big on justice, deny it to others and you will be denied it as well in areas that will come out of no where... If you refuse to love, and deny others justice the only thing left for you to stand before with God is his wrath..
There is a guise of conservatism as well as liberalism that prevails in society, when it is really big business/consumerism that produces these people of destruction among us...anything to make a buck be it porn, higher prices so people can not eat, deny whole areas of the world food and water because of a political stance... these things are pure evil and when we do not stand up against evil be it within our own hearts, homes or around the world we are part of it... it is true the statement of St. Augustine, if you sit in the mist of sin and you do nothing you will not remain guiltless. We are a body, a mystical body, this body of believers on the planet is sick and we all need to try and heal it as a collective.
In ancient times God responded to the Jews with a King that they wanted; their thoughts and complaints went up to God and he responded to them... you want a King, you want someone to lord over you, instead of me, okay here you deal with this guy... We are saying to God now, hey we want a human gospel, we want to do our own thing, we want men of science and the world to tell us the mysteries of life, we want to have fun don't place your commandments or laws upon us we are free thinkers....we are free people...we can take care of ourselves...we are allowed our personal truth, we do not have to believe in any one personal truth or absolute truth... So God is answering us back with...okay then here you go deal with these people, you want to follow the ways of people and society here this is what you will get... you get perversion, you get chaos.... If society goes with the flow so to say of personal truths do not be surprised if one day it is washed away. Absolute truth is like a dam that holds back the destructive waters of man... You want good and holy leaders be such, you want a merciful society be such, you want justice for all be such, you want love to prevail be such, you want to experience the grace of God in the world, pray for it and be it.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Proclaim the God, but deny the power, how does that work?

I have met many people who say they believe in God... this is a good thing... yet upon further discussion with these same people, they question God's power. If you believe in God, by the nature and the logic of belief and per the definition of the word God...he is power... he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, where ever he wants... he is without limitation, with out boundaries and without independent need, from anyone or anything to do what ever he chooses to do. He wants it done, it is done, nothing is going to stop him.

Yet throughout human history people have felt God impotent in some fashion for they felt... they needed to kill others, "In the name of God"... or they needed... to destroy civilizations ...."In the name of God"... I think...okay, the God I know, he wants someone dead..they are dead... he wants something gone ... it's gone... God does not need a "hit man"...God is not taking contracts out, hiring others to destroy in his name.

Then I think of the commandment "thou shall not take the lord's name in vain"... most think of this commandment on a very superficial level..such as, I just swore and I used the name of God in doing so I broke a commandment, which, is true. Did you ever consider this... maybe using the name of God in vain also points to when God's name is used, to kill someone in his name, to hurt or destroy someone or something in his name, to do anything outside of love in God's name...
Anyone who does anyone harm in the name of God is taking his name in vain, is taking God's name and defiling it... God is a very powerful... so please remember he does not need you as a hit man, he does not need you as an instrument of hate and war, he needs you as an instrument of peace and love....
Three Days of Darkness
Over the years, I have heard much in the way of "three days of darkness" to come, I have even heard stories that saints have "seen" these horrible days to come on earth. People have asked me many times, have I seen such dire things. I will answer you now, by not answering this question. It serves no purpose to you to know such things, all we need to worry about is what darkness may be within our hearts. People worry about the future and in doing so do not take care of the here and now. We are not guaranteed to see tomorrow, our salvation is today, here and now...
I will tell you something though about the future... it lives in you, within your ability to love and have faith, that you can make a difference... that the heart of God can be touched by you, in your turning away from sin (the negative in thoughts, words, actions and desires), and turning towards love, (compassion, mercy, forgiveness, charity and hope)... What parent whose child comes to them and says: hey, dad, I really messed up, I am so sorry, dad, I want to make it better, please help me and forgive me.... What parent would then say to this child, no I am going to punish you anyway, I am going to send you ..."three days of darkness"... even though you are sorry and asked for forgiveness I am still going to hit you.... Does that make sense? No it does not, do not focus on the future, work in the now, seek restoration of heart, mind and soul in the now... place so much light into your hearts that they shine forth brightly into the world, then any darkness will be diminished by the your light.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

