Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Okay, I am going to give up something of myself here as a kid I had a few nicknames given me one being, P.P.. I now think of these initials and I think of our planet as being P.P. (the perfect place)... It is perfect in every manner to maintain life as we know it. To think that this could have been done randomly, is truly "magical thinking". One would have to believe that every single thing on the planet down to its molecular structure was by random coincidence without any outside influence upon it. Yet these same people who believe this say that those who have a belief system in God are closed minded because they refuse to believe in the nature of science. Such people call the "religious" individual ignorant in the ways of science and knowledge... to these people I say okay if you have the answers to creation, then please while I wait can you make a tree for me out of nothing, or maybe can you create a solar system.... How about calling light out of darkness as God did in the 33 psalm, he doing so not by work, or his hands, but just by the power of his word. So please prove your theory, for is it not true to have a scientific theory you have to be able to duplicate the theory again and again... so please duplicate the universe or at least one star, or even just a blade of grass, but do it from nothing just your spoken word....

I have been really thinking of the greatest of God and how he is truly beyond our ability to understand or even wrap our mind around the smallest detail of him, he is so much more then that which, we think or even can imagine. We think Lord and Savior, Creator... HE IS MORE, MORE, MORE... endlessly more.
I think back on September 10th of this year, that was the day the CERN collider was fired up for the first time.... this was not the first one to do so there was one in Long Island I believe...a secret project for a while or maybe just one that was not given any attention... but the CERN collider was given much in the way of press...
There was a lot of negative press and fears that this collider when started would create a black hole and destroy the world... that did not happen..
But there was a black hole created on that day, not in the manner expected but within the hearts of men that cheered this project on. The reason this project is going on is to find how the Universe was started, with statements such as how did the big bang occur and hence the creation of the universe. They even have a name for it, they are looking for the "God particle"... they have equations and theoretical physics to back up their belief system, assured that they are going to find this God particle and unlock the mysteries of God. And then they will be just like God...knowing his secrets... So where have I heard this before, oh yes the Bible... First in the garden of Eden when the serpent told Eve, eat this and you will be like God... Then this story in the Bible, called the Tower of Babel when man attempted to reach to heaven and capture some of God's power.

Foolish man never takes the lessons of the past to heart, that is why he is destined to repeat them... The smartest among you is nothing to the intelligence that created the universe you seek to unravel...

We want to have God's knowledge and power but not his love, and law. We chase the miracles of life not the Creator of life, himself. We strut our stuff for all to see how brilliant we are... but are we? Just what would we do with the knowledge they seek , go out and create our own universe, just to show God we know the answer and take this God we can do it as well...

The experiment done on that day set me back into the world in which, I was spawned so to say, (a pun for Darwin believers). These comments come from one who knows now that, they are not from primordial slime, a random act of nature but from a Creative design, set in place by the Creator.

I was raised to hold high knowledge and education, but these knees will not kneel before the altar of science anymore, nor will I genuflect before knowledge, (or the lack thereof) ,of man. These knees are kneeling before truth now an altar of absolute, not an art form created by man for their own amusement. If science is truth why is it always changing, why does it need to evolve? Truth stands in a place without beginning and without end, it just is, no need to adjust it, fine tune it or add to it... that is the nature of truth. If you are calling something a "truth" it does not need defense of your argument, it does not need proof, it is all of that within itself, if indeed it is truth... Which, makes me think, when people say they have to defend their faith, I ask why? If it is truth; true faith, it has legs of its own to stand on it does not need you to stabilize it in any manner...

I am very weary of "elitists" be they academic or religious; academics or pseudo-intellectuals that spend their lives inside an equation or classroom trying to figure out their egos for the most part. I understand self discovery but this is not what they do, ... and here I will be blunt... they academically masturbate over us all... they are so insecure on some level knowing they do not have the answers, they attempted to kick down the structure of God to make up for their own inadequacy... such is a fool's game... (as the saying goes your arms are too short to box with God)... I add so why do you even enter the ring? In doing so you soil us all, you defeat us all, because of your status among men, they look up to you for their answers instead of lifting their minds and eyes to God. You create false idols, you make, yourselves to be gods for the weak, the struggling, and the unsophisticated. Yours is a game of smoke and mirrors, not truth. Truth is simple, truth is for the masses not just the learner... behold the little child, behold the truth... Such is the structure of God, such is the, "God Particle"...

It seems to me that there are two "Adams" in the world, the "original one" who was kicked out of the Garden and the new one (Our Savior)...

The old one, this Adam still wants to mess with Eden, still thinks he knows better then God, still wants to be his own creator. This Adam has even abandon his wife wanting not to be married to Eve any more but he wants to wed Evil. He wants this woman who offers him the mysteries of God if he will only lay with her and take on her agenda (not God's). She is a beautiful woman Evil, offering the man pleasure and delights unknown to him, be careful Adam, she is a Dominatrix. She is in your life not to add to it but to shame you, which, is what a Dominatrix does, she is the one with the whip in her hand, and the chains that bind you.

If she should talk you into marrying her Adam, at your wedding, I will stand up and say I object to this marriage for I am in this world and this marriage is not of God. No this marriage does not represent me and what we were created to be...stop the wedding... For they will be honeymooning on my God given planet... they will exposing their error to mankind, masking it as truth...stop the wedding... there is another bridegroom, another Adam, who is worthy and he will marry Eve (his church, his people), not Evil...

I think we as a people have been sent two wedding invitations, one is to attend the first Adam's wedding, when he weds Evil and the second being the one to attend the new Adam's wedding when he marries his Bride (us).

Please, RSVP, the wedding you wish to attend, do so through your heart. Wedding gifts are already being accepted, here are some of the gifts on the "gift registry" 1) love...2) mercy...3) works of charity...4) forgiveness to others and yourself...5) trust...6) kindness....

See you at the wedding...

