Maybe There's A Loving God

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If you want to learn to pray as Jesus did.....

Over the last 20 years or so I have been to many prayer groups and I have read many a "prayer intention" sent to different places.... They all have one thing in common... they are asking for "help" for the person requesting prayer, or a family member, or a friend. Now, although this is good is not the way Jesus prayed or taught. No, Jesus said when you pray go into your room and do not rattle on in prayer (for your father in heaven already knows your needs)...

Here is the distinction between a "Jesus" prayer and the everyday prayer... Jesus prayed for and taught others to pray for their enemies... going on to say "What good is it if you only pray for those you love, don't the non-believers do the same"???....

Yet at every prayer group I attend in the beginning I only hear the "intentions" of others praying for those they love or care about... You want to see real miracles in your life, pray for those who hurt you, those who persecute you, those who you just can't stand!!! Such a prayer is very powerful and heard... and we serve a God that will not be outdone and with such a prayer he will show you amazing mercies in your life. For the measure you hand out is what you will receive.

I have a suggestion for all... do this at the beginning of your prayers.... "Dear God you know my needs even before I do and I leave them into your care, for I love and trust you. I pray now for those who hate me, for those I dislike, for those who hurt me, for those I hurt. I pray for peace and healing, and Father forgive us all for we know not what we do"...

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