One Last Word
It has been a long day, a day of trial and hope, it is time now to put this computer and myself to sleep. Yet I still "think", God, and all the words and thoughts that come my way, as I get ready to sleep, I pray... okay, one final word ...just sent me one and let this mind turn off for the day... but make this last word of the day a perfect one and make it the only one for I am in need of rest... okay God, I am waiting sent it to me... send me that prefect word to end this day..... "what's that you say"? You already spoke the perfect word... it was what.... "Incarnation" ..... yes, at the end of this day and at the end of all days this one perfect spoken word, the incarnation, by the Father is all we need.
What motives these thoughts, this thinking?
Let me see it it I found in life that does not make you happy, is it acceptance, no I am very much a loner always walked to my own beat so to say... So why is this person's brain producing these thoughts, these endless thoughts, why are these thoughts always brought back to God? As if my brain has been in the off position and some hand has flipped the switch and the power surge through the lines is flowing... If I were a plane, I would be flying full throttle or a booster rocket on the space shuttle aiming into deep space...
"Me",the procrastinator says just sit back and enjoy the ride, "Me" the I have to know why searches, seeks and wants to know why this is happening..Define this... or is this indefinable? I do have a clue though that the motivation is love... like a kiss from the stars, a hug from the galaxy, a dance with the Creator. As he touches me it is his energy that infuses this mind with thoughts.. like a blood transfusion, but it is an energy transfusion firing up the synapses of my brain. Which makes me think..(of course it does)...was this the original intent of the Creator do we all have this within (of course we do)... But all our brains are in the off position and God turns them on when it is part of his plan.. Maybe one day God will flip the switch on us all at the same time... maybe that day is called, the Kingdom of God... the perfect day... the 8th day of creation... the number 8 turned on its side is an infinity symbol, so that perfect day will last forever... at least this is what I think... this is my thought.... and who is sending it to me???
What are you getting out of it ?
To this statement, I speak of anger and revenge. Speaking in terms of cost effectiveness to you; you know invest in something, you should get a return, right? Plant a seed, get a tree, invest in a CD get more money for your money... So what are you getting out of your anger and revenge investment? Is it making you feel better inside? Are you happier with yourself when you lose control and spiral into anger, acting on it with revenge? Do you think you look better draped in anger? Do you think you become a people magnet because you are out of control and nasty? Does the stomach pain and indigestion that anger and revenge produce feel comforting to you, are you getting high on this on some level? Is a power trip for you? Did you know that real power is in control, not out of control, so by definition anger is weakness, not power...
Anger is weakness, a small person's response to their inability to love...
The only time God does not seek smallness in us is when we are small in our ability to love, so get out there and love, not the touchy, feeling love... that is lust... but the real love that thinks outside itself.. Did you know that real love does not feel good for the most part and it is hard to do. You have to get rid of yourself, your needs, your desires and focus in on someone else, think their needs, their desires.... Love is not what someone can do for you, but what you can do for them... When you "real" love it is like pouring a glass of milk for someone, there is always residue left in the glass, once they drink from left over for you...or pick a flower and give it to someone the fragrance of the flower stays on your hands. Be love and you will be a people magnet... Be love show your power, drape yourself in beauty.
Don't be afraid it is a sign of weakness it is not, if you need proof of that look at a crucifix and see real love....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I killed a chipmunk today
I killed a chipmunk to day, I saw it in the road and beeped my horn to get it out of the way, but it turned on a dime and ran back towards the car. I heard the thud and looked in my mirror to see this poor creature on the road, I started to cry. This tiny creature was just trying to pass by, not knowing of vehicles and dangers in its way, just going about its day. Now it is gone, no longer here and it is all because of me.. I am so sorry, God, I did not mean to do this, maybe the horn frightened it, and made it turn back into the road...maybe I should have stopped and waited...
I tried to get this creature out of the way by beeping my horn, of course it didn't understand.. the beep was to help, not to destroy... I know all forms of life are precious to you; so with the death of this chipmunk I morn. I know that this creature so small and unnoticed, was never so with you... for in the Gospels, you speak of foxes who have liars and birds having nests, and before a bird falls from the sky your father knows. You even spoke of the lilies in the fields on how magnificently they are dressed. Yes, all things on earth matter to you... every blade of grass is even noticed by you. Please dear God, make me a good steward of all things large and small upon this planet, forgive me for beeping and causing you harm, in the small creature I see motionless on the road. I beg you dear Lord, pick up this little creature and give it new life, in a place where it can run and play in the sun, not having to worry about people such as me; hurrying about and not wanting to stop their car... to let a creature go by. Choosing to beep and just fly by, causing fear and harm for those on the road.
Please forgive me, for all the times I did not stop when others needed me to do so; I just blew my horn at them as well.. I look back in the mirror of time and see them on the road. I left them injured and in pain by my lack of patience, not taking the time to just stop, and wait for them to clear the road, some were on the road of loneliness, some on the road of pain and suffering, some on the road of hurt.... I did not stop to help them get across their road, I just beeped and drove by... I ran them over as well, Lord, please, please, forgive me... for I am so very sad, you see I killed a chipmunk today and he is like an instrument of awareness to me for all the others, I injured along the road of this life as well.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Private versus Public
The above refers to "revelation", said word can be used in many venues for the purposes of this writing I apply it to scripture and religion. I will use it in the fashion in which, I believe, my personal religion. So I will speak to the, "Public Revelation", of Jesus Christ. Within the institute of the church there are many intelligent people, who have spent a lifetime learning and researching the topic of public revelation, they also have an extensive data base upon which, they draw information and conclusion on matters of faith. To these people I always defer; I am not a scholar never claimed to be, nor would I want the job these people have. They stand before God in a most unique way, they will be called to a higher standard when judged, their opinions and decisions on faith and tradition literally mean the salvation of souls, not something to be taken lightly.
Please understand that the church must be hesitant in regards to the nature of private revelation, (that which, is given to a soul on a private bases), the thoughts, views, and "messages", must ring true on some level to that which, is already established within the church. The church does not want the faithful misguided in any manner or fashion. The church also believes that at the end of the day no private revelation is needed, all that is needed is, Jesus Christ and that which, he brought to earth, His salvation to all... to this I say...yes, yes, yes... it is true at the end of the day you do not need me nor any other "private revelation".. you need the Savior and his message.
All that being said, we serve a merciful God, he sees our struggles in the here and now and he does seek to comfort and console us, in the here and now. May I use a metaphor here, we are "sick" in this world on so many levels, emotionally, spiritually, health wise, economically and in many other areas. When someone you love is struggling and hurting you will reach out for them, (do you think God would do any less for all of us?) This is what I believe private revelation to be a merciful God reaching out to his people to say, he is here, he has it under control, just love, trust and have faith.
What is happening to me I believe, using another metaphor, is I was struggling, God came to me, put me into spiritual rehab so to say, now I am to be a counselor to others that are struggling.
The way a former alcohol will stand up at an AA meeting and say, I am, a alcoholic. So I, "stand" up before you now in this writing and say, I am, a sinner, I am trying my best not to be, yet, I fall. When I do so I seek forgiveness upon me, and know that I will give you help when you fall and my forgiveness will be upon you. I will love you , and I will try to show you that which, was shown to me the mercy of God and the love of God.
I ask with these writings, that in addition to thinking about them you pray about them, you pray about all things. I also ask that you speak to someone smarter then me if you have questions about these things, your Pastor or spiritual adviser, for I do not want to misguide you in anyway...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