So many people in the United States are really ticked off at the government for the bail outs that were given to big corporations and more are planned. It always seems that the "little guy" , the man in the streets never gets cut a break, where is their bail out? Who is going to help them in all their concerns, sorrows and losses? Where are they going to find the money to get out of their personal debt?..... Well don't worry today is the first day of Advent.... Advent being God's bail out plan for us all.... in 25 days, the God/man will arrive with every one's bail out, he will pay off every one's debt, no need to stress or worry this God/man has you covered... Pray, hope and don't worry... worry is useless what is needed is faith and trust... Those being the deposit slips for the bail out.. you can meet your benefactor, on Christmas Day, he is located in a stable, you can find it by the star shinning above it...

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Black Friday"
Word usage and the way God thinks as compared to man. In the US today it is called "Black Friday". On first blush this brings to mind a picture of despair, black denoting suffering or sorrow of some sort. Yet black Friday as it is used on this day in the US, should maybe be called, greed Friday, for today is the day that all merchants wish to change the "color" of their "books" (sales of their products), from "red ink" not making money, to "black ink"... being in the money. The day is used to sell products for "Christmas"... interesting concept, that I can not appreciate as having anything to do with Christmas. As Christmas is the birth of Christ, the birth of salvation I do not see how mankind has progressed, or (digressed), to seeing this day or any day, when one thinks of the birth of Christ as a day to sell products.

"Black Friday", in the life of a merchant, (I use this term broadly for usually it is a large corporation, not an individual), is the day that they seek to clear the books, make their year end quota, the real meaning of Christmas being the furthest thing from their mind. Christmas is a money maker for them and they seize the day, so to say.
Christmas has turned into a money making machine so many cottage industries have sprung up throughout modern history, using the theme of "Christmas giving", decorations and cheer... This is a "high pressure Holiday' for many, actually for all, for who can measure up to the expectation of gifts, entertaining, etc... Depression is rampant during this time of year as is suicide... One can hardly find a "true meaning for Christmas" anymore... Christmas is suppose to be simple and small, like the simple place Christ was born in and his smallness as a baby...
My hat is off though for many minds are turned to the homeless and less fortunate this time of year... but in many it is usually a one shot deal and forgetting about these people for the rest of the year...
So please give the gift that lasts, that does not have to be returned for "size"... give the gift of love, for that was the gift that was given to us all on December 25th... budget your time and money throughout the year on giving the gift of love to others.
Remember December 25 is not your birthday, it is his, gift him not yourselves, he already did that by his birth... start a new tradition with you and yours pick another day to gift each other, try it everyday in small ways... And give the gift of love for that special day called Christmas Day, give it everyday.
One last thought how would you like if someone "hijacked" your birthday!
Maybe you can celebrate "Santa Claus" on his feast day which, is December 6th or gift each other on January 6th the feast of the Three Kings and give the "newborn King" his due, keep his birthday "commercial free"... look to him, not the gifts under the tree on December 25th.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Thanksgiving

Everyday but especially on this day in the United States I give thanks, first and always to God, for the Eucharist, which means Thanksgiving. I give thanks for everything, for all things of Creation work for the good for those who love God. There is nothing we have family, friends, food, homes, etc that was not given to us by God's grace.

I started the day at church, a beautiful event of song and praising God. I also volunteered at a home for the aged, what a grace and blessing this was to me. Visiting people, hearing their individual stories, some broke my heart and some warmed my heart, but all filled my heart with love. Mighty love for in their faces, I saw our God's face. Especially with the ones no came to visit or the ones who had so much pain in their lives that when they spoke tears came out of their eyes. Each person there was like a song and they gracious sang it to me, the songs of their lives on earth. I listen carefully to each note hit by them and followed the melody and rhythm ... their tempo changed for each stanza sung. I was captivated by the tunes I realized that we are a rhapsody, a concert before the Lord, our lives being our instruments. The ones to whom I spoke with who had great faith in life were the ones whose songs were sung in perfect pitch even when they came to the low notes in life, they were able to maintain their song without a crack or flat note. To them all, (as I would do at a concert), I stand up and say BRAVO, well done, they all deserve a standing ovation...
On this day I met a woman who is blind and she taught to me to see clearer with eyes of faith. I met a woman who was raped and forced to marry the man who did this to her, she was married for 45 years and he cheated on her the whole time he was alive; she told me she never forgave him or learned to love him. Going on to say but she always knew God loved her and so she always gave her problems and inability to forgive to God. This woman taught me God's mighty power to carry you through deep darkness in life. I met another who just wanted me to hold her hand and sit next to her for awhile, which taught me we need to lend a hand to others. I met a man who was a childhood friend of Frank Sinatra and this taught me the value of friendship, for Mr. Sinatra always kept up his friendship with this man. I learned the joy in doing what you like to do, in the jokes and laughter shared with the people who worked at this facility.
And I learned as I always do when you reach out to help someone else, it always ends up that they have helped you more, for on this day I left this nursing home with joy and gratitude in my heart to God for allowing me the grace to be with his people, my brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God.
And I end with this final comment which, is always a true statement... "God will never be outdone"... As the residents of this home were eating I sat at the table of one who no came to visit, to keep her company. Half way through the meal she told me she was of Native American Indian descent. Upon hearing this I said ,Wow, this is like the first Thanksgiving I am being honored to sit with a Native American ... so on this day I was given the fellowship of a "real" American, an original, just like history tells us was done at the beginning of this country. To top that off as everyone in the room was eating outside the window a wild turkey walked by and everyone laughed and cheered this turkey on for making it through the day... Which, upon further thought is a good prayer for me... please Dear God, just let this turkey (me) make it through the day...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

