Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Seeing" Jesus

People who know of my "mystical experiences" have asked me what does Jesus look like? My response is usually guarded for they need not know as to how "I see Jesus", they need to know how to recognize Jesus in the everyday, in their own lives. They need to "see" Jesus in the poor, the suffering, the sick, the marginalized, in the neighbor they do not speak to, in the politician they do not like, they need to "see" Jesus in all things and pray for all things....

They also must always remember "Blessed are those who believe and do not see".... Your grace is greater to believe in such a manner then for those who "see Jesus" ...

I can only "echo" to you my experiences of Jesus, experience him yourself in all that is around you, for nothing exists without the power of God behind it...

We are all fellow travelers on this planet in this existence, learning to love, learning to show mercy and compassion... do so in your brothers and sisters and with all creation... We are the "Keepers" of grace, the grace of all life across the board. From the planet itself to all the creatures that inhabit it, to our fellow brothers and sisters. ...

So Blessed are you who can do this and not "see Jesus" for you are the ones who have Jesus in your hearts, not your eyesight... And in your heart is where Jesus seeks to be...

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