These thoughts came as a direct result of thinking about what was said, to me by one of my spiritual advisers. Fr., told me in regards to souls, we are all made to communicate with God. Fr., used an example; that souls are different sizes, some like glasses, some like buckets, some puddles, some ponds, some seas, some oceans, that God fills each soul to what it was created to be. Fr., mentioned that maybe, I am like a sea and that is why these things are being given to me.
I thought about this and I remembered a "locution", that I received from Jesus sometime ago, on one of the many occasions I asked him, why does he speak to me? Jesus, responded in this manner..."you are like a small drop of dew on the smallest flower in the field at sunrise"... Which, prompted me to ask another question it was... Okay, I do not get that answer, what do you mean by this?... Jesus, did respond to me saying..."I am refreshed by you, I am quenched by you"... at this I thought, wow, it does not take much for you to be refreshed, just a drop of dew? Jesus answered this thought with the following... "I am in no need of greatness, yet in smallness, you are great"..
So thinking back on Fr.'s, comment about me being a sea.. Jesus told me I was a small drop of dew.. and I think about Fr., he is the sea... he is a sea of grace within his priesthood for through that gift he brings souls to God.. no, maybe Fr., and all priests are greater than a sea they are a living water a constant flow of grace stemming from the source itself, Jesus.
No, I am not a sea, I am dew... in so many ways for dew is subject to the rays of the sun, it will evaporate as the morning progresses. Dew, like me is subject to the sun but my sun is spelled Son. I, am subjected to the rays of the Son, at his mercy, I am small, noticed by those who are awake in the early morning to see me, the late risers will not even know of my existence for I will have evaporated by the time they awake; not even a memory of theirs, but for one brief moment, I was dew, upon the smallest flower in a field at sunrise...