You got to have a plan
I have done many things in my life in the 1980's I designed T-shirts, I have written children's stories and I have design toys, having a toy agent. So I am familiar with copyrights, patents and trademarks.
What is done with the above is one files these things with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. This is so you have the power of the United States of America behind you if someone tries to rip off your product. The US government is suppose to step in, (the FBI), in the States and close down any bootlegging of your product. This works kind of well in the States...
Not so with International products I learned this the hard way...
Much of our products are produced outside the country, such as my toy designs and once they leave this country they are in the hands of other governments. I have learned that the US does not protect you outside its borders. So I have seen three of my toy designs ripped off through another country and millions were produced. I saw none of the money, in order to do anything lawyers, both local and international would have to be hired. Way to expensive a deal to go through and these companies and countries know this. There are many inventors that this has happened to, no matter if you hold a patent or a copyright, a design just needs to be changed ever so slightly and it is gone.
Why do I tell you all of this?.... Because in heaven....
God had a plan...
One day the "Trinity" a family owned business decided they were going to develop a race of people like unto themselves and create a world to support this venture.
The "Trinity" held group had great capital behind them actually it was limitless, they could actually reach for the stars and beyond. This group first sat down and formulated a business plan and then they went about executing it. The plan that they used is on file you can refer to it in any Bible under the section, Genesis:
The Trinity Group:
Started with a great void and called everything into being from nothing.. they placed their trademark on these things as well... unlike other trademarks that have time limits upon them the Trinity Group's trademarks are for all eternity without beginning and without end...
On the last day of their business plan called creation, they created their greatest design, man... prior to his creation, and that of all Creation, patents were taken out as well as the trademarks by the Trinity Group.. this to doubly protect that which, they have created.
Back to my former business plan... when one produces a product, one first designs a prototype (a model or mold of what you want your product to look and act like)..This is the first of what you hope will be "your line of products". Now in the making of a prototype, that is where you spend a lot of money, it is big bucks to make a prototype. So your "first" is very important to you and how it is made is the way every one of your other products will look like, because they will be cut from the same mold. So as an inventor you spend a lot of time on your prototype, it is your baby..
Now back to the Trinity Group...
And their prototype for man (Adam) and to give him an partner the Trinity group threw in another prototype (Eve)...
Now I am sure the Trinity Group spend considerable thought and talent on these two prototypes prior to production. Once the design was decided, like any other creative endeavor production began. The Trinity Group must have been so excited to see those first two come off the line and they must have anticipated the future production of their product wanting to see their design inhabit the world they had just created....(if I were there I would have opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate)..
Then something awful happened (similar to what happened to me).. someone came into the design and changed it a bit, this someone came into the Garden where Adam and Eve were and changed their design, ripped off the Trinity patent on these two and changed it just a bit where they could make a claim on it.
When the Trinity Group came back to the factory to check on their prototypes they were horrified at what they saw, they were enraged could not believe their perfect product was messed with and destroyed not looking like they did anymore but something ugly and offensive to them. So tick off was the Trinity group that they decided to throw these two away, kicked them out of the factory..(the Garden)
But here is where the story changes from mine, the Trinity Group thought about what occurred and they said we will not let this happen these are ours and we are not going to be ripped off.. and the Trinity Group had and has the power behind them to go after this industrial thief that stole the grand design of the Trinity...
Enter in the next business plan of God:
It is called the plan of salvation:
This plan is outlined very well within the New Testament and within the God/man called Jesus Christ, I refer you to this document and this God/man for further details.
Every story should have a moral to it, this one being don't mess with the Trinity Group or any of the patents, trademarks or copyrights they hold. They are very a powerful group, not much in the way of tolerance when it comes to changing their designs, especially their Grand Design.
This group is slow to anger, but once critical mass of anger is met they will take you to Court you will stand trial and you will risk being thrown into prison for all eternity.
All products that this Trinity Group holds patents, trademarks and copyrights on, are free you need not pay for them, just take good care of them that is all and thank the inventors for all was made just for you.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christ The King
Today in the Liturgical Calender it is the feast of Christ the King... to this title upon the God/man Jesus Christ I defer today's posting. For he is the perfection of all things. We are his people, it is his world, it is his creation and he is in control of all things. We cannot see that for we are veiled in this life. Just trust, have faith and love him, who today is given the recognition of being King. Please remember this title of Christ the King is not just for today, but for all eternity. And while you think about this title of Christ the King, remember you are children of God and by design that would make you children of a royal household.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

John F. Kennedy
Forty five years ago today the United States of American changed forever, as they watched on live TV their president be shot and killed . He was a young man, with new ideas, some felt he was a radical, some thought he was a saint. I think he was a man, with real human frailties yet he tried to do his best in many ways. There was much in the way of criticising his faith he was a Roman Catholic, his opponents said that he would allow the Pope to run the country. There were other slanders that came his way as well, some may have had truth within them, but that is true of us all. He was so different, so young, so dynamic, so much of a change from what the Country had dealt with in the past... JFK was a war hero..yet one of his quotes that I like the most is the following ... "society will have advanced when the conscientious objector is given the same glory as the warrior"... bravo Mr. President upon those words of yours. Yes, this man called to become President was a mark in the history of the United States. Yet some one's hatred caused JFK's light to be blown out, throwing the country into deep darkness. Someone who chose to hate instead of love, and pray.
The United States of America once again elected a new President, he also is a mark on history being the first black man to become president, he also is young with new ideas. Some also consider him to be a saint or the devil. I think he is a human with human frailties and what he needs is prayer, everyone should be praying for this man and his family, everyday praying for him. Great is his mission on earth and he needs the guidance of God so please pray for him, fast for him and do not hate him, love him and ask God to help him always. Touch God's heart with your love for this new President so God may always touch this new President-elect thoughts, words and deeds. Remember if you only love those who are like you there is no merit in that for even the most evil do that. Show yourselves to be a true child of God, lay down your dislikes and love.
Love and pray so no one ever takes it upon themselves to hate so much, that they do that which, happened 45 years ago. Never foster hatred, never allow anyone to foster slander or rumors about anyone. Remember in the United States of America, laws are made on three levels. They start within the Congress and Senate, they are written and worked out there, they are voted upon, when this is done, only then is a bill sent to the desk of a President. So the "burden" or decision making within the US is not just with the office of the President but also within your US Senator and Congressmen... so it is up to you, who you vote into office locally within your State... usually these Senators and Congressmen have a local office in your State... go there talk to them if you have concerns about what may happen... there is power in numbers, let these "local" politicians know that they will need your numbers to get reelected if they mess up ....
In the end.... pray.... hope... have faith ... and know that God is in control... do not hate for the hate will come back to you... it will come back to us all.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

