Maybe There's A Loving God

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ash Wednesday plus 1

Today is the day after Ash Wednesday and I think back on yesterday and I am reminded of a story. A member of my family while at college was a Eucharistic minster and in this duty she also gave out ashes on campus on Ash Wednesday... On one Ash Wednesday when it was late at night on Campus and all the Ash Wednesday services were over and the church closed. Came a student to this relative of mine asking for ashes since they did not go to any of the services. Of course there was no way to do this since the church was closed and the ashes gone... Then this relative of mine did the following, she took her fingers and rubbed them over her forehead where her ashes had been placed and with those ashes on her fingers she shared with this "late" college student and gave them ashes, by sharing hers. Upon this action of sharing and giving to another the grace that was hers, she showed herself to be the true meaning of what lent is. To give of yourselves, to take the grace that is yours and share it, even if it means taking from yourself to give to another..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Seeing" Jesus

People who know of my "mystical experiences" have asked me what does Jesus look like? My response is usually guarded for they need not know as to how "I see Jesus", they need to know how to recognize Jesus in the everyday, in their own lives. They need to "see" Jesus in the poor, the suffering, the sick, the marginalized, in the neighbor they do not speak to, in the politician they do not like, they need to "see" Jesus in all things and pray for all things....

They also must always remember "Blessed are those who believe and do not see".... Your grace is greater to believe in such a manner then for those who "see Jesus" ...

I can only "echo" to you my experiences of Jesus, experience him yourself in all that is around you, for nothing exists without the power of God behind it...

We are all fellow travelers on this planet in this existence, learning to love, learning to show mercy and compassion... do so in your brothers and sisters and with all creation... We are the "Keepers" of grace, the grace of all life across the board. From the planet itself to all the creatures that inhabit it, to our fellow brothers and sisters. ...

So Blessed are you who can do this and not "see Jesus" for you are the ones who have Jesus in your hearts, not your eyesight... And in your heart is where Jesus seeks to be...

If you want to learn to pray as Jesus did.....

Over the last 20 years or so I have been to many prayer groups and I have read many a "prayer intention" sent to different places.... They all have one thing in common... they are asking for "help" for the person requesting prayer, or a family member, or a friend. Now, although this is good is not the way Jesus prayed or taught. No, Jesus said when you pray go into your room and do not rattle on in prayer (for your father in heaven already knows your needs)...

Here is the distinction between a "Jesus" prayer and the everyday prayer... Jesus prayed for and taught others to pray for their enemies... going on to say "What good is it if you only pray for those you love, don't the non-believers do the same"???....

Yet at every prayer group I attend in the beginning I only hear the "intentions" of others praying for those they love or care about... You want to see real miracles in your life, pray for those who hurt you, those who persecute you, those who you just can't stand!!! Such a prayer is very powerful and heard... and we serve a God that will not be outdone and with such a prayer he will show you amazing mercies in your life. For the measure you hand out is what you will receive.

I have a suggestion for all... do this at the beginning of your prayers.... "Dear God you know my needs even before I do and I leave them into your care, for I love and trust you. I pray now for those who hate me, for those I dislike, for those who hurt me, for those I hurt. I pray for peace and healing, and Father forgive us all for we know not what we do"...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The day after Valentine's Day

Yesterday was the day of "love"... according to Hallmark cards, chocolate producers and florists. A high pressure holiday for those involved in a relationship. Making sure you tell your sweetheart how much they mean to you. I hope you did and not just for one day. And hey if you forgot to tell God I love you, tell it to him now he is always listening to hear that from you. There is no one who can even approach the love God has for each and every one of us, he truly is your sweetheart. So why not tell him today and everyday... He does not need the cards, flowers or even chocolate his delight is having a place in your heart... so "open up your heart and let the Son shine in"....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My "other" Mother

Although today is the anniversary of the death of my mom, it is also the feast day of my "other mother", she being the Virgin Mary. Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. This gracious lady who also happens to be the mother of Our Saviour is also the mother to all of us. She is the one who can help us through anything in life and even through our death, for I know she helped my mom go through hers. What an amazing grace we have all been given by God himself, the gift of his own mother. So on this day I say hi to her and wish her a happy feast day. I ask this "other mother" of mine to pray for all of you today especially those who are sick in any manner and to be with each and everyone of you today and always. To let you know whether your moms are alive or deceased that she (the Virgin Mary) is always with you and you are never without a mother you are not an orphan on this planet. You are a child of God very much loved by him and the mother of his only begotten Son.

My mom, my friend, I miss you

Today is the anniversary of my mother's death. Although I know that we do not really die, only the flesh does and that my mother is in a better place, it does not make the loss of someone any less painful. Death brings saddens to those who remain.Yet on this day I choose to be happy for my mom and look at the time I was given with her. I know that she knew I loved her and I know she loved me. This is why it is so very important to tell those around you how much they mean to you, to say I love you to them, to thank them for their presence in your life. We are not guaranteed time with anyone, so every moment should be precious to us. Disagreements and arguments are part of life do not let them steal time from you though, work through them to get to the solution. So one day when you think of a family member or friend who is gone you can say good-bye, I love you, I will miss you and I am happy for you for you are in a better place and I will see you soon. We all will be reunited one day.. until then we have our memories of those lost... That is why it is so important to make good memories, laugh together now, love together now, share and care with others and then keep all of these things in your heart where they will live forever nothing can remove these things from you not even death... The love you shared with someone who is gone is not dead it is alive in them and always with you here on earth...


Got a new nickname from someone... they have taken to calling me Ho-Jo... At first I thought...what?? Why am I being called "Howard Johnson... aka..Ho-Jo".. Did not know why I was somehow representing a franchise of motels and breakfast food to someone... Then this person told me, Ho-Jo stood for Hope and Joy... WOW, that is cool being thought of as being a source of hope and joy to someone. Then I taught wouldn't that be great if I could start franchises like IHOP (International house of pancakes) and be the I-HO-JO... meaning that each and everyone could be Hope and Joy for others throughout the world... Yes that is cool so let this posting be my advertisement for you to "purchase" a I-Ho-Jo... Can I interest you in becoming a franchisee???... Here is all you need to do... take the I (meaning you), take the Ho- meaning hope and then take the Jo- meaning you take that hope and joy and then you (the I) place it into the world, the cost is free, the rewards a better world for all of us to live in..and we can all reap the profits...