We are to be bread to each other; that is what we are called to do this I am sure. So when I received the nickname, "Pumpernickel", from my father as a child, this being his favorite bread, little did I realize he was giving me a gift, plus a true definition of who I am and who I am called to be. As a child of God called to be bread to others as a child of man I am an acquired taste. Most people like white bread, a taste that is pleasing to the pallet, no "bite" to it or assault to the taste bud. Whereas, Pumpernickel bread can have a bite to it, a strong flavor such as myself, not pleasing to many. What my spirituality has taught me though, is to put butter on this bread before it is served to others, making it more appealing and less likely to offend. Even so, I am still an acquired taste but with the butter and the grace of God, I still can feed others with this bread and help them see that we are all acquired tastes, we are the banquet of the table of God....each one being a tiny morsel of delight to the taste of He who created us.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

On some level every one has them, aspirations, even if in the form of a daydream they are there. We dream how to make it, how to be rich and famous, or maybe be a doctor, lawyer, or a Hollywood star. I know a test pilot and a dolphin doctor on the side (the dolphin doctor was always part of what I wanted to do as a child, I have a nephew who wanted to be a dinosaur doctor).
I never heard anyone say they have aspirations of being homeless and poor, a drunk, a drug addict, a rape victim, a mentally ill person, a felony yet those are also among us... So what happened to these people, why them and not us do these awful things happen too? Did they somehow do this to themselves, you know those rotten SOB's who should have stayed on the straight and narrow, dumb drunks, stupid asocial drug addicts, your homeless go out and get a job... It is all their fault right??
I especially love these comments when they come from a ,"God fearing person", and they quote things from Scripture like ,"If you do not work you do not eat", or saying God helps those who help themselves ,(which, by the way is not from the Bible but a quote from Ben Franklin). Jesus, would not have said such a thing he knows we are all helpless so he helps us all.
But hey, are we not our brother's keeper? But wait that is a quote from the Bible..Old can be read... it goes something like this. After Cain killed his brother Abel, God spoke to Cain and asked, where is your brother? Cain answered,"am I my brother's keeper"? One day, God is going to do the same with us... speak to us in such a fashion it will be at the final judgement. God is going to ask us as well about our brothers and sisters. They are not named Abel, but Dis-Able... you know those among us who are disabled through drugs, alochol, poverty, illness or other disabilities in life. To be homeless, to be sick, to be down and out is to be Dis-Able. Are you killing these brothers and sisters of yours, through neglect, disrespect of them because of their circumstances, instead of remembering that they are children of God... they are your brothers and sisters, are you Cain??
Do you think, God will treat you any different then the way he did the original Cain after he killed his sibling? Do you think that the souls of these poor brothers and sisters of yours are not crying out to God, the way Abel's blood did after his death? We serve a God of truth and justice, what was true to him in the time of Cain is true to him now, as Justice was demanded upon Cain, it will be demanded upon us as well... So are you, your brother's keeper?
I have nothing...
yet in God I have it all
How it happened... for nearly 20 years I have been having, "unusual and profound spiritual experiences", so at long last I decided to take all of this to the church, (it does not take me long to do things, just 20 years or so). Yes, I made an appointment to go see the "person" in charge of these things in church. Now, I must say I was very nervous to say the least to do this. Here is this "man" who is highly educated, a pillar of the church, sitting across from me in his office and I am about to tell him, I have been having "encounters with God". As I sit there I think why did I do this, man oh man, this guy is going to blow me out of the water, my next thought maybe I can just say, oh I am sorry, I changed my mind, I do not want to talk about this and leave. But no something motivated me to come here, I was there and I was going to speak, I needed to know.
So, I began my story and this man seated across from me gave me direct eye contact, and his full attention, within his eyes I saw something, I saw the presence of Jesus there. In my "seeing" this in the eyes of this man, it was easier for me to speak with him.
All during the time I spoke with him, he did not flinch or comment, he just listened, (I think if it were me, I would have said, okay thank you but I forgot, I have another appointment, I can see you again, the day after never). This man did not rush me, but sat there and listened quietly to all I had to say, he asked to read some of the things I had brought with me, and he referred me to another man in the church, who might be able to help me. This "pillar" of the church, I found on this day was even more so , he was a pillar of a man in his kindness to me.
Next, I made an "appointment" to see the "new" person who was to help me in these things, I must say he was a reluctant debutant at this event, even asking me a few times, are you sure you got the right name, that it was him I needed to speak to... I assured him this was so...
So once again, I found myself sitting across from another stranger, telling him things most would never tell others, especially within the church.