You go, Holy Father!
I just read in my local Catholic Newspaper, that Christians and Muslims came together earlier this month in Vatican City. Doing so as a team, to protect religious freedom. To get to know each other to learn about each other and that they must witness to the world of the reality of God...
This posting is going to be short for after reading that article, I have to now climb on the roof and dance for after reading such an article I just want to dance and thank God. And if I could I would slap the Holy Father five and tell him .... you go, Holy Father! I am proud of you! And to my Muslims brothers and sisters, I love you, would love to meet you. Also all you who are Jewish, or whatever you are, please I would like to know you, please share yourself with me... Let us start with our love of God, let us tell the world about Him, He who made us, all.
Blown out of the water
I am constantly "blown out of the water" by the people God allows me to meet. When he was alive I was privileged to know Cardinal O'Connor of New York, most Sundays I would drive into the City to attend the Mass he was saying, I just loved that man what a grace and gift. The Pastor at the Cathedral then was also a very special man, he would allow me to go into the crypt underneath the main altar of the Cathedral where past cardinals are buried, but also there is the crypt of Pierre Touissaint. There were times when Pierre Touissanint, would "come to me" in a dream and ask me to pray by him. When this happened I would drive into the City, (I would find a parking space right by the Cathedral, which, is a miracle), I would go into the office at the Cathedral ask to see the Pastor tell him I had a dream of Pierre Touissanint, (amazingly the Pastor was also always there at those times), and he would let me into the crypt to pray by Pierre.
I admire Pierre Touissanint for he was a Haitian New Yorker who refused to hate or be selfish, but instead lived to the full the commandments of heaven and the divine law of love, love for God and for neighbor.
I also met Mother Teresa several times, such a small lady in physical appearance but so big in presence. She would have a reception line when she met people, shake their hand, ask God to bless them and then give each one a Miraculous Medal.
Cardinal O'Connor had a private Chapel where he held special Masses and celebrations, on one occasion I was invited there to attend a Mass with Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was professing women into her order, a very beautiful ceremony it was. I remember the brief homily Cardinal O'Connor gave, he had such humor, he said whenever Mother, is in town he calls all the priests in the dioceses and would tell them, mother is coming know where your wallet is for she will be asking you to open it. Mother Teresa was not shy in going to everyone and anyone to ask for help in her mission to serve the poor, she definitely had, "Holy boldness"...
Yet out of all these extra-ordinary people that I have been allowed to meet and know the most outstanding are the every day people... I am shamed by them, their levels of faith and love of God are amazing... I will not mention names for the sake of their privacy, but I met a woman who was orphaned at a young age, claimed the Virgin Mary as her mom, came to Jesus everyday in prayer, in trust and love, today she is a very successful business woman, who gives all credit to Jesus. Another is a man who was dying of cancer given 4 months to live, sat before the Eucharist everyday, thanking God for just one more day, he is still alive years later, giving talks on the power of God! Another man, left his job to make himself homeless to have more time to pray and adore God, taking only menial jobs to meet his basic needs.... the list can go on and on... there is such holiness in the laity, in people in the "real world" walking among us day to day... I invite all of you to join them and walk in the ways of Holiness as well. I want to join them and I pray that God will show me how, maybe we can help each other with this, I will pray for you that you realize that you are called to be walking in holiness and please will you pray for me in the same manner, then maybe we can all be like the people that I mentioned above... Then we will never have to wonder if we are doing the will of God in our lives for we will be, the will of God on earth. His Will is to love and to serve... to forgive, to help and to try, just try, God will supply the means you give him the intent... he will not be outdone...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Touched by God yet still a sinner
I am not going to say that I believe or disbelieve anyone that alleges to have supernatural occurrences happening in their lives. Yet, I come to the defense of anyone to whom this might be happening when their personal lives are ripped apart unmercifully. Doing this is first to forget that Jesus came for the sinner (that would be us all) and second it would say God can only work with certain people. The Almighty is capable of doing whatever he wants, with whoever he wants, whenever he wants. Thanks be to God that human beings have nothing to do with judgment or salvation, for God is more merciful than we are.
If one were to look through the Old Testament, one would read story upon story of those ordinary people living ordinary lives, yet they are touched by God. Many of these people still sinned or fell into sin after their encounter with God, a classic example would be King David. I think the people of the old testament were more genuine and realistic of human nature then we are. Realizing that as long as we are in the flesh, we are subject to sin. This is not an excuse to sin, but a realization of there being no saints on earth. While our souls are still attached to our mortal being, sainthood cannot be. To think so is to call Jesus Christ a liar, for upon his words we are all dead in our sins. Salvation is not a one-shot deal, for we need it moment to moment. We are making active decisions moment to moment within our flesh, in our thinking, behavior and actions. So who among us is pure in any of these?
One of the most heartwarming stories I heard, and which, is also encouraging from a human standpoint, is a story I heard from Archbishop Anthansius Yeshue, who was Bishop of Jerusalem of the Syrian Orthodox Church. In 1947 when he was a young man at the monastery, his Eminence, was highly graced and privileged to be there when the first of the dead sea scrolls came to light. I had the honor and privilege to meet and spend some time with the Archbishop and he spoke to me in depth about the scrolls he saw and what was in them. The Archbishop allowed me to ask him question after question about the scrolls, I could not get enough of his stories about them. The most interesting points that I learned was the detail given about the humanity of the characters, in the scrolls, such as Sara, and how Abraham loved her and how he described in detail how she looked. But, the most interesting was a detailed description of an argument Noah had with his wife concerning their children. I thought to myself, look at this; Noah and his wife argued just like other married couples. There was nothing magical about these people, they were real with real human failings. But, that did not stop God from choosing them and working with them.
I naively thought in the past that the best way to honor God was to live in a cloister or being a hermit, (these are very holy ways but not the only way). Then I reflected upon the life of Jesus, who incarnated all the attributes of heaven and placed this grace into daily living.
It is harder to be of God in the world then to be said in seclusion. For you are constantly challenged on all fronts when you are in the world, not only in your own person and but in the influences within your own family, neighborhood, environment, work or society. One's daily duty and routine is also a spiritual battleground. Not enough credit is given to the ordinary lifestyle as being a way of holiness.
If the righteous man falls seven times a day, I must be falling seventy times seventy. I don't believe that holiness or lack thereof is limited to actions, I believe it also involves words, thoughts and intent.
"Touched by God, or there goes a sinner"? When thinking of me, choose the truth, which is the latter....

