Maybe There's A Loving God

Sunday, January 25, 2009

account closed

Recently someone told me their account was closed after telling me that they advised someone to set boundaries and not reach out to another or help them anymore. Wow, I thought in those words and in those actions you just closed your "account with God"... For how grace works is that you are given the measure you give out to others. As soon as you speak the words and tell others to take action not to help another or reach out for them you told it to God and how he is to act towards you.. You close your account to another it is closed to you in heaven. Your treasure is in heaven not here on earth... Jesus speaks of selling or giving away all that you have, he speaks of the widow who gave from her need not her excess. What this tells him is you are willing to give it all and trust in him alone not your bank account or your whatever... Anytime you place a "close" on something in regards to someone else you are limiting God's ability to help you.

We must always remember none of us are self starters if you have it was given to you, you think you worked hard for it? Who gave you the ability to do so? You think you are educated, who gave you the mental capacity to learn and the opportunity to do so? Do you think you are special or made different then he/she who was not given this grace???... No the difference between you and he/she is grace... for in everything.."there but the grace of God go you"...

What a wonderful way to sell a book or story as well telling people that God wants you to set limits... Does he? Did he?.... No he gave it all... up to and including his own life... read the gospels. Jesus told everyone who wanted to follow him sell everything you own and give it to the poor and then follow me... So I hold nothing but sorrow in my heart for this person who tells another or does so themselves, stop helping others or closes their account to those in need... For this poor soul no matter who is their counsel does not know God, does not know grace... You say you know Jesus and love him then take the risk... You empty yourself in any manner for his sake and his people he will fill you.. what you do for the least of his people you do for him...

I do not close the account on you or anyone, my spiritual bank account is open to all for my treasure is in heaven not here... I give to all "grants" not loans... no need to pay back.. it was not mine anyhow, any grace I have is not mine it is God's so it is his to give away... Money is not mine in the literally sense nor the figurative and especially not in the spiritual. It is God's so I have no need to protect it ... only the need to share it...

As I end this posting I say do not worry about your accounts be charitable and that means give without strings or control... control is not giving... There are very few people in the world who give of their need or give without strings or control... these are the people who soar spiritually... so stop worrying about your money or lack thereof.... give to others so it can be given unto you.

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