He too was kind and listen and over a period of time offered me great guidance and help in these matters.
Among the questions I was asked, do you have any degrees or education in religion, theology or philosophy ... my answer no, I never made it through college, indeed I was a solid D or C student throughout my schooling, and I am dyslexic, I do not have the capacities to learn as others do. I can learn through verbal communication, not through reading, my comprehension is not there. Nor do I have writing abilities, yet I am doing so now in a grand way. I written over the years when it came to things of God, family, and children (as if with these things I am given the abilities, which I normally cannot do, as if I have knowledge on loan), other then that I can not formulate and write thoughts well. I have no education, no skills in any subject matter, no writing skills, nor abilities to know things that many of these writings contain. Yet my mind seems to be on fire with thoughts about God, creation, people and purpose.
I did not come from a religious home, I do not read the Bible for the most part, I do hear it in church, I do not read about Saints, yet when I "need" to know a Bible quote it comes to me, it is just there in my mind.
My personality is one of seclusion preferring to remain out of the fray of society, always afraid of public speaking, preferring to fail a class in school, then to stand up and do public speaking. Yet I have stood before audiences of 700 people in the past to speak of God without fear.
People say I am graced, I do not feel it, I feel the struggle within, the body versus the soul, wanting God, tempted by the world. My life has been and is very hard, yet there is a deep peace within.
I do remember I always had love, hope, desire to help others and lots of energy and laughter within... not things that are marketable among men...
Truly ... I have nothing... no educational gifts... no skills... no abilities... no monetary means... nothing... I have nothing... it is in this nothing that I have found God... in this meaningless life that is mine, he seems to take glory in... as I am brushed off by others as they continue on their way, this God stops and tells me he is here and he will walk me along the way. This is why I write to you now... this is why I went to the "pillar or the church", to tell him and you that God is real, and for those who like me are brushed off along the way, God is there and he will walk with you.
Not a Crowd "Pleaser"
Although, Jesus did draw many large crowds in his time, he was not, a crowd "pleaser". No, Jesus told it like it was and let the chips fall where they may. I am sure many were attracted to his candor, his style, yet I am sure that many were attracted to miracles that accompanied him, possibly some came for the free food (as in the multiplying of the fishes and loaves)... Yet no matter why they came... the important thing is they were never turned away, they were all welcomed with this man called ,Jesus. Oh course he knew as God, what was in the hearts of the people, yet still no matter the intent, Jesus had an open door policy. Which at the time really ticked other people off ... with such things as how can he be the son of God and sit with tax collectors, whores and drunks... no way he is a fake, a phony, as a matter a fact he must be from the devil... Jesus did not care about the words thrown his way, he cared about the people. Thinking back upon Jesus at that time in history, I think he must have been the topic of conversation in households, as the way political candidates are now...
There were the supports and the detractors of this "candidate for bringing salvation"... this candidate called, Jesus Christ... Now at the time there were other candidates in the running... there were other people, who claimed to be the Messiah, at the time as well. They had some pretty strong platforms as well... Some were preforming "miracles", as they knew them to be back then and doing other amazing is not as if Jesus was a lone candidate at the time, there were others trying to be elected to the position...
Jesus knew all this of course he did...and here is where he starts to distinguish himself... you know how politicians now a days, (maybe always), will say anything to get elected. They will waffle on issues, change midstream, if polls show their strategy not to be working, they will play to their audience at hand. Not so with Jesus he was firm in his position never waffled, never played to the crowd. In doing so Jesus showed himself to be a man of truth, not circumstance or situation. His truth was placed into the arena, into the crowd each and every time. If it were for nothing else, this man called Jesus Christ is distinguishable in human history for that fact alone, that he was honorable, and unique in his ability to stand firm in truth, even unto death. All he had to do at the time of his trial was to know what I changed my position (as many politicians do) and he would have been saved..but he did not he stood in truth. Jesus knew and knows something about truth you cannot kill it, you cannot wish it away, it lives separate and distinct. Jesus came, to deliver truth upon earth it did not die, on that day called Good Friday, it lives forever, it always has, it always will...
As for me, there is still a candidate out there for me, he is called Jesus Christ, I see him in every face no matter what they call themselves or are called. I see in them the honorable man called Jesus Christ, who came to deliver truth to each and everyone on this planet...
This position of mine I am sure will cause people to call me names as well as it caused people to call Jesus names... but that is okay I have never been a crowd "pleaser" either...