Monday, November 17, 2008

God's sending emails again
I had a long day today was not going to do a posting on this day. I did decide to open my email though prior to shutting down the computer for the day. Opened up an email from a person I have never met... she sent an attachment from someone unknown to her, I read through the entire email and the last two sentences jumped out to me. First because they did not fit into the story of the email, but mostly because in those two sentences I "received a posting for today"... so yes, I think, God was "at the key broad", typing that which, I write now that was sent to me via email.
.......People are made to be loved and things are made to be used..... There is so much confusion in this world because people are being used and things are being loved.....
Yes, God, loves to use the natural world and other people to get his points across....(thanks God keep sending them and I will keep posting them)...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Get out and disturb the conscience...
No one stands alone, no one achieves alone, all is through God and by his mercy others are sent to help you. So is the case with me and us all. I have a a blanket of people around me. They provide for me, in all manners, they are the manifestation of God to me in real time. These people are of all ages, faiths, sex, nationality and background. They are examples of God. I can do nothing. The above title was recently given to me and I prayed about it and this quote is heavy in personal responsibility and it was given to "youth" by John Paul II... the phrase was spoke to the youth in Boston... "get out and disturb the conscience, the sleeping giant"... Although this was spoken to the youth it should apply to us all. There are many who are uncomfortable around me, actually avoid me, there are even religious, who are uncomfortable around me. There was a Pastor who told me once this cannot be from God, you write to much, there is to much information coming from you, it must be your own willfulness doing this. Now as a cheap and shallow, sinful person, I thank the Pastor for this, but as one who wants to walk in truth, I give all glory and honor, to God, where it belongs. For yes there is much in the way of writings and thoughts that I have been given from God, he has trained me to think him, and abandon my will to his. So I ask, the Pastor why are you not writing more about God? If it is of the "will" then surely you should as a consecrated soul be ,"willing yourselve", to write more of God, to feed his people... yet you do not...I tend to rattle the cage of spirituality for people. Don't talk, the talk, if you cannot walk, the walk... you say you believe in God and love him, so hey, how much time do you spend with him in prayer? Do you think of him during the day, people who love each other do that you know... Do you consider God, in your decision making, people who love each other do that you know... Do you love your neighbor as yourself, (not just the ones who are like you but also the ones that test you the most in all manner and ways)... you can not say you love God and not do this... Do you love? God loves us all, you say you love God but if you cannot love others, how do you explain this to God? Are you sharing your wealth... be it money or yourselves... do you cloth the poor, shelter the homeless, feed the hungry you are doing so for God, you say you love him, then do this out of love.
If we only pray on our knees, we pray little
There are many types of prayer, personal, formal, structured and contemplative. Prayer is conversation with God leading to union with him. One should "put on God" so to say, incorporate the very meaning of our faith into your daily living and all that we do.
First we must start with the awareness that our very life and being is a gift from God and that our continued existence is a grace from God. Since God is our beginning, center and continued existence, it makes sense to say that all we do, think or say is either glorifying God or causing a gap in our relationship with him.
Even though formal prayer is good and holy, it is not enough. Our awareness of God must be placed into our everyday lives. To kneel in prayer giving glory to God then denying his authority within in humanity in one's civic or personal duties is a contradiction. Politicians who call themselves Christian (or any other God fearing person) and do not follow the ways of God in their public life are in error to what they claim to be their belief system. Not only are they liars before God, but also before humanity.
Prayer and belief in God is a lifestyle and a life choice, not a moment in time once a week or whenever. God is constantly communicating to us in the mere fact that we are still alive and not standing before him now trying to explain to him, why we didn't tell people about him when we knew better. By our lives, it is apparent that God is still giving us all another chance. If God is extending himself to us, why don't we extend ourselves to him by communicating our actions in witness to him?
I pray for all people throughout the day even when I don't know their names. Wherever you are, my prayer for you is with you now. It is my hope and prayer that I will meet you someday in heaven, for that is where I pray you and I will end up. There we all have eternity to know each other. Although I don't know your name, I know the things that hurt you such as pain, hunger, loneliness and despair. I know the things that attack you are bitterness, hate and revenge. I send you compassion, love and mercy in prayer.
I do not know the names of the muscles and bones in my body, but I know that I must care for them. So it is with you, the nameless in my prayers, I care for you because you belong to me through God. I care for you the only way I know how, through prayer and sacrifice and through trust that God knows you better then you know yourselves. He who knows the number of hairs on your head. He who can send his angels to you to protect you, he who can help you through anything.
Help each other as God has helped us all. Help each other get through this valley of tears that we live in until we all reach the place where every tear will be wiped dry. Be a prayer to those around you by your love of them.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Virgin Mary
I have a strong devotion to the Virgin Mary, but I do not worship her as many Catholics have been accused of. I do believe that she was created perfect and that she is the highest being in all creation, (second to her Son). I also believe that she has been given many graces. Indeed, she is full of grace, yet she is not powerful unto herself, her power was given to her by God, himself. This is a fact that many who criticize Catholics and their devotion to Mary seem to get confused on. We do not "see" the Virgin Mary as God or God like, she is a Divine Creation of the highest order, her abilities have been given to her by God.
To form a metaphor here, I guess I would say she was given something like a spiritual gold credit card. She does the kind of things that one does with a credit card. Without cash, the company which, extends credit backs up one's purchase. So too, God backs up the "powers" of the Virgin Mary. She knows her limitations, just as those who use a credit card knows their credit limit. The Virgin Mary has capacities given to her as no other creature has been given because of the dignity of her status as the Mother of God.
She has the position of being the avenue of all graces, because she is the one through whom, God, himself passed to get to us in the form of Jesus Christ, who is the embodiment of all graces. She is prefect in love and charity.
As she was given to us at the foot of the Cross of her Son, in the person of St. John, I for one claim her as my mom and friend. To me, she does not just exist in the spiritual realm, she is a real person, and I put a real person's claim on her. God granted the Virgin Mary amazing abilities to protect her children here on earth. As it is with all things of God, this is conditional on our faith and trust in her intercession for us.
What really makes me laugh is when people who come in the name of God and tell me not to pray to the Virgin Mary, instead go directly to God. Yet these same people will say they have a toll free number 24/7 open to take your prayer requests and they will pray for you, as will everyone in their ministry. So, it is okay to ask them to pray for us, or their friends to pray for us but not the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, how does that make sense to anyone? This is real strange attitude to think that some one's prayers are stronger and more correct then the Mother of God. I think they are in grave error and don't quite get the picture of the dignity of motherhood to any child, especially when the child is God himself.
So I will take the "hits and the criticism about praying to the Virgin Mary" it is okay she is a good mom, she understands. She knows that I am not worshipping her I am praising God through her for the mighty works he has accomplished through her. I would invite all to "talk" to her if you are uncomfortable with the word prayer, she awaits hearing from you, she is the best mom ever, you will just love being around her. No matter your faith, your belief just go to her, talk to her, you have no better friend then you do in a mother, especially this mother called the Virgin Mary.

