Maybe There's A Loving God

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My "other" Mother

Although today is the anniversary of the death of my mom, it is also the feast day of my "other mother", she being the Virgin Mary. Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. This gracious lady who also happens to be the mother of Our Saviour is also the mother to all of us. She is the one who can help us through anything in life and even through our death, for I know she helped my mom go through hers. What an amazing grace we have all been given by God himself, the gift of his own mother. So on this day I say hi to her and wish her a happy feast day. I ask this "other mother" of mine to pray for all of you today especially those who are sick in any manner and to be with each and everyone of you today and always. To let you know whether your moms are alive or deceased that she (the Virgin Mary) is always with you and you are never without a mother you are not an orphan on this planet. You are a child of God very much loved by him and the mother of his only begotten Son.

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