Friday, October 17, 2008

When Jesus walked on earth over 2,000 yrs ago he spoke many times in parables, they being stories using situations and examples of the times to illustrate truths Jesus was trying to get the people to learn... A parable is a powerful tool it does not give you the information right out, one has to think about it for a bit, and apply to their circumstance and then learn from it.
Many times this is how Jesus will approach me using modern day situations while he applies a truth to them.
So for the most part my writings will mimic parables taught to me by Jesus, using modern day examples, so I could relate to them on my level. Now every one's situation is different and the parables I will write about may not fit your situation but the meaning behind it will, I am sure.
I will also share on occasion, past visions and direct communications.
So What is a Mystic ?
Some are impressed when they hear the word mystic... maybe much more then they should, but the truth of the matter is a mystic is no big deal. Yes, it is true in the eyes of the church a mystic is normal nothing supernatural here. You see we are created to know God and to love him, so when someone is doing that, it is not supernatural, it is what we are created to do. As to how and why a soul can do such and some cannot, now that is a mystery, yet still not supernatural or abnormal.
Let me give an example...of what I think is going on here....let us take Adam and Eve, you know them our first parents... and here I sidetrack, did you know that there is an ongoing experiment with DNA that is proving more and more that we have a common ancestry... to me that would be great-grandpa Adam and great-grandma Eve ......
Well you see our great- grandparents, Adam and Eve, prior to their fall from grace spoke with God all the time, they even walked in the garden with him... So somewhere within our original creation is the ability to speak with God, stemming from our great- grandparents Adam and Eve...
So you see somewhere inside each and everyone of us is an ability to speak to God and to listen to God... just keep trying... start with prayer and being still.. you must do this everyday, take the time to reconnect...
I bet you if you really thought about it and took stock of your life there are moments that you can look back on and say, you know what, I think I heard God... Now God, he can be tricky, he likes to hide, sometimes you really need to look deep within yourselves, or inside another or creation itself... but don't give up He is there waiting for you to find him...
Walk Me to The Moon
The last couple of evenings going to the Chapel, the moon has been so beautiful. I have to cross over a large body of water to get to the Chapel. There, the moon is reflected off the water. The moon was so pretty just shining off the water, so much so that I pulled the car over just to look, and I said out loud, "How stunning a sight!" With this comment, Jesus "spoke" the following to me... "One day I will walk you to the moon."
I thought that such a beautiful thing to say that I shared it with a friend who knows about my "encounters with Jesus." Upon hearing this, my friend said, "Are you sure you heard that right?...maybe Jesus was trying to imitate Ralph Kramden of the old TV show The Honeymooners. What he would say to Alice...maybe Jesus really said...'One day pow, zoom, right to the Moon'." So I assured my friend that Jesus would not have said that to me, but he knew you would and that is why he sent you into my life. Our friends are really and truly gifts from God to show his humor and love for us.
But it did make me think just what was Jesus saying here? Is he going to walk me to the far side of the moon for all the times I annoyed him in this life?... I really need to pay attention when we are on that walk in case I have to find my way back...but then I think again, Jesus is really good at finding lost sheep, even if their sin has placed them on the far side of the Moon....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Are you debt free?