Friday, November 14, 2008

There are those who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing...
The above being an old advertising campaign, yet it is so true. These words sadly reflect the priorities of today, as we ask, ..."how much will it cost me?" or "How much is it worth to me to have it?". This promotes a , get whatever you can society, getting things by whatever means necessary or available to us. How often do you hear, "it does not matter, I want it now", or "I'm tired of this thing and I want something else now, for I am bored with it". Wanting something is different then placing a value on it.
There seems to be no worth in the having or pride in the keeping anymore, only in the getting, using and moving on. The worth of things is not appreciated. The concept of thanking God for what we have is gone, replaced by a want for bigger and better things. Personal happiness is based on that which, we can acquire instead of that which, we already have.
There is a lot of misplaced value of things and possessions in the world. The real value exists only within the person, the value of one's being and one's life, not worldly manifestations of success and acquired things.
There is nothing of more value and importance than the life of one single person wherever they are and whoever they are.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Even if he weren't God, I still would want to know him
I am speaking of Jesus Christ, and I speak of him now as the person he was and still is. People were drawn to his humanity, his caring and love, for his undivided attention given to each individual who encounters him. He is like a magnet, attracting others to himself by his own person.
Warmth of personality and tenderness of heart, the best traits of humanity are his. Never showing favoritism as he speaks to the sinner as well as the saint with the same level of love and concern. Here is a man who looked at people with eyes that searched for goodness in the person and overlooked the sin. Here is a man who could see the person apart from their actions and know that they were more than that which, they projected. In Jesus there is also the man whose hand always reached out to others and touched only to heal never to harm.
From Jesus we can learn to be meek and humble of heart, yet he was not weak of character. His meekness was a product of his awesome strength and love, his humility did not cause him to become "wimpy" in any manner. To the contrary, he is the strongest of all men and at the very same time, the gentlest, having the capacity to bring out the best in people while showing them their faults with kindness and love. He directs them without judging them. We want to be good for him, not because that is what we're supposed to do, but because we want to do it for him by the strength of his goodness to us. Here is a man who is always concerned and attentive to every detail. When he raised a 12 year old who died, the first thing he instructed her parents to do was to feed her. Knowing that she was hungry. I am sure her parents were not that attentive to her only overwhelmed that she was alive again. Not so with Jesus he just raised her from the dead and this was not enough for him, he was also concerned that she was hungry and in need of food.
If he needed to correct some one's behavior, he did it with such style and grace, causing them to think about their actions not to be shamed by them. No, he wasn't interested in embarrassing people or condemning them, just helping them. This is what we are all called to do.
There were no strangers with him, just those who had not come to him yet. Friends and foes were all given the opportunity to know him. Kind words and actions are his trademarks. The gentle Lamb of God is always working for our good, never against us. He is not just a good Shepard, but a good friend to each one of us. We are not just lost in the flock of humanity with Jesus, but individuals who can approach him with our needs and concerns.
Yes, I would like to hang out with Jesus and learn humanity from him, real humanity, for he was prefect in it. I want to be a person like he is, to see things through his eyes and to think like he thinks and react the way he would react in any given situation. I want to be in imitation of his humanity, for the more I think and reflect upon his humanity, the more I love him and seek to be like him. Not only do I love him as the God/man, to me he is a hero of humanity in addition to being our Messiah.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Please God, keep me simplistic
I have been accused of being too simplistic. I have been told to get with the program so to say and go with the times. Let those words go from my accusers' mouths to God's ear and always be true. For I am a believer in God, his authority and his never changing nature. Thus, I am not subject to the changing nature and beliefs of mankind, nor the stress of keeping up with the world.
My goal in life is to become simpler still, to remove the overdone in my life and the confusion of the world; to strip away the opinions of passing trends or secular philosophies and rely completely upon the divinity of God.

I remember the words within a play written in the 1940's... "Lord, do you need a smart man to do your work here on earth?" .. was the question asked of God... God spoke, "give me a holy man I will make him smart." I don't need to be smart in the eyes of the world, but only try to be holy in the eyes of God, and leave my training to the God who created me, and whose knowledge is pure. This does not mean that I do not promote education to the best of one's capacity. What I mean the search for knowledge for knowledge's sake; for I am in search of wisdom... this is not found in books or lecture halls.

I have known and know, very educated people, many who have faith in God and many who do not. I have found those with faith in addition to knowledge were more genuine and interesting people. There usually is no need in these people to flaunt their education or demonstrate it. One could tell that knowledge was within the person, but they somehow bowed to a greater and higher awareness then that which, they learned. As for those with much knowledge and no faith, they somehow have a need to demonstrate their knowledge or act it out within their being and project it out to others. It is as if their person is only defined through their knowledge and this was the source of their personal strength and inner stability.
Spirituality is not in conflict with knowledge one can have both, we can have earthly knowledge but it should not posses us for we belong to God. To make knowledge divine in any manner is raising it to the status of god, and an impotent one at that, for who can touch the knowledge of the one, true God.
It takes just one stroke or brain tumor to rid a person of all their human knowledge, but nothing can rob you of your spirituality and faith. For even after a catastrophic illness or event we still have our presence, our soul which is eternal. There will come a time when all is taken away from us on earth such being called, our death. Death being the great equalizer, death does not check for a college degree or position in life it comes to us all. God is in control of everything even the most intelligent whether they choose to believe this or not. Do not worry about the loss of anything in the material world it really means nothing.
So I am simplistic. Oh, yes, please say it is so and I consider it a blessing. Keep me small Lord, and keep me simple. Let me be at peace wherever I am.
Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born saint, gave us a hint on how to be simplistic when she said, "Live simply, that others may simply live".