Being without debt.... There are those among us who can still say, "I am without debt, I pay for everything cash on the line... those fools who charge everything!" But are they really debt free? Have they never sinned in their lives, have they never taken a misstep resulting in the injury of someone else? Have they never had a harsh word to say to another? Have they never cheated here or there.. or maybe just tasted a piece of fruit or a few grapes in a store without paying for them? Have they never thought bad thoughts or been angry at another? Have they never lost their temper? Or have they always shared their abundance? Have they always been compassionate, merciful and caring to others???....If not, who is going to pay that debt for them?...Don't worry, I know the guy and I will try to keep pointing you to him...


Barriers....There are many barriers in this we call life. Some real, some imagined. Even if they are imagined, if you believe them to be there, they will stop you...they will stop whatever you seek to do in this life. You need to develop skills to break through them. Let me share with you how I have been able to do this. I will use the example of thoughts. "Mind barriers"... the mind barrier cannot withstand persistence. The blocks will fall if you persist at it. Now let me think..everything begins in a thought. Everything is first a thought so we all need to break through mind barriers. This is what stops us..the mind thought of "We cannot do this or that"...or "I am not worthy" or "I am a loser." You will become that which you think if you do not break through that thought barrier you have created for yourself. Break through it with the thought, "I am worthy, I am loved." Maybe there is no one in the world who has said that to you, so this I say to you now: There is someone who loves you, deeply desires you, and that would be God. Not the God imagined by man, but the one who rises above all thought barriers of man into the realm of eternity. No thought barrier is above God nor confining, He who is...He is there. Keep thinking He is there, He is real, He loves me, and someday your barrier will fall before you.. it will crash down destroying those feelings of isolation and loneliness. Your thought will rise to Him who is, who was and always will be.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Practice Prayer


As the old saying goes, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?...practice, practice, practice..."
Most are not born with talent to play a musical instrument, but all can sit at the piano and practice until they at least can carry a tune on it. Such is the way with prayer. Most are not born with the gift of prayer. What you need to do is practice prayer, and just like a musical instrument, in the beginning it sounds awful to you. It is a pain to sit at that piano and cannot read the music, you cannot get both hands to work at the same time with the notes and the scales.. you are very clumsy with it......and you do not want to take the time to learn. You have better things to do than to sit at the piano and frustrate yourself. It is right at this moment the musician is born... the one who says, "but I am going to stick to it until it comes to me". No matter what, I am going to stick to it...because I really want to play the piano and one day make beautiful music. Such is prayer as well; keep it up and one day you will make such beautiful music that God himself will sing along with you.

You might even get good enough that you can hold a public concert, so all can hear your music to God...Maybe then we could have a jam session or sing along and really get this planet rocking for God...And the concert tickets are free, a gift from the management..