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

There is nothing new under the sun....Ecclesiastes 1:9
We are so impressed with ourselves when something new is discovered in the world, or is at least new to us. But what is new to God? And what can mankind do to impress God? Or what does mankind possess that wasn't first created by God?
The ultimate truth of our reality is fleeting in this world. We are all a flash in the pan, a footnote in history on the pages of humanity. Yet how carried away we can get with ourselves and our accomplishments. We look upon ourselves as marks in history, and maybe some are to mankind, but I don't think any are to God. God doesn't show favoritism. The poorest of the poor and those whose names we will never know are probably the ones who will be sitting in the best places at the wedding feast of the Lamb. Human accomplishments don't carry the same weight in heaven as they do on earth. I believe it is the intent that weighs more than the accomplishment and accompanying glory attached to it.
Throughout history, there were big names of people of their time, the movers and shakers of their era. But, unless you are a history buff or have an interest in knowing about them, they go unnoticed. I wonder how they are looked upon in eternity, where it really counts and where they will be forever. No, earthly goods are allowed in eternity. There we can only bring our intentions and not our accomplishments; the whats and the whys that really motivated us to accomplish that which, we did in this world. And who did we give the glory to for our accomplishments while on earth.
Most of us are on some kind of power trip at least at some point in our lives. We always need to ask ourselves what is my intention for doing this, is it corrupted. Did we turn from being the oppressed to being the oppressor to get even or our turn at bat? Did we seek to change the injustice that was once ours or did we just seek exchange, by giving it to someone else?
No, nothing is new. Our level of knowledge may have grown in leaps and bounds, but enlightenment is the same or less than the ancients of history. The ancient people carved wooden idols to worship or made golden calves. We made ourselves the object of our worship.... It is no longer ..."here I am Lord, I have come to do your will"... It is now... "here I am Lord, what can you do for me"...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

e-mails from God?
I do not believe in coincidence to think such is to think God is not in control. It seems within the last year or so I have been getting emails from people I have never met and they always have a message about God contained within them. Now this happened well before the start of this blog, in addition the unsolicited emails from people unknown always seem to be appropriate to what I am doing in my life. Yesterday I received the youtube video, that I have posted, in regards to a man with only half a body and how he does public speaking about his condition. Inspiring others not to give up.
Today I received another video about a boy named Johnny at the end of this post I will submit the URL on this video. I think these emails are from God, in so much as he is inspiring the person who sends them to me. It means less words for you to read and another video to watch. Johnny is another one of those cases where God is hiding a "very special soul" in the body of a boy less then perfect. So thanks God for the email... and oh, yes... a very special thanks for Johnny...
Oh I will add another email URL here... God? Maker of rainbows...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Half a man: revisited
God is very merciful to me, to us all. Yet he knows there are times that I rethink things that I have written about on this blog. The one that has been lingering in my mind was entitled "half a man"... that is until today when I received an email from someone who knows nothing of this blog. She just randomly sent me a u-tube video. It was a story of a "half a man"... watch this video and see with your own eyes, just how God is hiding such special souls in people we look upon as being imperfect human beings... when they are really super stars among us. Not the kind of super stars that you read about in super market tabloids but they kind you will hear about in heaven.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

St. Joseph

I have been thinking of St. Joseph, what a good and honorable man. What must he thought, the first time he saw the infant Jesus and held him? As all new parents do, did he stare in amazement at this little baby? Was he frozen in fear, that this was the Messiah? Did he wonder how could he handle taking care of this infant? .... then I think when someone is sent such a great grace and responsibility a great grace is also sent. The grace to know that in the person of Jesus Christ is all of us.... In the act of God taking on flesh he showed such love and humility, that the only way to respond to this is to do its equal, by showing love and humility as accepting that which, is sent to us.
If you are sent the job of raising the Messiah as St. Joseph was, step up to the plate and do it as he did. Whatever you are sent in life, step up to the plate in love and humility, like St. Joseph did and do the job. Nothing is too great, or too small, or menial. If you are given a small job do it in love and humility, if you are given a great job do it the same way. We are all but workers here on earth. Even Jesus was a ,"worker", when he walked on earth, his work was Salvation.
No matter who you are or what you do, even if it is "nothing" to the world, you are of value. Your work is to love God... that is a "job" we are all called to do...

What ever Country you live in throughout the world... you need to pray for your leaders... no matter who they are. Even the most blessed leader needs prayer, as well as those who are not the best; remember God is waiting to bless us all. You seek change be change, start within your own heart, change hate to love, change judgement to prayer and fasting for the situation. All God wants is prayer, ask him to help, ask him to bless your leader. If the leader of your country is a great man he needs prayer, not so great he needs prayer... Take the high road always and pray for all people and remember what Jesus said in the Gospels, what merit is there in loving those who love you, the merit is in loving your enemies and praying for all. They will know you are a child of God by your ability to love, to love all, you might not like a person's behavior, but you are always to love them and pray for them.
There is no one on this planet that does not have power, the power of prayer and fasting. In the eyes of man you may seem powerless, but you are not. You are a mighty force, have faith in all things that God will see you through. Remember always that your true citizenship is not here but in heaven, so place the values of your homeland (heaven) here on earth.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Half a man... full warrior... powerful souls
Yesterday after my power walk I stopped at the local strip mall and there I saw a man in a wheelchair. A very good looking man, I was very attracted to him. His upper body was perfect from the waist down he was disfigured as if crippled from birth, very small limbs like a child. Yet, there I stood just looking at him. Then I realized what was going on, I was being allowed to "see" his soul, there in that wheelchair I "saw" half a man...yet in that wheelchair was an amazing soul, a bright and shiny one, strong, virile, very attractive. Then I remembered lessons I have been taught in the past spiritually. God is hiding many of the most perfect souls in the bodies of the totally imperfect bodies on earth.
I go back to when I was a Eucharist Minister at hospitals and the people I would visit there. One being a man totally paralyzed from the waist down. I loved going into his room, there he was flat out on his back, could not move an inch. Yet, to me he was one of the most handsome men I have ever seen, he shined. His smile lit up the room and my heart. This man called the Blessed Mother, his "girl". With that statement of his, one day I took off the scapular I was wearing, and hung it on the bar above his head so he could always look at her. He then said, I hope she will not be jealous for when I look at her scapular, I will think of her and you. So sweet, what a nice man, I am sure he is with Jesus now. I would like to dance with him one day in heaven, and with the "half a man" I saw today, who stood taller to me then many men I have known.
So the next time an "imperfect person" passes your way, the crippled, the mental ill, the diseased, the broken and beaten, the retarded, the outcast. Or if you see a person in a coma, (you know the ones they have the audacity to reduce to the status of a vegetable), please be aware that most probably the soul within that body is highly graced. More so then many perfect bodies here on earth. So do not look at them with disdain or feel superior, for we are not. No, such hidden souls are actually our saving grace here on earth. Treat these people with respect and the dignity they have. The power within them may be the difference between your dancing in heaven, or in the fires of hell, one day. Satan has many beautiful bodies in his domain. Remember in the end we all die, we all go into the grave and that is when all bodies look alike, decayed and dust they become. I have known a few pathologists who have done autopsies on perfect bodies, after a couple of days they all look the same, pretty gross. So while you are taking care of that body of yours, remember it is dying it was born to die, so start taking care of your soul. In addition to those deep knee bends you may be doing, try doing some kneeling before God as well. The soul was created to live eternally and even though, "some like it hot", no one will like the fires of hell, so choose wisely in this life.... Choose life... choose to respect all life... so you may have eternal life...

Monday, November 3, 2008

I do have the strangest thoughts enter my mind at times..while in the Chapel one morning thoughts of Woodstock entered into my mind... 1970 I think it was.. the great love love... make love, not war.
So my thoughts are on Woodstock and free love,then I think of Jesus he gives us "free love", not the kind thought of when one thinks of Woodstock, but the kind of the heart, not the body..real love, not lust. Yet Jesus has passion for us he is totality in love with us all. Jesus had a "love in" as well not like Woodstock though,his was in Calvary, at that moment he made love to the world.... for the entire world to see. Some are shy about showing affection, not so with Jesus he always shows affection never more so then on that dark day called Good Friday... There on the Cross hung a man, a God/ man,yet when I look upon a crucifix I only see the heart, not the flesh of a man. Maybe that is what real love is, real passion for someone, not to see the flesh but the heart.
The theme at Woodstock was make love not war. That was the theme at Calvary as well with a twist. Back then they were speaking about the Vietnam War, on Calvary the war that is spoken about was the war man declared upon God ,(sin). I remember the Vietnam War. I remember seeing coffins come back to the States. These coffins and graves shouted all is lost, not so with the grave of the heart that hung upon the Cross, no his grave meant all is recovered, restored made new. In Vietnam there was no victory only death, on Calvary there is victory through death. Through the heart that hung on the Cross-at his "love in", for the world. His message was and is stop the war against God (sin), give God love instead.
I can clearly see Jesus is a love child a rebel in his own time... making love not war. Even when he had/has a right to defend himself he did/does not go to war against us, he gives us free love instead... He is the ultimate peace symbol.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Today being the feast day of All Saints.. it made me think of of an earlier thought I had in regards to "rewards"....

These thoughts came to me after I received my current staples "rewards card"...
I thought about all the rewards cards we get, you know grocery shopping, drug cards, shoe cards, wherever you shop it seems now a days you get a "rewards card". Now this is a "hook" to get you to shop at their store, it is an enticement to get you there.
I admit there are times when I shop at these stores because of the reward offered.... All of this made me think of God... yes, I thought of God when thinking of these rewards cards.
Did Jesus not say, "your reward in heaven is great"... was Jesus saying, heaven is like a "rewards card" for good behavior here on earth???... I thought about this further, I even took it to prayer... thinking, man oh man, am I that cheap and shallow... so much so that the Savior of the World, has to offer me a "rewards card", just to do good here on earth! Dang, I do not want to do good because of a reward... I want to do good because it is the right thing to do, and because that is the only way I can show our God that I get it....
So you know how you have to sign up for a rewards card... fill out an application, or in some stores you have to sign off on one as not to be part of their program... so I decided to do the same for my heavenly "rewards card"... and I now put it on paper as an affidavit..
Heaven rewards card refusal waiver:
I, hereby, state that I am refusing any and all compensation, or "rewards" that may be due me in heaven... These rewards, as per the King of Heaven's statement, within the Gospel... are awarded to those who are faithful to him and his spoken word. Please be advised that I being of sound mind, (?), state that I unconditionally do not want to be rewarded for any good deed, work of charity, compassion or work of mercy and/or any act of love that I may perform here on earth.
In doing so I release, any and all words spoken by the King of Heaven, in regards to this soul and its doing good for the sake of said rewards. Please be advised, that this soul will continue to do such acts of love, mercy, compassion, etc... As per their being the correct thing to do and in so recognizing this fact, this soul refuses to take any and all compensation for said.... whereas, in doing so, would be to undermine the intent of this soul, as per doing these deeds in the first place..
Signed, .................... ....................Witnessed by,
______________............ ............ _____________
My Soul ...................... .................My Guardian angel
Dated for all eternity_________
I want to do the right thing, because they are the right things to do... I take a pass on the reward... I do not need a palace in heaven to motivate me to do good, I seek to so because I want to, I would rather be an act of love for loves sake, then to get a gift... I never wanted a gift giver in my life, I always just wanted to love...
Anyway I do not like big places... fancy houses... I am more of a stable and straw type person...